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-by Aidan

A short time line of the world of ICE SHARD

Global warming has long destroyed the earth and turned it into a fiery waste land. The poor and the
rich have long been divided.
Year 2029 -the government is created by small nations to stop global warming
Years 2030- the world is turned into a fiery wasteland through the line of Capricorn is untouched by
the sun flares
Year 2031- United Nations falls- movable nations are created
Year 2032- war for power starts- movable nations vs. the government
Year 2048- movable nations are destroyed by the government. As a last attempt of the movable
nations- they destroy the internet and create Zetta. The government falls apart because of the
destruction of the internet.
Year 2050- the government rebuilds themselves creating the government: 2.0
Year 2054- the government rules with an iron fist and strict laws are in place
Years 2071- BLANK is born

2079 AD
(18 of February 2079)

An 8 year old with black hair rushed down the steps of his home, the 37th Avenue and down the lift.
The alarm ringed thought out his ears. The 8 year old,-BLANK was now up on the main deck, which
was crowded with panicking people. The first thing that came to BLANKs mind was, - FIND HIS
PARENTS. The ice cold water wash over BLANKs face, his ice vessel* THE ICE SHARD was going to
sink; and his family probably were on the other side of vessel. BLANKs mind began processing a
thousand things at once, he couldnt swim so no way out of that, the life boats were only for the
rich- he and his family were poor, and how was he going to meet back up with his parents on a
sinking ship? The metal plated deck rocked loudly, which woke BLANK from his thinking fit, making
him aware of his surroundings and what must be done
Suddenly the metal rocked onto its side to cause all to crew and passengers to slide to the north side
of the ice vessel, unfortunately this is where BLANK was. The passengers were knocking BLANK and
other people closer towards the edge, BLANK was lucky enough to grab hold of an old guide rope.

Others, who were not so lucky, fell into the cold watery void. The full force of panic only struck
BLANK and the rest of the passengers, the north side of the vessel was going to SINK!!! Panic blinded
stricken passengers dived and push trying to going to the south side, in the process blindly pushing
people down towards their watery doom. Then the guide rope snapped causing BLANK to be taken
by gravity towards the ocean...
BLANK fell onto the water surface causing all the air be kicked of his stomach. The feeling was short
lived as he entered the colder area of the water, his body was now freezing and burning from the
heating up of the ship, and the freezing waters of the arctic. His vision turned black. The last thing
BLANK remembered was a ship, or an ice vessel of small size approaching the burning remains of the
ice shard.

2 YEARS LATER (2081)

BLANK woke up to another hard night of work, but that was the usual thing on Aqua Flame.
Tonight BLANK was annoyed- it was the annoying sound becoming from the large water converter*1
from down stairs. He had lucky enough to be saved by a smaller ice vessel called- Aqua Flame,
which was like a toy compared to the size of The Ice Shard. But what was so unlucky was the fact
that hard labour was needed, and slaves where on hard demand; so BLANK was saved into slavery.
He then got his old spanner left the slave dorm and went down into the old boiler room, his shift had
started. He opened the door to the boiler room and was welcomed by a rush of unreal heat. The
sound inside was very deafening; workers were working hard as ever. BLANK quickly put his name on
the shift board and started the work
Halfway through his shift he heard two words: ice Shard, curious he started eavesdropping even
though it wasnt the sort of thing he would do, let alone a slave.
Ice shard strange 18 of February 2079sinking.engine problemSabotaged!(?) whispered an
unknown source.
BLANK even more curious tried to find out more, but the unknown source/s of these words stopped
speaking all together. Then he was whipped for stoping his job. But the idea of the sinking of Ice
shard remained and was strongly enforced in BLANKs mind.

1 year later (2082)

The last year for BLANK had been very hard, he was getting older and so with work was harder, the
loss of his family had also finally started to sink in; the past years he didnt have the energy and the
time to think about his parents, but now he had been given free-time after his work as payment.
Also he didnt have any friends and was always lonely, sad and had no one to talk to. BLANK today
was working on the boiler room like usual, until he had come across someone new, (seeing new
faces are unusual on Aqua Flame). The slaves name was Stan, and he was meant to come from
the inland*2. Curiosity was always getting the better of him, with life been so boring,

uneventful, timetabled, so BLANK decided to talk to Stan, in his free time. He was unaware that he
had free break the same time as Stan. This caused his meeting to be rushed and unexpected.
He approached Stan in the mess hall (*3), and sat down next to him, Stan didnt notice him until he
So, your name is Stan, and whats the inland like, asked BLANK in a rush trying to the main point.
Stan jumped from the unexpected voice next to him.
What, sorry, I didnt see you there,- what where you saying said Stan.
Whats the inland like? asked BLANK, who was now rushing completely to the point.
Will not much to say about it, big, flat, not as much water around and there are still animals and the
plants there. Why do you want to know this stuff anyway? And who are you? said Stan the slave.
My name, I dont have a name *sigh*, though people just call me BLANK. Long story so JUST dont
ask..., said BLANK in a depressed tone. Anyway the inland cant be as big right like the worlds
biggest ice vessel, imagine how funny it would be, said BLANK trying desperately to change the
*Snicker* Ok believe what you want, but; IM right and I can prove it whispered Stan while
waving the trading and cargo time tables.
No way, if the boss fines out said BLANK in wide eye shock.
BUT dont worry, how could he find out whispered back Stan.
Any way what would you do to when you get there; everyone knows the government is highly
dislikes the poor. And that they have a major removal plan that I dont want to go into Theres just
no point of running away.
Ok fine, said Stan sadly, who hated the slave-labour of aqua flame.
It was days before Stan and BLANK talked to each other again, mainly because work was as hard as
ever. But this time curiosity got the better of Stan, this happened when thinking back to his back
past, and how he got here.
I wonder how BLANK got here? wondered Stan
So the next shift Stan asked BLANK about his past and how he came to be. BLANK told him about
ice shard and his family.
Ice shard, ice shard where, where here I seen that name? Where have I? said Stan thinking out
What do you mean? asked BLANK.

Ive got it, -it was in some old government report file by the name of ICE SHARD said Stan, I can
show you if you want, it was in the cargo supply plane,- the one that the government uses to ship
II just show to me Im lost for words, -the government never really helped our ice vessel, they
tried to make it very hard for us, said BLANK who was lost for words.
After reading the intercepted letter (which Stan incepted), BLANK was lost for words. How could the
government do this, and what is Zetta?
Then Stan explained it all
Im part of a secret anti-government organisation, which today is known famously but is very hard
to get into. This note was intercepted when I was on a mission, to warn the ice vessel ice shard of
its fate, instead I got this note, which was meant for the mastermind. (Other words the leader of
the earth, its just a codename and no one really knows who he or she is.) The other ice shard is
the governments secret organisation which does the governments dirty work which is named after
its first major mission. The ice vessel ice shard was sunken by the government to try and kill off
Zetta, which was hosting a meeting there, containing most of the leaders, lucky we had an escape
plan the government at the moment thinks were dead or very weak, explained Stan. I came here
because I was on a mission, which was to find the governments HQ; VIA tracking the documents and
traded services that the government is using. Do you what to help me, since you know, all about the
event of the sinking of ice shard. So do you want to help me, Ive found the last stop of the
governments postal services, the next is the HQ; which who knows maybe its in the inland!
BLANK thought for a long time, about the sinking, the loss of his family, the governments dark side
and the very fact that there wasnt another route that didnt involve slavey. Then he said, Yes.

BLANK and Stan slept inside the cargo bay of the cargo plane, quietly as stowaways. The plane was
going directly to the governments base, and BLANK planned to get revenge.
It was 5:00am when the plane landed, and BLANK was shocked by how large and massive the
inland was.
I told you so, said Stan in a matter-of-fact-voice; AND YOU WOULDNT BELIEVE ME! he added.
Ok, ok I was wrong, just stop the nagging, and remember we are on a mission; said BLANK.
The plane stopped as BLANK finished his sentence, and Stan finally got the big message this was
Out the cargo plane, men were checking the plane for anti-government spies, stowaways and
assassins. BLANK realised this was harder than he thought. When the men stopped checking the
outside, the first place they went was the cargo room. BLANK swore he heard one of them say its

the best place to hide, if I was hiding. Stan tapped BLANK on the shoulder which gave the signal to
hide, fast.
It probably would have been a better idea NOT to hide inside of a box labelled top secret, said
BLANK as he started to regret his decision.
Remind me, why I trust and listen you, seriously; why? What have I got myself into? mumbled Stan
BLANK and Stan were now been delivered in a strange machine (known to Stan as a helicopter).
Well at less those documents arent secret for longer, sighed BLANK, who was trying to keep his
mood up.
I g-guess, stuttered Stan who was still finding it hard to get over the fact of been in a (literally)
tight situation.
BLANK tried to look at the documents but was no use-it was too dark inside of the box, and he
couldnt just go outside of the box, the pilots would give him to the government, who would have
had him killed for spying on them.
After a long period of time the helicopter stopped moving and it was time for the cargo boxes to
be shipped to where they were meant to go. Stan fell asleep on the journey inside the top secret
box, so BLANK ended up on slapping Stan to wake him up. The box rattled and groaned as it moved.
Where are we going, asked BLANK.
Well you wanted to get inside the government HQ and thats the problem where we are going;
said Stan.
The box was now tipped to the side, causing all of its contents to side down towards the bottom, this
caused Stan to end up on top of BLANK and a thousand official documents. Outside the man who
was carrying the box- Jake Sam Easternly heard a thump that didnt sound like paper. Following the
job rules he opened the box labelled top secret
Stan was blinded by the sunlight, and was pulled out of the top secret box; meanwhile BLANK
was unaware of the situation that was taking place because he was covered in top secret
documents. The only thing BLANK noticed was disappearance of Stans weight. Stan stood there in
shock, unexpectedly Jake the box carrier tasered him on the spot.
Youre going to have to go through a lot of pain when the government gets you; said Jake angrily.
BLANK who had no idea on what was going on, stayed inside the box, while he was taken into the
HQ. Hours later BLANKs box was inspected, the end result was BLANK been captured and
*** (see interview)

After BLANK had been interrogated he was threatened to be tortured if he didnt give information
that the Ice shard wanted. He was then locked up in a very damp cell; BLANK banged the walls in
protests, who knew the government was this evil. About an hour of just sitting, protesting and
thinking, a voice through the door said, Pss its me, Stan- Im here to free you.
Where have you been, asked BLANK; and how should I know its you?
Well, umerr um; your shift number on the aqua flame was 29... said Stan, and dont ask me
how I knew this, because I saw your timetable!
But where have you been? asked BLANK.
Lets just say I meet up with a few old friends (from Zetta,) whispered Stan through the door. Jake
the box carrier just happened to be a Zetta spy, continued Stan.
Ok, I get the point lets just get out of here! said BLANK.
The door clicked open there stood Stan there ginning. Then the alarm went off and Stans gin melted
away. The two boys ran down the corridor, as the alarm ring in their ears.
After a while Stans and BLANKs leg started to turn into jelly. After 20 minutes of non-spot running
they were reunited with the sunlight from outside. There Stan and BLANK jumped into one of the
helicopters with Jake the double Zetta agent spy, who was piloting the helicopter.
Stan and BLANK soon got away with the important information of the ice shard and the
governments HQ whereabouts, but something bugged BLANK,- why didnt they let us get away so
easily? he asked Stan, and Stan just shrugged.
The tracker went just to plan it was placed on the boy- with the name BLANK, said agent
Good, soon we would know where Zetta is hiding, and soon they WILL be history! said the



*-ice vessels are boat like cities that travel along the arctic ice ring. They usually house poor people.
*1- water converters convert ice into fresh water; they are usually made up of boilers rooms
*2-because earth has been scorched by solar flares and global warming the only safe spot inland is
the line of the Capricorn which is home to the government, and rich personal; this place is known
as the inland.
*3-mess hall is a room/building where people eat together

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