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There has been many good historical moments in history and one of them is when

scientist were able to successfully land a spacecraft on a comet. The European Space Agency in
London was able to successfully land the Philae probe on a comet(Comet Landing). It is the first
robotic spacecraft to make history and land on the comet 67p( Rosetta Comet Mission). They
started the Rosetta mission 10 years ago and on November 12 2014,they managed to made a soft
landing on a comet(Comet Landing). This shows how technology has been advancing and was
able to put a spacecraft on a comet, something that was believed impossible. For instance, this
accomplishment shows a breakthrough moment in the exploration of our solar system and a
milestone for international cooperation (Nasa astronaut and administrator John Grunsfeld). In
addition, it has been called a Big Step for humanity and there were 14 countries that supported
the comet landing (Comet Landing & Rosetta Comet Mission). This is significant since scientist
are making history and learning more about our universe. Furthermore, scientist decided to start
the Rosetta mission because they wanted to learn more about comets and understand more how
our solar system was formed(Comet Landing). This event can provide new opportunities and
will also help astronomers explore more about our universe(Comet Landing). The whole
purpose of the mission was for scientist to be able to study more about the solar system. To sum
up,astronomers have found a new way to study and explore our solar system.

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