GC Sect6 Job Description

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Example of generic job description

1. General Information
Job Title

Haemoglobinopathies Specialist Nurse/Counsellor


 genda for Change Banding of 6 or above, to be

agreed according to the KSF levels required for
the post at local level

Responsible to

Job description

Accountable to

2. Organisational Values

This Job Description

is presented as an
example of applying
the competences
to a specific post.
Please note that
local circumstances
and protocols may
mean that an actual
Specialist Nurse/
Counsellor post may be
very different in practice
from this example.
Please also note that the
competences can
be applied to posts at
other bands.

The post holder will:

Put patients first: maintain the privacy & dignity of patients and
respect the patients needs and wishes
Act with integrity and be trustworthy
Be accountable for own work: strive for highest standards in own work
and challenge colleagues to do the same
Respect others patients, visitors and colleagues
Actively give and receive feedback.

3. Job Summary
The post holder will work as part of an integrated team, in partnership
with carers and other providers of health and social care to develop
and deliver genetic counselling for individuals and couples who may
be affected by or at risk of having a child with sickle cell disease or
thalassaemia. The post-holder will provide genetic counselling to support
the antenatal, neonatal and opportunistic screening programmes. The
post will include clinical practice, teaching and training, health promotion,
research and audit.


The postholder will:

Receive referrals from individuals, clinicians laboratories and other
professionals and agencies
Deliver expert health advice and genetic counselling to individuals
with or at risk of having a haemoglobinopathy
Work across community and hospital sites to deliver the genetic
counselling service in relation to haemoglobinopathies
Provide nurse-led genetic counselling clinic sessions in appropriate
settings, giving easy access to users
Promote integrated care pathways
Enable individuals with sickle cell and thalassaemic conditions to
improve their health and reduce inequalities
Use clinical and counselling supervision to ensure safe practice
Provide input into service development
Practice in a cost aware manner.

4. Key Relationships
The postholder will be expected to form effective relationships with
relevant colleagues in the multi-disciplinary team providing health and
social care services for families at risk of or affected by sickle cell disease
and thalassaemia. Key relationships will also include those with:
Administrative and Clerical Support Staff
Regional Clinical Genetic Services
Laboratory Scientists and Technicians
Safeguarding Professionals
Teachers, School Nurses, Nursery Staff and the Looked After Children

5. Clinical functions and responsibility

a) Antenatal Screening Programme
Co-ordinate the antenatal screening programme with the acute units
and primary care, in collaboration with other staff in the team
Conduct genetic counselling sessions for pregnant women and their
Conduct genetic counselling for at risk couples, referring them for
prenatal diagnosis as appropriate
Refer families to clinical genetic services, as appropriate


Provide continued supportive counselling to couples confirmed as at

risk of having children affected by major haemoglobinopathies
Give results to women and /or their partners after screening has taken
Liaise with local and regional screening laboratories as necessary
Follow up pending results
Ensure, through close supervision of administrative staff, the accuracy
of result information sent by letters to clients
Offer bereavement counselling and support in cases where genetic
termination or miscarriage of pregnancy following prenatal diagnosis
has taken place. This also necessitates referral to other appropriate
Refer previously diagnosed cases to the Specialist Nurse according to
local protocol
Refer newly diagnosed clients with major haemoglobinopathy to
haematologists and specialist obstetricians
Maintain contemporaneous records and accurate filing system of all
results, according to protocols and guidelines in current use
Appropriately manage clients that do not attend their appointments
in line with local protocol.
b) Neonatal Screening programme
Follow up newly-diagnosed babies as per protocol
Inform relevant primary care and Childrens Services teams of
screening results
Send written information regarding the specific prophylactic antibiotic
and vaccine regimens to relevant health professionals
Make home visits to inform parents of affected birth results
Refer newly-diagnosed babies to Consultant Paediatricians in the local
Acute Units
Support the identification of babies missed by the neonatal screening
c) Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults
Collaborate with Social Services in providing support to vulnerable
children and families diagnosed with sickle cell disease and
thalassaemia major
Assess, plan and evaluate care for this group of children working
closely with statutory agencies


Make assessments and prepare reports for Case Conferences in

collaboration with Team Leader/Child Protection Team as necessary.
d) Leadership and mentoring
Act as mentors/preceptors for nurses during placement in the service
Support medical student training while on electives in the service
Encourage and participate in innovation in clinical activities
Foster and promote partnership working in the delivery of high quality
services to users
Act as ambassadors and champions in the speciality internally and
externally to the organisation.
e) Clinical and Educational Resources
Be responsible for the co-ordination of outreach and health promotion
Be a source of expertise and advice for other case managers on
counselling and issues
Participate in public awareness events
Provide specialist clinical advice to other health and non-health
professionals on behalf of users in the community.
f) Communication
Relaying complex information to clients in a clear and simplified way
Provide non judgemental genetic counselling
Use relevant skills when breaking bad news
Provide support for families with emotional and mental health needs
e.g. bereavement counselling
Use regular counselling supervision to ensure safe practice.
g) Audit and Research
Initiate and participate in quality monitoring
Conduct peer audits to highlight effectiveness of service, identifying
gaps and proposing improvements to maintain high quality of service
Provide the Manager with detailed qualitative and quantitative
statistical information on the work of the service
Support evidence-based practice, keeping informed of new research
information in nursing and the field of haemoglobinopathies.


h) Information management
Initiate and participate in quality monitoring
Conduct peer audits to highlight effectiveness of service, identifying
gaps and proposing improvements to maintain high quality of service.
Provide the Manager with detailed qualitative and quantitative
statistical information on the work of the service
Become involved with research projects collaboratively. Support
evidence-based practice, keeping informed of new research
information in nursing and the field of haemoglobinopathies.
i) Training & Professional Development
Prepare and deliver training programmes for health and social care
services staff
Make presentations as appropriate to the role.

6. Skills and knowledge required to fulfil the role

These comply with the Core Competences and Learning Outcomes in
Genetics for Health Professionals whose work is focused on families at
risk of sickle cell disease or thalassaemia.
The post holder must be able to:
1. Identify individuals who might benefit from genetic services and/or
information through a comprehensive assessment. This is based on
an understanding of the patient pathways that incorporate genetics
services and information and involves:
recognising the key indicators of a potential inherited genetic
recognising the importance of family history in assessing
predisposition to disease
recognising the potential impact of the condition on the individual or
family and their support needs
taking appropriate action to seek assistance from and refer individuals
to genetics and other relevant specialists and peer support resources.
2. Demonstrate the importance of sensitivity in tailoring genetic/
genomic information and services to clients culture, knowledge,
language ability and developmental stage by:
recognising that ethnicity, culture, religion, ethical perspectives and
developmental stage may influence the clients ability to utilise these
demonstrating cultural competence


demonstrating sensitivity to cultural attitudes and norms and the

impact of these on families
demonstrating the use of appropriate communication skills in relation
to the individuals level of understanding of genetics/genomics issues.
3. Advocate for the rights of all clients to informed decision making and
voluntary action by:
understanding the importance of providing genetic/genomic
information and counselling fairly, accurately and without coercion or
personal bias
recognising that personal values and beliefs of self and client may
influence the care and support provided during decision-making and
recognising the potential for misuse of human genetic/genomic
4. Demonstrate knowledge of the role of genetic and other factors in
health and disease through:
utilizing understanding of the role of genetic factors in health and
disease, especially in relation to sickle cell disease and thalassaemia
(to underpin practice)
recognising the difference between germline and somatic genetic
demonstrating an awareness of appropriate measures for the
prevention or amelioration of disease or disease expression for
genetic conditions.
In addition, use this knowledge to:
educate other health professionals in relation to genetics, specifically
to sickle cell disease and thalassaemia
act as a specialist resource to other health professionals (including the
genetics team) in relation to genetic conditions, particularly sickle cell
disease and thalassaemia.
5. Apply knowledge and understanding of the utility and limitations
of genetic/genomic testing and information to underpin care and
support for individuals and families prior to, during and following
decision-making by:
incorporating awareness of the ethical, legal and social issues
related to testing, recording, sharing and storage of genetic/genomic
incorporating awareness of the potential physical, psychological and
social consequences of genetic/genomic information for individuals,


family members, and communities

demonstrating confidentiality and maintenance of privacy when
discussing and recording genetic information
seeking consent to disclose genetic information to other family members
demonstrating knowledge of the screening and diagnostic tests
available along patient care pathways and how to request these,
showing understanding of what tests can be offered at different
stages of the patients care
giving clear explanation to individuals on test procedures and
reporting timelines.
6. Examine his or her own competency to practice on a regular basis in
order to:
recognise areas where professional development related to genetics/
genomics would be beneficial
maintain awareness of clinical developments in genetics/genomics
that are likely to be of most relevance to the client group, and
based on an understanding of the boundaries of ones professional
role in the referral, provision or follow-up to genetics services
maintain and update knowledge and skills through lifelong learning.
7. Obtain and communicate credible, current information about genetics/
genomics, for self, service users and colleagues by:
using information technologies and other information sources to
effectively do so, and
applying critical appraisal skills to assess the quality of information
signposting others to sources of reliable information and support.
8. Provide ongoing support to individuals and families with sickle cell
disease and thalassaemia through:
responsiveness to changing needs through the life-stages
demonstrating awareness about how an inherited condition, and its
implications for family members, might impact on family dynamics
working in partnership with family members, voluntary organizations,
support groups and other agencies in the management of conditions
recognising the expertise of individuals and family members that
develops over time and with experience
providing services consistent with the SC&T nursing competences.

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