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Russia's gas fight with Ukraine

"Russia's Gas Fight with Ukraine." BBC News. Ed. Paul Kirby. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2014.

Summary (No less than 10 sentences for full credit)

This article talks about Russia returning Ukraines gas supplies. They stopped the
movement of supplies because they said Ukraine wasnt trying to pay Russia their debt.
Another reason was because of the conflict between the government in Kiev and proRussian rebels in the east escalated. They also explained that it wasnt the first time
Russia turned off the supplies from the Ukraine. Ukraine, until the current crisis, relied
on Russia for half of their oil supplies. Without the oil supplies, theyre citizens would
freeze. This article also talks about the increasing price if Russias gas. The article says
its due to the Crisis with Ukraine. The Ukraine has agreed to pay 2 payments this year to
pay off most of their debt to Russia. By next year the debt should be completely paid off
to make sure Ukraine gets the gas they need from Russia.

Reaction (Must include evidence of point of view and/or bias and/or understanding of
article; no less than 6 sentences for full credit)
- My reaction to this article is very concerned. I feel like Russia should be able to
take away the gas supply from the Ukraine if theyre not getting paid for it. Russia
probably has to pay the people who are getting out the oil or the people who are
working. They need to get the money they shouldnt have to do it for free. I think
that the fact that Russia is having them pay 4 different payments is a great idea.
It shows Ukraine they have to see that paying for the gas they get from Russia as a
priority or a responsibility.

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