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WKNJ Newscast

Date _________
Format Sample M.Hicks
Good afternoon, its Friday, November 19, 2014 at 11 oclock and youre listening to 90.3
WKNJ-FM, Union, New Jersey, and Im _____________ with the news.

In Local News
A Livingston man faces an attempted murder charge after shooting his ex-girlfriend.

Donald Ebert, 56, said he and his former girlfriend were involved in a heated argument
when his gun accidentally went off in his car hitting his ex; while they were parked in
Morristown on Feb. 1, 2013. The woman suffered a wound to the back of her head. Ebert
was with his ex-girlfriend for 18 years and she is the mother of his two children.
Although the couple had separated and was living apart, Ebert drove his ex-girlfriend to
work that day.

Morristown Police Detective Keith Hudson testified on Wednesday during a pretrial

hearing. Hudson said that during the argument in the car Ebert said he then pointed the
gun at his ex and "it went off,. Ebert then fired a shot into the car floorboard, turned the
gun on himself and said he was going to end his life.

When his ex-girlfriend realized she was bleeding," Hudson added. "She told him to drive
her to the hospital. According to authorities, the gun man then drove the woman to a
nearby hospital and went home.

Ebert later barricaded himself inside his home during a three-hour standoff with police
before he surrendered and was taken to Morristown Medical Center "for medical and
psychological clearance," Morristown Police Detective Keith Hudson stated. It was
Ebert's second visit of the day to the hospital, as he had dropped his former girlfriend
there after she was wounded.

Its another prostitution bust in the South Ward

In Trenton, an undercover prostitution bust resulted in the arrest of 14 city women.

According to police, the operation occurred between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. Thursday night
and took place across different blocks within the South Ward. Prostitution seems to be an
ongoing issue throughout the South Ward. In July 2012, police arrested 12 people in
connection with prostitution offenses after raiding homes in the 800 to 1000 block of
South Clinton Avenue, the 100 block of Adeline Street and the 200 block of Bayard

In the last two years, undercover police officers conducted a prostitution sting in
Chambersburg and arrested seven alleged clients and eight alleged prostitutes. Almost
three months ago, law enforcement conducted a prostitution sting and arrested 10 women
across various South Ward blocks. Undercover officers acting as Johns were solicited
for sex by the women. Each of the women were charged with one count of prostitution.

In National News

Barbie gets a makeover

Move over Barbie. A new toy maker named Nickolay Lamm has created what he calls a
beautifully average doll to reflect the regular girl. Lamm decision to make a new doll
stemmed from the criticism the original Barbie has gotten in the past for having an almost
too perfect body appearance. He created a new doll named Lammily that he hopes will
teach girls that average is beautiful. "The message I want to send is that it's not what you
look like. That doesn't define you. What you do does," Lamm told CNN.

Lamms doll is based on the Centers for Disease Control that represent the average 19year-old female body. She is shorter and broader than Barbie, has brown hair and wears
less noticeable makeup. Another thing that sets it apart from Barbie, is the doll comes

with stickers so that kids can add cellulite, freckles, acne, moles, scars and even stretch
marks on her.

The 26-year-old maker turned to crowd funding to create the doll. He says he raised
nearly $100,000 in a single day. The dolls will be mailed to his funding supporters for
their financial contributions.

Male Nurse Charged with Sexually Abusing Patients

In Falls Church, Virginia a travel nurse who's worked at three separate DC hospitals is
facing sex abuse charges. According to court documents, 37-year-old Jared Kline (Kahline), was accused of targeting some of the patients in his care. Kline is being accused of
groping and rubbing up against female patients at D.C. hospitals, and is also accused of
similar behavior at a Prince Georges County hospital in Maryland.

In one incident, a woman receiving treatment at United Medical Center in late August
2014, accused Kline of rubbing his genitals against her hand at least three times while
receiving treatment for intoxication at MedStar Washington Hospital Center. After the
woman came forward, police realized Kline was a suspect in two other D.C. sex assaults:
one in May 2013, and another in December 2013. All the victims that have come forward

reported that they were disoriented from severe pain or semi unconscious when they
incidents occurred.

D.C. police said Kline more than likely had more victims. George Kucik with D.C.
police stated "We do believe that it's possible he had sexually abused other patients," said
Kucik. "They may not have been aware of it or understood what was going on." Kline
was released on bond Wednesday, and is required to stay away from his alleged victims.

In Ferguson, Missouri the grand jury hearing evidence on the Michael Brown shooting is
preparing to meet today for what might be its final session. Law enforcement officials say
the decision on whether to indict Officer Darren Wilson of the shooting of Michael
Brown could come the same day. St. Louis County prosecutors are also preparing to
present more evidence to the grand jury before starting deliberations.

Prosecutor Robert McCulloch (Mac- Cull-och) states that he plans to make all evidence
and testimony presented to the grand jury public. There is however, concerns that have
been raised that some witnesses could be put at risk once their testimony and identities
become public. A spokesman for McCulloch's office said the prosecutor hasn't decided
whether to release names of witnesses. The spokesman also declined to comment on
possible timing of the grand jury decision.

If a decision comes today, prosecutors are expected to provide law enforcement with 48
hour notice before making a public announcement. Officials say plans are subject to
change and prosecutors could shift the planned grand jury session.

In International News
In Taiwan, a man fatally stabbed six nurses and a manager on Thursday at a Chinese
military hospital. The victims were killed in a womens dormitory at the hospital for
elderly military personnel; and a nurse was injured in the attack. The suspect, a 27-yearold hospital employee was arrested shortly after the attacks.
The hospital where the killing took place is in a seaside area famous for gatherings of
Communist Party leaders, police officials in China said.
According to reports, there have been several assaults on doctors and hospital employees
in recent years. The attacks were often committed by people angry about bad treatment of
their relatives. However, the fact that the suspect in this case is an employee indicates that
the attack was probably not related to a dispute over a patients treatment. The killer
appeared to have no known motive.

In Mexico City, Thursday, protesters marched to demand authorities to find 43 missing

college students who disappeared on Sept. 26. The 43 students, who attended a radical
rural teachers college disappeared when they went to Iguala in Guerrero state to hijack
buses. About 200 protesters, some with their faces covered in masks or bandannas,
disputed with police as they tried to block a main expressway to the international airport.
Protesters threw rocks, fireworks and gasoline bombs at the police.
The entire country is outraged, said housewife Nora Jaime. Im terrified to live in a
country like this. I am terrified for my son. Jaime held a Mexican flag on which the
green and red stripes had been dyed black as a sign of mourning. She said she joined
Thursdays march because she fears her teenage son could share the same fate.
Bus caravans carrying the relatives and family members of the 43 missing students
converged on the capital after several days crisscrossing the country. Prosecutors say
there is evidence that gang members killed the students and burned their remains, but the
families have dismissed that account and continue to protest to keep pressure on the
government to find them.
More news, sports, and weather coming up
(play PSA #1 here.)

In Sports

NFL suspends Adrian Peterson for remainder of season

Minnesota Vikings star running back Adrian Peterson learned Tuesday he will be
suspended without pay for the rest of the 2014 NFL season, according to an NFL
statement. The NFL has suspended Adrian Peterson for at least the remainder of this
season. The punishment comes after Peterson pleaded no contest to misdemeanor charges
for whipping his four-year-old son with a switch.
Peterson wont be considered for reinstatement before April 15 because he violated the
league's personal conduct policy regarding the child abuse allegations. Although the
running back dodged jail time with his no-contest plea, he received probation, community
service and a $4,000 fine, the league said it would still review the case under its personal
conduct policy.

In local hockey news,

The continuing lack of offense has cost the New Jersey Devils to lose in the past two
games. A matchup with the defensive dominating Edmonton Oilers might be a good
chance for them to start putting an end this ongoing problem. On Friday night, the Devils
look to avoid a third straight loss and second in a row on their four-game Canadian trip
when they face the Oilers.

The Devils did have a good streak in the followed up a four-game skid winning their next
two, but scored three in dropping the two after that. They opened their trip with a 3-1 loss
to Winnipeg on Tuesday. Currently, the Devils are averaging 2.42 goals and 26.3 shots,
both among the lowest marks in the NHL.

Your WKNJ hourly weather update

Right now on the campus of Kean University, it is 36 degrees sunny skies with Highs 43.
Low 26.
Tune in later for meteorology reports on 90.3 FM.





In Entertainment

Bill Cosbys wholesome reputation has been tarnished as rape allegations continue to
come. On Tuesday, the beloved comedian was accused of sexual assault by a former
model Janice Dickinson. During an interview on "Entertainment Tonight," Dickinson
claimed Cosby assaulted her in 1982 after the two had dinner in Lake Tahoe. Dickinson's

allegations corresponds to other rape accusations held against Cosby. In the past decade,
four other women have spoken about similar incidents.
Cosby attorney John P. Schmitt released a written statement stating "Over the last several
weeks, decade-old, discredited allegations against Mr. Cosby have resurfaced," Schmitt
said. "The fact that they are being repeated does not make them true. Mr. Cosby does not
intend to dignify these allegations with any comment." Cosby has yet to release a public
statement regarding Dicksons claims.





Thats it for your news. Youre listening to 90.3 WKNJ-FM, Union, New Jersey. Im
_____________________ and well be right back after this.
(Play PSA #2 here.)
1) (X) I have not handed in this assignment for any other class.
2) (X) If I reused any information from other papers I have written for other classes, I
clearly explain that in the paper.

3) (X) If I used any passages word for word, I put quotations around those words, or used
indentation and citation within the text.
4) (X) I have not padded the bibliography. I have used all sources cited in the
bibliography in the text of the paper.
5) (X) I have cited in the bibliography only the pages I personally read.
6) (X) I have used direct quotations only in cases where it could not be stated in another
way. I cited the source within the paper and in the bibliography.
7) (X) I did not so over-use direct quotations that the paper lacks interpretation or
8) (X) I checked yes on steps 1-7 and therefore have been fully transparent about the
research and ideas used in my paper.
Name: ___Tasia Bynes___

Date: _ November 21, 2014__



I tried to provide as much important information as possible giving exact dates

and times. I got more of the backstory of people involved in the story and
personal quotes from them or law officials. I made sure to tell where the quotes
was coming from giving credit to the speaker. I rewrote the stories I got from the
articles into my own words. I also tried to structure the story in my own way with
pyramid style writing in mind.





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