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Name: Kristian Rey A. Fabiala

1.What are the positive and negative traits of a Filipino?

- Say Opo/ Po To elders as respect in talking.
- Filipinos Mano on the elders when greeting them, which is also a part of respect.
- Most Filipino schools dont bully, not like in other foreign countries.
- We believe in only one God, which is God (Most of us are Catholics)
- We always pray, before going to eat, going to bed...etc.
- We love to laugh.
- Some are helpful.
- There's no such thing as nerds here in us, and we dont tease smart people.
- We are friendly.
- In the old days, if a boy wants a girl, the boy should speak to the parents first, and do everything just to
accept him and to marry the girl.
(that was in the OLD days)
- The father is not the only bread winner of the family, also their children.
- Most of us dont care if your ugly or beautiful, it all depends on the personality.
- SOME give birth at an early age ...16
- Some just dont mind their own business.
- Have many bad habits, like drinking, smoking....etc.
- Some poor teenagers sell their bodies just to have money (prostitutes).
- Most Filipinos have sad/dramatic lives.
- There are many broken families.
- There are a lot of holduppers, kidnappers, rapers, robbers and others which we really cannot avoid.
- Almost all Filipino Presidents corrupt out country.
- A lot of Bad words to choose from which Filipinos just cant avoid saying those.
- A lot of Filipinos are hard workers.( Same as students)
- We tend to be with our friends most of the time than to be with our parents.
That's all I can give, sorry. But I wish i'd helped...

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