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(.(_).) Alienated? Alintus: the truth is out there

I know most of you are used to the shimon peres and benjamin
netanyahu pictures at HQ, yes indeed he is in business
partnership like ANY TOP500 company, now with that said, I know
way more evil men that Mark, and even if I have a full album taking
the piss at him, like most people take the piss at me and this page
(normal, visibility does that! no matter what), I wanted to share
those pictures of him few know, and I'd let you judge by yourself,
no matter the fact a rothschild is a PR employee, the fact is
Facebook is allowing us to do something we never did before: try
to bring truth where media is hiding it, facebook and twitter with
youtube and google literally destroyed the old media, yes they
make a lot of big money with advertisement but why should I care,
people say pages like mine are literally killing gazan kids by
sponsoring bombs, does that make sense to you? the biggest
ennemy of what happens today on earth IS THE TRUTH, so I
doubt they would accept the money generated from truthing as
payload enough to overcome the risk of it, many call me a cyber
utopian fighting a useless digital battle, I say, what else can you
truly do as one man that is more peaceful than violent and a
military man? I say READ & educate, and to that extend from what
I see this page is online for two years, so the zionist haters saying
"oh yeah delete your page this is a Jewish page" I say yes it is a
Jewish page not a Zionist one, and Mark, born a Jew openly
declares himself an Atheist, no matter what he negotiates with the
illuminaughty and we all know about his sweater hoodie with the
hexagram from 2010, we are in 2014, analyze the FACTS on the
table in all impartiality with a rational critical thinking brain, and let
the thinking box behind the one zion wants you to think in -peace

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