Art Lesson Plan 2014

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Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 1

Jennifer Garmon

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

LTC 4240: Art for Children
Lesson Title & Big Idea*: Whos that Lady? Big Idea= Identity
Lesson Overview/Summary*: Students will learn about the significance of the State of Liberty and what it represents.
They will learn the history and meaning behind the statue. Students will then create their own statues to represent
themselves or their family.

Grade Level*: 1st

Class Periods Required:
(please circle)
1 2 3

Key Concepts (3-4): What you want the students to know.*

1. Visual Arts:
Artists use statues to convey meaning
Artists use statues as symbols or representations of people,
places, etc.
2. Literacy:
Writing is another way of expressing information
Writing is a way to explain a process or way of thinking
(students are explaining their creative process)
3. Social Studies:
Students will know the history, origin and meaning of the
Statue of Liberty and its significance to the United States

Essential Questions (3-4)*:


What is the history behind the Statue of Liberty?

Why do artists use statues as their art form?
How can statues symbolize or represent people or places?
How can literacy connect or explain visual art?

Lesson Objectives: (Excellent resource at What you want the students to do. *
1. Visual Arts: The students will be able to create their own statues out of clay or model magic that represent important aspects of themselves and/or their
2. Literacy: The students will be able to write a story explaining how their statue represents themselves and/or their family.
3. Social Studies: The students will be able to explain the history and significance of the Statue of Liberty.

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 2

Jennifer Garmon
Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) (3-4) (
1. Visual Art: FA 1 Create original artwork that communicates ideas about the
following themes:
People (e.g., self, family, friends)
Modeling with clay or a similar material:
Pinch, pull, and roll material
2. Literacy:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.1.2 Write informative/explanatory texts in which they
name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.1.6 With guidance and support from adults, use a variety
of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with
3. Social Studies: SS1 1.10 Recognize and explain the significance of the

Identify & define common vocabulary that connect the art form with the
other identified content areas:
Statue: a three-dimensional representation usually of a

person, animal, or mythical being that is produced by

sculpturing, modeling, or casting
Pinch: to squeeze or press (something) together with your
thumb and finger
Pull: To use force to separate part of the clay from a larger
piece of clay
Roll: To shape the clay into a round ball or cylinder

Liberty: the power to do or choose what you want to

Immigrants: a person who comes to a country to live there
Identity: the qualities, beliefs, etc., that make a particular person or
group different from others
Statue of Liberty: a large copper statue of a woman holding a torch
aloft in her right hand located on Liberty Island in New York harbor


Content Areas Integrated*:

1. Visual Art
Frederic Auguste Bartholdi (sculptor who built the Statue of
2. Literacy
3. Social Studies

Lesson Activities & Procedure(s) (please be very specific):

1. Teacher will begin a class discussion by asking who she is dressed
like. This discussion will include the whole class and cover the
following topics
Teacher will state that she is dressed as the Statue of
Vocabulary introduction (Statue of Liberty, statue, liberty,
immigrants, identity). Teacher will just write the words on
the board and say each word during this part of the lesson
Stories of students/teacher if they have been to the statue
of liberty.

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 3

Jennifer Garmon

2. Students will work in small groups to brainstorm and discuss verbally their
own definitions of the vocabulary terms and share with the class after the
part one discussion is finished.
3. Teacher will then create a poster or smart board page with the short,
simple correct definitions of the words (if students are not correct). This
page will be used as a references for students throughout the lesson
4. Teacher and class with work together to help create an interesting and
fun way to remember the vocabulary such as a sentence, rhyme, or symbol.
This is should be a short process (5-10 minutes). These will be added to the
vocabulary reference sheet.
5. Teacher will then hand out a worksheet with the discussion questions
typed up for students to listen for in the short video. Teacher will read each
question aloud so all students know what questions they are listening for.
6. Students will watch a short video on the Statue of Liberty and listen for
the answers to the above questions. Students will not write anything on the
paper during the video.
7. Students will lead a discussion on the answers to the questions and create
a poster/display for the classroom with the answers to review. Students will
also fill in the blanks on the worksheet while teacher fills out the same
worksheet on the smart board.
8. Students and teacher will talk about what they think the Statue of Liberty
represents and what it symbolizes. Teacher will make a list of student
responses on the board. Only the teacher will be doing writing during this
step. Students will share their ideas verbally.
9. Teacher will give a short demonstration on using model magic/clay to
make a statue. She will introduce the art vocabulary (pinch, pull, and roll)
and demonstrate each term with clay.
10. Students will be given about five minutes to draw sketches of their ideas
about creating their statue. Then students will talk to their table partners
and share their ideas.
11. Students will be creating and building statues that represent important
aspects, traits, values, etc. of themselves and/or their family using the art
vocabulary terms to create the statue out of clay.

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 4

Jennifer Garmon

Anticipatory Set (Gaining Attention)*:

I (the teacher) will dress up as the Statue of Liberty and walk around the
classroom like ordinary. Just catching students attention by gaining their
curiosity and attention. This will lead into a discussion about the statue.

12. After students finish their statue they will then write a short piece
describing their statue and what is says about them and their family. The
writing should include the important details that make the statue unique to
13. Students will create a final draft of their writing after having a writing
conference with the teacher to make sure the writing is on topic and answer
any student questions.
14. Students will neatly write their final draft on a special lined paper
provided by the teacher.
15. Students will attach their final draft writing paper to a piece of large
construction paper with their writing on one half and a picture of or the
actual statue next to it.
16. Students will place their writing and statue on their table to prepare for
the walk through closing activity.
17. Students will take 10 minutes to walk around the classroom and look at
other students artwork and writing.
18. The class will meet on the carpet for a final group discussion. Students
will share what they liked about the project, what they learned about the
Statue of Liberty, as well as how they think their statues connect to or are
similar to the Statue of Liberty.
Closure (Reflecting Anticipatory Set):
We will have a class walk through where all of the students finished pieces
(writing and statues) are on display. Students will be able to walk around
and view every students work. As a final note we will end with a short
discussion where students can discuss the project, what they liked, and the
connections they see between their own state and the Statue of Liberty.

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 5

Jennifer Garmon
Formative Assessment strategy: Teacher will facilitate discussion about the
Statue of Liberty as well as the discussion about the important facts from the
video to ensure that students are learning the basics facts about the statue.
For Day two the formative assessment will consist of students sketching their
ideas and discussing with table partners, their ideas about how to create their

Summative Assessment strategy*: Students will turn in or hang up their

finished piece with the writing and statue (or picture of statue) for teacher
to evaluate. Students will participate in a short conference (individually)
about the importance and historical facts of the Statue of Liberty.

What student prior knowledge will this lesson require/draw upon?

Students will need to be familiar with what a statue is as well as how to use clay or model magic to create 3D artwork. Students will also need to be familiar
with the Statue of Liberty and its location.

How will you engage students in imagining, exploring, and/or experimenting in this lesson?
Students will be able to explore and experiment by sharing their ideas and thoughts about the statue. Students will be experimenting in their creation of a 3D
model of a statue that represents themselves.

How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
Students will have free range in creating their sculpture. They can look on the computer or books with sculptures for ideas but they will have to be creative in
choosing their design. I will not give them specific criteria because I want them to explore, experiment and rethink their design if they are not satisfied with
their first idea.

How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning?

Students will lead the discussions about the video answers and discuss discrepancies with other students. Students will have to explain their choices in
designing their statue and why they choose to represent themselves or their family the way they did.
How will you adapt the various aspects of the lesson to differently-abled students?
Students with lower writing ability could write with help of an older student (5th grade buddy)
Teacher can assist with getting the foundation of the statue started
Students with higher writing ability can write longer more detailed story or use a different form of writing
Students could draw their statue (for students who wont work with clay)

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 6

Jennifer Garmon
What opportunities/activities will students be given to revise and improve their understandings and their work?
Students and teacher will discuss the answers to the video questions to make sure everyone is on the same page. Students will have time to rework their
statues if needed. Students will create rough drafts of their writing and then conference with the teacher before preparing the final draft to accompany their
statue for display.

What opportunities/activities will you provide for students to share their learning in this lesson?
Students will lead a variety of discussions about the statue. Students will create a class poster about what they think the Statue of Liberty represents.
Students will get to put their own statues and writing about their creations on display in the classroom or school.

Lesson Resources/References (please be very specific by providing links, authors, titles, etc.):
Barton, E. (n.d.). The History of Sculpture. Retrieved November 18, 2014, from
Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2014, from
Statue History. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2014, from

Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 7

Jennifer Garmon

Statue of Liberty Video Note Sheet:

1. The Statue of Liberty is in __________ ___________ city.
2. The Statue of Liberty was received on October 28th ___________________.
3. ______________ gave America the Statue of Liberty.
4. The statue is holding a __________ in her hand.
5. The statue is located on ______________ Island.

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