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The Green Light

The Light shines bright

in the distance. Flickering on and off
and back on again
in an endless symphony.
As my grail, my Light, my hope and happiness
recedes before my eyes
I am forced to look at the past
with eyes dulled by endless wonder
and consumed by what nearly they achieved.
The eyes of God,
of Dr. Eckleburg,
shine over every field and plot of ashes.
Of every light they drink
and they consume the souls of the unworthy.
His spectacles,
golden shining rims of light,
hide the blackness,
the deep blue of the ocean,
the darkness of one's soul,
in his eyes. In my heart.
Though I know how much I've worked
and strove for a better life
in the end it's all emptiness and rot.
So many daisies could fall from the sky
and yet
I would not be shocked. I would not move.
I would stand blind
as the green light blinks unceasingly on.
The green light,
blind to all worldly concerns,
stands only alike with
God himself.
The bright gayety of summer
gives way to fall and winter
and the cold seeps into the soul
but the light,
my green Light,
warms me to the core.
Yet the green light,
the holy and wonderful Light,
remains ever
beyond my grasp.

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