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) Do you think that it is right for a 4 5 year olds to have laptops, TVs and games consuls at
their ages and why?
2.) Do you think that it is right to stop kids from playing on violent videogames after reading the
first article? Why do you believe this?
3.) What do you think now after hearing about the types of things that the kids are doing in the
play grounds?
4.) If you were the head teacher of the school would you want to stop that type of behaviour
from accruing on the playground or do you believe that it is part of life?
5.) After reading the second article would you agree with the statement that videogames are
too much like real life in the first place?
6.) The video was done in first person, do you believe this is what made the film more like a
video game that a real life re-enactment or do you believe that video game violence is too
close to the real deal?
7.) Have you ever felt after playing a violent game that you wanted to re-enact it to see how it is
in real life to do it? Why?
8.) Why do you think that the man from the third article thought it was a good idea to try and
re-enact the game?
9.) The man who did the crime was from America, do you think that because some of their rules
are different from ours it makes it easier for them to do things l8ike this or do you believe
that it is some3thing to do with the way that they grow up?

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