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Sources in English


Yael Tamir, Liberal Nationalism (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993), p. 49.

Edited book:

Richard Bourke and Raymond Geuss (eds.), Political Judgement: Essays for John Dunn
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009).

Book chapter:

Anthony D. Smith, Nationalism and the Historians, in G. Balakrishnan (ed.), Mapping the
Nation (London: Verso, 1996), p. 177.

Article from an academic journal:

Emily Beaulieu and Susan D. Hyde, In the Shadow of Democracy Promotion: Strategic
Manipulation, International Observers, and Election Boycotts, Comparative Political Studies
42(3), 2009, pp. 410-411.1

The source was mentioned in the previous footnote with the same page number:
The source was mentioned in the previous footnote with a different page number:
The source was mentioned earlier in the text (but not in the previous footnote):

Ibid, p. 75.
Tamir, Liberal Nationalism, p. 60; Smith, Nationalism and
the Historians, p. 180.


Tamir, Yael. Liberal Nationalism. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993.

Edited book:

Bourke, Richard and Raymond Geuss (eds.). Political Judgement: Essays for John Dunn.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Book chapter:

Smith, Anthony D. Nationalism and the Historians, in G. Balakrishnan (ed.), Mapping the
Nation. London: Verso, 1996, pp. 175-197.

Article from an academic journal:

Beaulieu, Emily and Susan D. Hyde. In the Shadow of Democracy Promotion: Strategic
Manipulation, International Observers, and Election Boycotts, Comparative Political Studies
42(3), 2009, pp. 392-415.

Examples of in-text citation

Tamir (1993: 49) argues that

Edited book:

Another collection of essays has been recently published (Bourke and Geuss, 2009)

Book chapter:

According to some scholars of nationalism (Smith, 1996: 177)

Article from an academic journal:

A recent study (Beaulieu and Hyde, 1998: 410-411) finds that


Tamir, Yael. 1993. Liberal Nationalism. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Edited book:

Bourke, Richard and Raymond Geuss (eds.). 2009. Political Judgement: Essays for John Dunn.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Book chapter:

Smith, Anthony D. 1996. Nationalism and the Historians, in G. Balakrishnan (ed.), Mapping
the Nation. London: Verso, pp. 175-197.

Article from an academic journal:

Beaulieu, Emily and Susan D. Hyde. 2009. In the Shadow of Democracy Promotion: Strategic
Manipulation, International Observers, and Election Boycotts, Comparative Political Studies
42(3): 392-415.

If there are more than three authors, only the first name is mentioned, followed by et al., for example: Matthew E. Wetstein et
al., Ideological Consistency and Attitudinal Conflict: A Comparative Analysis of the U.S. and Canadian Supreme Courts,
Comparative Political Studies 42(6), 2009, pp. 395-412.
If there are several items of the same author, published in the same year, the following system is used: 1990a, 1990b, etc.

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