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Set Theory

SET is an unordered collection of
distinct and distinguishable object

Ways of Describing Sets

List the elements

Give a verbal description

A is the set of all integers from 1 to 6,

Give a mathematical inclusion rule

A={Integers:x1x 6}

Venn diagrams
Venn diagrams or set diagrams are
diagrams that show all hypothetically
possible logical relations between a finite
collection of sets (groups of things). Venn
diagrams were conceived around 1880 by
John Venn. They are used in many fields,
including set theory, probability, logic,
statistics, and computer science.

Venn diagrams

Some Special Sets

The Null Set or Empty Set.
This is a set with no elements, often
symbolized by

The Universal Set.

This is the set of all elements currently
under consideration, and is often
symbolized by U

Membership Relationships
We say A is a subset of B if , i.e., all
the members of A are also members of

finite sets, infinite sets, cardinality of a set,
B={x|x is odd}
cardinality of A=5 (|A|=5)
A is a proper subset of B.
C is a subset of B.

Power set of A
The set of all subsets of A
A={1,2}, P(A)={, {1}, {2}, {1,2}}
If |A|=n, then |P(A)|=2n.

Combining Sets Set Union

A union B is the set of all elements that
are in A, or B, or both.
This is similar to the logical or operator

A intersect B is the set of all elements
are in both A and B.
This is similar to the logical and

Set Complement
A complement, or not A is the set
of all elements not in A.

Set Complement
The complement operator is similar to
the logical not, and is reflexive, that is,
A =A

Set Difference
The set difference A minus B is the
set of elements that are in A, with those
that are in B subtracted out.
Another way of putting it is, it is the set
of elements that are in A, and not in B,

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