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Melani Gardner

Chris Robinson
Tory Pierce
Taylor Johnson
Mr. Ring
19 November 2014

Unit 3

The people of the United States are a key role of the voting process. Let us never forget
that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our
democracy are not a president and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the
voters of this country. (Roosevelt) Political opinion, the electoral college, outside media, public
opinion, and political parties all have an effect on the outcome of elections.
The people can affect the process in electing candidates in many ways. The biggest thing
is voting for who you want to run the country. The people vote on the person based on the
candidates ideas for the country and if they feel theyll do the best job. Citizens can participate in
government by doing this and joining political parties to spread the word on who they want
elected. A major party has substantial influence in the countries polatics. A minor party plays a
much smaller role in politics and often goes unseen. A lot of things can sway political opinion
like family, gender, religion, race & ethnicity, and region. Children dont really care about
politics so therefore they vote the same person their parents like. Some people have reasons not
to vote like bad weather, distance to the poles, disability, difficult work schedule, and some just
may not like any of the candidates.

The people elect people to vote in their favor in the electoral college. One way the
electoral college encourages political participation is because it allows for their voice to be heard
through someone else. One way it discourages political participation is people may not vote
because they dont believe they have an effect on the outcome of the election.
In conclusion the government is overall run by the people. The people decide who they
want to represent them in office. Different people have different views and the people will vote
for people with the same morals as them so they will vote for the things they agree with.
Therefore the people have the most power in government.

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