Seminar Prep

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Elliot Isenberg

Seminar Prep
Seminar Prep
Part 1: History
1. Sift through the Edmodo seminar on the Zinn chapters and pick three seminar
questions that you think are particularly thought-provoking. Write them down. Ask
them during seminar.
1. If the Europeans had come too the Americas 20, 50 ,or 100 years later, how would
our culture and the Native peoples culture interact today? If this would to occur I
think African Americans never would have been enslaved.
2. What would the different justice philosophers think of the settlers treatment of the
Natives? Would any of them approve of this treatment to the Indians?
3. How much progress is too much progress?

2. What are the three most important lessons we should take away from Zinns telling
of European conquest and Westward expansion? Use evidence from his chapters to
support each lesson.
1. More specifics of what occurred during Columbuss time.
2. Very detailed and it seems like he is telling the truth.
3. Shows how big of a bias authors have and that in turn affects how they write the

Part 2: Modern Day (The media and Native American Identity)

1. In what ways do the media shape Native American identities today? Cite examples
from Reel Injun, Alexies stories and/or the Dartmouth student essays that show the
stereotypes and their effect on Native Americans personal identities and Western
cultures perception of Native Americans.
In all of the stories and the movie the biggest thing that people base their
knowledge off Native Americans is the stereotypes.
2. How did learning the history that we studied throughout this project help you
better understand the more modern-day readings and/or the real world around us?
Cite examples from the modern-day readings and/or your

By learning the history that we studied I definitely notice how separated both
groups are. I feel like if we knew more and represented these peoples cultures
there wouldnt be this tension or stress between the two cultures
3. Write down 3 thought-provoking questions from either Sherman Alexies stories or
the Dartmouth student essays that youd like to pose during seminar.
In First Person First Peoples Why was Marianne afraid to represent her culture? On
the second page last paragraph she says At home. I felt trapped. If I were to
answer this question I would want to represent my culture to try and sop those
stereotypes. Its hard for to say that considering Im not Native American

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