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Sarmiento Campus
College of Engineering


Caramancion, Joana Marie
Contreras, Jerry
Peralta, Aliza Jocellyn
Ibajo, Kent Martin
Dosal, Joan
Arguelles, Yvette

Submitted to:
Engr. Maricor Cabrera

Personal Information
Name: Bayani SY. Apuko
Address: Caloocan City
Course: Civil Engineer
School: T.U.P.
Year Graduated: 1985
Present job/ position: Building contractor/ Self-employed

1. What made you choose your course?
- As per high school teacher, professor of advice.
2. Is it your personal choice?
- Yes.
3. Who influenced you to take the course? Family or peer?
Other? : please specify
- Teacher in high school and Araneta University.
4. Can you give us a brief background or description of your
- Background of surveying of land, concrete and steel
5. They say that engineering is a difficult course, is it true?
Why and explain.
- Yes. I think because of math that we know its very
difficult to understand sometimes.
6. Are you good in Math? Average.
7. Can you give us tips on how to be good in Math?
- Practice of problem solving.
8. Do you think that students who are not good in Math have no
place for this course?
- No.
9. What do you think are the best qualities an engineering
student must have?
- Good in English, Math, and Science.
They say that if you are an engineer, you are
financially stable, is it true? Explain.
- Of course, depending to your employer and also
because of so many graduates every year.
11.If you work in the Philippines as an engineer, do you think
it is financially rewarding? Explain.
- No. Thats why lot of our major engineer wants to go
12.What words of encouragement can you give to us as freshmen
engineering students to pursue our chosen course?
- Just pursue what you want and of course lot of
patience and prayers.

13.If you were not an engineer, what will you be? Why?
- Environmental science, because of so many problems
of our mother nature. To create something to save
our mother earth.

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