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Christopher Ngo



Week 3 Reflection
The unit for week 3 of Tiger Pride for my 22 4th graders was Chasing, Fleeing, and Dodging. On
Monday, October 6, 2014 and Wednesday, October 8, 2014, the lesson focus was on maintaining
personal space and incorporating previously learned skills while chasing, fleeing, and dodging. Previously
learned skills consist of personal space, general space, cooperation, teamwork, and high-med-low levels.
The lesson was taught at Cleveland Elementary on the blacktop at the back of the school. The
equipment required for Monday were 10 cones, 5 hula hoops, and 5 pennies (jerseys). The cones were
used to mark off boundaries, the hula hoops served as safe areas during space tag, and the 5 pennies
were used for 4 students who were it and 1 student who was super-it. On Wednesday, equipment was
significantly less as it only required two noodle sticks that served as wands, and 4 pennies of different
The student learning outcomes for both days of teaching were the same as I felt that 2 teaching
sessions were required for the concepts to really sink it with students. The students also enjoy chasing,
fleeing, and dodging so I figured that it is only appropriate to dedicate 2 days to the unit. For the
psychomotor domain, by the end of the lesson, students should be able to perform various locomotor
movements to effectively chase, flee, or dodge their classmates at different levels (high, med, low)
during each given activity. For the cognitive domain, students should be able to discuss strategies they
used for chasing, fleeing, and dodging and designate 1 benefit of chasing, fleeing, and dodging and why
personal space is important to successfully do those three tasks. For the affective domain, students will
be able to include chasing, fleeing, and dodging concepts to complete the task while exhibiting traits like
smiling, laughing, screaming, handing out high-fives, and having positive dialogue regarding the activity.
As for health-related fitness, chasing, fleeing, and dodging helps students with their cardio when they
are running and engaging in activity. The affective domain contributes to health as students socialize
with one another and share positive energy. I believe I successfully achieved my student learning
outcomes as students were very active in answering questions during the student-teacher
demonstrations and the closure. Based on my assessment strategies I used throughout my lesson, the
students seemed to have grasped the concepts of chasing, fleeing, and dodging very well. The main area
of focus I had to really preach about was safe tagging techniques as students tend to disregard safety in
exchange for what they perceive as more fun when they push their classmates. To better reach my
student learning outcomes, I would change my activities to make them more interesting to my students.
By adding more extension tasks, it would keep students engaged in activity for a longer amount of time
and prevent misbehaviors that hinder class progress.
Although my activity time increased this week from last week, I believe that it could have been
better. I didnt hit maximum practice opportunities as behavior was again an issue I had to deal with this
week. During the time that activity was occurring, students were able to improve motor skill
performance, and it was appropriate for the age level. I need to work on providing my student
maximum practice opportunities and it will remain as a top priority for the entire semester. On Monday,
activity was only 14% of the class time, instruction was 27.4% and 58.5% of the class was dedicated to
management. On Wednesday, activity time increased to 24%, instruction time decreased to 16.6%, and
time dedicated to management remained at 59%. Despite the increase of activity time from Monday to
Wednesday, the ratio shift was from instruction to activity when I wanted it to shift from management
to activity. This is still a small win in my books but I want to make a conscious effort of decreasing
management time. In order to do this, I must make some changes in my management strategies. All my

Christopher Ngo



students had the opportunity to practice at a high level but some students decided to waive their
chances by misbehaving. I always try to encourage activity and maximize practice opportunities by
compromising with my students even if theyre misbehaving but I might have to be more strict to make
a statement. To improve more successful practice opportunities, I must simplify not only instruction but
game rules. Simplifying game rules will make tasks more attainable, increase successful practices, help
develop higher self-esteem and confidence levels and in turn, result in higher participation rates that
decrease behavioral issues. I did offer my students the chance to develop and make progress with the
skill set. By taking a minute or two to discuss strategies and check for understanding, I am allowed to
assess my students progress as well as my own. This allows me to know where certain students are and
the area of interest I can help improve. I can utilize my teacher movement to get to more students
throughout my class period to provide constructive feedback and work either 1-on-1 or in small groups
to tend to individual needs.

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