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Week 10 21st November 2014

Worsbrough Common

Thank you!
Thank you to all parents
and carers who joined us
for Parents Evening this
weekIts always great to
see you to discuss your
childs learning. If you
couldnt make it to parents
meeting this week please
feel free to call in and see
your childs teacher at anytime or call in at the office
to see Mrs Ainley or myselfour door is always

Anti-Bullying Week
There have been lots of activities going on this week to
mark AntiBullying week, We started with a fantastic
assembly by our e-cadets about how to stop cyber bullying and each class has been thinking about how to be
a buddy, not a bully! Check out of class blogs to find
out more and see our fantastic anti-bullying week work.

Miss D

Children in
Thank You from Y2

Last Friday we raised an

incredible 285.22 for
Children in Need. Thank
you to everyone for your

Y2 would like to say thank

you to everyone who came
and joined their Onsie
Upon A Time event last
Fridaythere was a great
turn out and a special
thank you goes to everyone who came in a onsie!

Dont forget to visit our school website


Y5 Space Scientists
Year 5 have been
learning about the
solar system. They
really stretched
their capitalising
muscles by making
the most of our nice
new long corridors to
create a model solar
system and calculate
the distance between the planets.
Using loo roll!

EYFS have been to Eureka this week

and have had a great time. They
stretched their noticing and imagination muscles to learn lots as they
explored all the different areas and

Partylite Candle Party

We will be holding a Partylite Candle
Party on 8th December from
5.30pm7.30pm at school. There will
be lots of lovely Christmas ideas and
presents available and free refreshments. All proceeds go towards
school fund. Everyone is welcome so
please do come and join us!

Christmas Dates for your diary:

11th DecOpen day & Christmas Fair. Join us for the afternoon from 13.30pm or come
along to the Christmas Fair at 3.30pm
12th DecChristmas Jumper DayHelp us to raise money for Save the Childrenpay 1
and wear your Christmas Jumper
16th DecKS1 Nativity performance
17th DecKS2 Carol Concert
17th DecChristmas Dinner
18th DecCC & EYFS Christmas Sing-a-long
5th JanSchool Closed for INSET
Keep an eye out for letters containing more information about times and tickets coming
very soon.

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