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A generatio

We look into modern day reasearch to
finally determine if video games
do make your children more violent

ver the years videos

games have been sub
ject to a large
amountof bad press claiming they have a large correlation and impact on mass
shootings, murders, rapes
and violence in general.
Research has been done that
shows violent video games
are to blame, but research
has also been done that argues against this.
In 2012, on December 14,
20-year-old called Adam
Lanza fatally shot 20 children and 6 adult staff members. This shooting stood
out from others because
of how young the victims
and also how a young man
who a couple of years before had been described by
his teachers as intelligent, but nervous could
be turned in to a heatless
mass killer.
Know it is most likely that
Lanaz was not psycho-


-logically stable, but a lot

of people believe that the
reason for this was because
of violent video games.
Lanza was believed to have
made hundreds of scoring
sheets and tables, so he
could score himself on his
horrific acts.

youth violence
In his room diagrams and
posters about guns were
found and friend of Lanzas
mum (Lanzas mum was one of
the victims herself) said
that she had told her she
had found disturbing drawings done by Lanza, that he
would rarely leave his room
and would constantly play
on his video games The media coverage on the shoot
has predominantly suggesting
that the game were to blame
and nothing else.

on of


A theory called The Hypodermic Syringe Theory is one

that may be able to be applied. The Hypodermic Syringe Theory work on the
base that the media inject
us with what they want us
think. So for instance that
violent video games are the
reason for desensitizing
younger generation and causing violence in many

Recent events/crimes
supposedly caused by
video games
Sandy Hook Elementary
School shooting
December 14, 2012
Danny Petric

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