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AIX basic commands

who Display the connected users

whoami Display the current user connected

man Display manual of a command

o man ls

df Display information about total space and available space on a file system

du Display the file space usage

chfs Change attributes of a file system

o chfs -a size=+500M /usr

su Change the current user connected

o su - user

lp Sent a file to the spooler

lpr Sent a file to the spooler

wget Wget is a free utility for non-interactive download of files from the Web.

wget -b Download the file.tar.gz in backgroup

lastreboot See when the system is rebooted the last time

AIX Compress and Archive Commands

gzip Compress a file

o gzip file.tar Create a compressed file file.tar.gz
o gzip -d Unpack a *.gz file Uncompress a file.tar.gz file
o tar cvf - directory/ | gzip > toto.tar.gz Create a compressed tar file in a single

zip Compress a file

tar Archive a file

o tar -tvf file Verify the content of a tar file
o tar -xvf file Unpack a tar file
o tar -c file repertory Create a tar file
o tar -cvfX file.tar exclude.txt /tmp/toto/ Create a tar file exluding directories that are
present in the exclude.txt file
o tar cvf - directory/ | gzip > toto.tar.gz Create a compressed tar file in a single

history See the last command entered

nl Number lines in a file

o nl -ba file.txt

lssrc See the status of a subsystem

o lssrc -ls dhcpsd

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