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Outline: Autism Research Paper


Background Information: Maybe you want to talk a little about autism in

general, or explain your specific topic in relation to autism.
Thesis Statement: This sentence will follow the background information and the
sentence will state what your paper is about specifically.
A. Main Point # 1
1. Details to support it
2. Details to support
B. Possibly another main point or a connection to the next sub
A.. Main Point / Important Info
B. Main Point / Important Info
C. Possibly another main point or a connection to the next sub
III. SUBTOPIC # =Main Point #3
A.. Main Point / Important Info
B. Main Point / Important Info
IV. Maybe another Subtopic?

Summarize the thesis statement and main ideas in the paper.
Some students might have 7 interesting subtopics they want to discuss: other
students might only have 4 but have much more information for those subtopics so
your outlines must be adjusted.
This paper is 2-4 pages which means that you must hit page # 3. An underdeveloped
paper is one that does not give substantial information or support to the subtopics. You
must explore the whole issue.
Remember: You still need to follow the correct rules of writing and grammar. Every
paper must be proofread, not just spellchecked. It is possible to get a failing grade on this
paper even though you turned one in. Using transitions, capitalization rules etc. must be
followed. Dont forget Works Cited Page and parenthetical notes.

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