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In this age of technological advancement access to knowledge and

information has become easy.
Right information at the right time with correct usage and
ensures success.
Business complexities and the nature of todays economic activities
necessitate the supply of right
information. Traditionally, HR has been considered an unavoidable
expense and not as an investment.
Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is an information pool that caters to the
regular necessities of employees. The objective of HRIS is to develop and manage the
information necessary for the functioning of HR besides simplifying work. With HRIS,
organizations can enhance their performance with minimal investment. It can also be used
as a tool that anticipates and calculates the costs incurred and those that can be averted.

Human resource information systems (HRIS) have increasingly transformed

since it was first introduced at General Electric in the 1950s. HRIS has gone from
a basic process to convert manual information keeping systems into
computerized systems, to the HRIS systems that are used today. Human resource
professionals began to see the possibility of new applications for the computer.
The idea was to integrate many of the different human resource functions. The
result was the third generation of the computerized HRIS, a feature-rich, broadbased, self-contained HRIS. The third generation took systems far beyond being
mere data repositories and created tools with which human resource
professionals could do much more (Byars, 2004).
HRIS Prerequisites:

Evaluation is fundamental to HRIS. It provides a clear picture of the working

pattern and
requirements of various departments of the organization. The process highlights
the space in organization.
Implementing HRIS:

Construct the required HRIS

Collating and linking data with other systems
Conversion of data
An effective project team is crucial for implementing a HRIS. HR managers
participation and
active involvement are imperative for effective and efficient implementation of
the system.

The impact:

HRIS brings about significant changes in an organizations outlook. The

Strategic focus
Effective tool for recruitment and selection
Control on employee benefits
Collating of compliance efforts
Cost effective

Recruitment and selection:

Employee Benefits
Empower-The tool
Managing Compensation:
Return On Investment (ROI):

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