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Unit 3 Study Guide (Chapter 8 & Chapter 10)

1. Post American Revolution, why was Congress scared of a strong central government?

2. Explain the Land Ordinance of 1785.

3. Explain Shays Rebellion.

4. Who is known as the Father of the Constitution?

5. What is a republic?

6. Under the Articles of Confederation, who had the most power?

7. Explain the Great Compromise & the three-fifths Compromise.

8. What was the main reason some people were against the Constitution?

9. What is a federal system of government?

10. Why did several states refuse to approve the Constitution?

11. What is the purpose of the Bill of Rights?

12. What is the purpose of the first amendment & what rights does it protect?

13. How does freedom of press maintain democracy?

14. What is the general goal/purpose of the 9th & 10th Amendments?

15. What is meant in the 5th Amendment by due process of law?

Test Total of 23 Questions

19 multiple choice
10 vocabulary matching
2 questions based off of understanding population graphs
2 short answer questions using a chart of Legal Rights & Protections in the Bill of Rights

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