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Daily Writing 1

One person in my life who has helped my literary narrative is my mother. A t a very young age,
she would read books and stories to me and my brother, helping us understand different words
and how they are pronounced. She also assisted me in writing my first short stories for school.
Daily Writing 2
A special setting can play a key role in the development of a literary narrative. Personally, my
bedroom was a place that I felt was comfortable and inspiring. The large windows and tall
ceilings created an open atmosphere that aloud my imagination to flow freely. Three skylights
that also invited sunlight to illuminate the room.
Daily Writing 3
One of the greatest times of the year during elementary school was the book fair. I remember
the small waxy booklets that were handed out with all of the books portrayed in bold colors to
attract the buyers. When the book fair came around, picking out a book was like going pumpkin
picking. The best book was the biggest book with a lot of interesting pictures.
Daily Writing 4
Your favorite childhood book is something you remember for the rest of your life. The reason is
because deep down, an emotional connection was made. My personal favorite childhood book
was Tyrone the Horrible, which was about a T-Rex that bullied and stole from other dinosaurs.
At the end of the book, he is tricked by a smaller, clever dinosaur. My mother would read this
book to me and my siblings before bed.

Daily Writing 5
The computer was fortunately a big part of my household growing up, for the purpose of my
fathers work. I remember distinctively playing different games such as I-Spy and Sesame
Street. Our elementary school provided a computer lab that classes would go to in order to
learn typing and getting used to using the computer.
Daily Writing 6
In the novel Secret Life of Bees, the one character that I can find a connection with was Zach.
The connection I feel that I have with Zach is that we both played sports in high school. Zach is
also a very hard worker, which I feel I am as well. He being of African American decent does not
stop him from pursing Lilly and a career as a lawyer.
Daily Writing 7
1. Belk Tower
2. History of the Campus (land)
3. Cato Hall
Daily Writing 8
1. What is the reasoning for the platform next to the Belk tower?
2. How many renovations has the Atkins library undergone?
3. What was the first sports program introduced on the UNCC campus?
Daily Writing 9

10/1- Research Day/ WRC visit

10/8- Research Day/ WRC visit
10/13- Peer review
10/15- Final Draft UNC Charlotte History Project due
For my UNC Charlotte History project, I will be conducting a survey of 20 students in our class.
The survey will ask some general knowledge questions about Robinson Hall, such as if they have
been there and where it is located on campus. I feel that not many people have been to
Robinson Hall due to its location on campus.
Daily Writing 10
In much of society, research means to investigate something you do not know or understand.
This quote spoke to me because the word investigate struck something in my mind. When we
research, we are trying to uncover clues and connect facts about the topic researched. This
involves searching for many different types of sources found in various locations.
Daily Writing 11
Being an honest person is a trait that is crucial in becoming an overall moral being. According
to the passage, I believe that there was either money in the wallet, or there wasnt. That is the
job of the audience to interpret what kind of person the scenario is about.
Daily Writing 12

Over the weekend, I watched a short documentary pertaining to Gothic Cathedrals on the
internet. The video helped me gain more knowledge on the topic that will help me on my
presentation. It talked about the modern cathedrals and how time has weathered them down.
Daily Writing 13
A photo that stands out to me from my life is of a time at Disney World in Orlando Florida.
Specifically, its of me and my dad on Splash Mountain. We had a tradition going of purchasing
a picture each time we rode the ride. I find that these photos matter because it shows our bond
and growth together.
Daily Writing 14
Did you receive any helpful suggestions?
In the past, peer review was not the most common form of editing for me. When a teacher did
however ask for a peer review with fellow classmates, I have found that receiving helpful
suggestions was not a hard task, as long as the one reviewing is willing to edit.
Daily Writing 15
If there is one thing in this world that you chooses not to trust, it should be the weather man in
the winter. Yes, this has happened to me but with things less important, such as homework.
Taking a chance with a major project would be a very risky thing to do, even if they call for
cancellations. I have learned from this experience that the weather can never be 100%
predicted and that you should always be prepared.

Daily Writing 16
Errors occur in everybodys life due to the fact that not everybody is perfect. In my life, there
have been many moments where I have made mistakes. In my job at Play-it-Again sports, we fit
people with sports equipment that corresponds to their size. I f I fit the player wrong, the pads
might be too loose/tight and will therefore effect the players ability to perform.

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