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Emily Anthony

Rada Wohlt
Observed November 11th-26th
Full Assessment

English Language Arts:

CCSS: Reading Foundation Skills
KR: Demonstrates awareness of sounds
Rate: produces and blends the sounds of letter patterns into recognizable words
Rada sat on my lap as a read him a book, when I prompted him to find the 4 monkeys on the page, he
pointed and counted out loud the 4 monkeys.

Next Step: for Rada to produce words that rhyme with oral prompts

CCSS: Reading foundational skills

KR: Demonstrates awareness of symbols
Rate: recognize familiar symbols
During circle time, Rada said the word dog while we were reading the book Beach Day.

Next Step: for Rada to physically point to the word dog on the page and say dog.

CCSS: Reading-information texts

KR: uses print for pleasure and information
Rate: Imitates proper handling of books
Rada turned the pages of a book from front to back while he sat on a lab students lap.

Next Step: for Rada to point to the pictures on the pages and tell a story to go along with it.

CCSS: Reading literature text

KR: comprehends details and events and main ideas
Rate: Identifies details from a story or picture
Rada pointed to an action that is happening in the book when prompted by a teacher.

Next step: for Rada to express what might happen after the action in the book.

CCSS: Writing Standards

KR: Writing for a specific purpose and audience
Rate: Associated writing with purpose
Rada drew a pictures and scribblesd on the paper when it is free play at the center.

Next Step: for Rada to express ideas about what he is drawing and ask a teacher to write a message
about the picture.

CCSS: Language Conventions

KR: using writing implements
Rate: Copies specific writing marks
Rada copied a line onto his paper.

Next Step: for Rada to copy a letter such as the letter R to associate that R is the first letter in his name.

CCSS: Listening and Speaking

KR: Demonstrates receptive language
Rate: Follows an unfamiliar direction
Rada followed simple two step directions. When we came in from the outdoor classroom, I asked rada
to take off his shoes and wash his hands to get ready for lunch. When he was done he went back in the
classroom to play. A lab student redirected him to the table for lunch.

Next Step: for Rada to follow directions that have more detail in them such as asking him to take off his
shoes, wash his hands with soap and walk slowly to the table for lunch time.

CCSS: Speaking and Listening

KR: Demonstrates expressive language
Rate: uses simple phrases and sentences with simple grammatical rules
Rada was asked if he wanted to try his tomato during lunch time. Rada responded with No me like
that and pulled it off of the English muffin.

Next Step: for Rada to use 6 word sentences such as No thank you, I dont like them.
CCSS: Counting, cardinality and operations
KR: Counting and quality
Rate: Identifies more
Rada verbally indicated that he wanted more crackers during lunch time. He did not have any crackers
on his plate when he communicated he wanted more. He took the utensil from the bowl and helped
himself to more crackers. He then put the utensil back into the bowl and pushed it away.

Next Step: for Rada to point to the bowl and ask for the number of crackers he would like to have such
as two more crackers please.

CCSS: Operations and Algebraic thinking

KR: Computation
Rate: Matches objects and sets
Rada matched up the string with the same length of the tape on the table. He then took the other string
and matched that up as well to the same length. With some help from a lab student, Rada continued to
place the strings on the correct pieces of tape that matched the length. When he was finished he look
up and said I did it.

Next step: for Rada for verbally identify that the string was the same length as the tape on the table.

CCSS: Measurement and Data

KR: Time
Rate: Uses vocabulary to identify events in a routine
Rada understood and demonstrated that he understands one more. When his mom came to pick him
up he did not want to leave the center. His mom said that he could read one more story with the lab
student and then it would be time to put his shoes on and go home. He read the story with the lab
student and then got up to put his shoes on.

Next Step: for Rada to ask his mom if he could read one more story and then put his shoes on. The goal
is to indicate that when his mom and there and he puts his shoes on it is time to go home.

CCSS: Measurement and Data

KR: Location
Rate: Communicates with location
Rada followed directions involving location. Miss Davidson handed Rada the basket of baby toys during
clean up time and she asked him to put it away on the infant bench where all of the other baby toys go.
Rada turned around and walked directly towards the infant bench and put the basket on the bench.

Next Step: for Rada to ask Miss Davidson if she wanted the toy on top of the bench or under the bench.

CCSS: Measurement and Data

KR: Length, capacity weight temperature
Rate: differentiates gradients of
Rada played in the outdoor discovery table that was filled with sand and water. He packed the sand into
the bucked using the shovel. He then poured the bucket of sand out back into the discovery table. When
asked if the sand was warm or cold Rada replied with Cold. Rada was then asked if the water or the
sand was colder and he replied with dunno.

Next Step: for Rada to distinguish that the water was colder than the sand.

CCSS: Geometry
KR: sorting and classifying objects
Rate: Matches same attributes
On the science table there was a basket of pinecones, leaves, and wooden shapes. Rada took out all of
the pine cones of the baskets and matched them to the length of the tape from smallest to largest.

Next Step: for Rada to recognize that the opposite of small is large by holding the pincones next to each
other to compare size.
Personal Care
Core Standard 1: Oral
Rate: 4 Chews with rotary movement
Rada used his tongue to chew his food swallow it without any problems.

Next Step: for Rada to chew with his lips together.

Core Standard 2: Self Feeding

Rate: 4 use utensils and open cup to feed self
Rada asked for more fruit from the bowl. I passed it to him and he took a scoop from the bowl and some
of it spilled onto the table and the other half made it to his plate. Rada then took another scoop seeing
that he did not have as much as he wanted on his plate.

Next Step: for Rada to scoop the fruit from the bowl onto his plate without spilling a lot of it on the

Core Standard 3: Dressing and undressing

Rate 3: completes dressing and undressing
Rada removed his coat by unzipping the zipper and removed his shoes without assistance when coming
in from outdoor play.

Next Step: for Rada to zip his coat up by himself or for him to button up his sweater without assistance.

Core Standard 4: care of hands, face and nose

Rate 2: I asked Rada if he needed a tissue after he sneezed. He replied yes and I went and got him one.
When I came back I held it to his nose and he blew into it.

Next Step: for Rada to ask for a tissue on his own when he needs one and to blow into it without teacher

Core Standard 5: Toileting

Rate 3: Completes toileting independently
Rada came up to a teacher when he needed to use the restroom. He took off all of his clothing as well as
put them on all by himself.

Next Step: for Rada to wipe his own bottom without assistance when he has a bowl movement.

Physical Care
Core Standard: sensory integration
Rate: 3 regulates sensory input with assistance
When Rada got dropped off he had a hard time. He gave his parent 3 or 4 hugs before letting them leave
and cried while saying no. He was redirected to something fun in the classroom such as the discovery
table to calm him down and get him accumulated to the classroom.

Next Step: for Rada to comfort himself when he is dropped off such as grabbing a book for a familiar
teacher to read to him while he is sad.

Core Standard 2: physically stability

Rate: 4 Demonstrates stability, balance, and control in upright position
Rada crawled through the tunnel on all fours and stood up when he was finished. He then ran around
back to the beginning of the tunnel and repeated the process.

Next Step: for Rada to skip or hop on one foot with assistance and then gradually learn to balance and
do that on his own.

Core Standard 3: gross motor skills

Rate: sustains physical activity
Rada and Lucas took turns blowing the bubbles from the wand outside. Rada chased the bubble and the
wind blew the bubble in the opposite direction it was going. Rada stopped the direction he was running
and started to go the other way.

Next Step: for Rada to learn how to ride a tricycle since his balancing skills are strong.

Core Standard 4: Object Control

Rate: throws, catches and kicks objects
Rada caught the large blue and green ball close to his body when I tossed it to him. I then tossed him the
small red and white ball and it fell through his hands and onto the floor.

Next Step: for Rada to be able to catch smaller balls using both of his hands.

Core Standard 5: precision hand skills

Rate: 3 uses fingers of two hands to complete activities
Rada cut the play-dough into small pieces using the play cutter. He lined two pieces up and cut them at
the same time.

Next Step: for Rada to use and manipulate the play cutter to cut the play-dough into shapes.
Social Emotional
Core Standard: sense of self and others
Rate: 3 engages with others
With assistance Rada shared the measuring tools with the other children that were placed in the
discovery table.

Next Step: for Rada to help the younger children with scooping and measuring that the discovery table
with prompts.

Core Standard 2: manages emotions

Rate: responds to a variety of emotions
Rada expressed his emotions when he was dropped off in the morning. He showed expression of being
upset that his mom left.
Next Step: for Rada to indicate yes that he is upset when a teacher asks Are you sad because your mom

Core Standard 3: interpersonal skills

Rate 3: interact with others
Rada participated in a group activitie such as working together at the science table. Together Maggie
Rada and Lucas discovered what shapes matched the clay molds with assistance from a lab student. The
lab student said This is a triangle and Rada replied with Triangle.

Next Step: for Rada to engage in self-structured activities such as dramatic play with classmates without
an adult assisting.

Core Standard 4: responsibility

Rate: 3 follows the rules
Rada had played with the blocks and when he was done he walked away without cleaning them up.
When prompted to clean them up from Miss Davidsons clean up song he did.

Next Step: for Rada to clean up the black area when he is done playing with them without being

Core Standard 5: problem solving

Rate: uses trial and error to manipulate objects
Radas favorite color is orange. In the classroom we have a small orange ball that he likes to play with.
On this day it was missing and he kept saying orange ball. Finally a lab student asked him if he wanted to
play with the orange ball and he replied with Yes. When the lab student asked where the ball was,
Rada responded with a dunno. The lab student and Rada looked around the classroom together by
crawling on the floor and finally found the ball.

Next Step: for Rada to try and find the ball around the classroom first instead of saying orange ball. He
could even ask a teacher to help him find it by using the words can you help find the orange ball.

Core Standard 6: learning

Rate: 2 sustains attention to preferred activities
Rada demonstrated curiosity at the art table for a short period of time. He only put one layer of paper
mache on the box and the said Me all done now. He then got up and walked over to the discovery
table to see what Berenger was exploring.

Next Step: for Rada to engage and sustain attention on his activity such as exploring the paper mache
more before walking away and doing something else .

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