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overcome the colonial legacy of economic underdevelopment, gross poverty , near total illiteracy , wide prevalence of
disease and stark social inequality and injustice.
Vision Political , Economic and social transformation of India
Values- Democracy, justice, equality, liberty, unity within diversity, secularism, nationalism
Basic Goals- Maintaining Unity while recognizing Regional, religious, linguistic and ethnic diversity
Economic Goals Productivity levels of agriculture and industry, Industrial development, Self-reliance free from foreign
Social Goals- Overcoming perils of caste system, women emancipation from male domination inheritance- rightspolygamy , communal harmony, Education level
Democracy was essential for above goals
Direction Broadly socialist but not soviet communit type
Troubled democracy
1. Prophets of gloom Emergency , Green revolution would turn red , leftist revolutionary rendencies, crisis of
ungovernability, persistent economic and social inequality, diversity, regional parties, leadership stature decline
are seen as supporters of indian disintegration.
2. Integrating factors Civil services, improved quality of life, matured political structre, Integrated judiciary etc
Colonial legacy
Deindustrialization, unfavorable pattern of trade, illiteracy, underdevelopment, poverty, inequality, Diseases, food
insufficiency, lack of modern industries
Devlopment of underdevelopment ( gunder frank )
Basic features of colonial india - Integration of indian economy with worlds capitalist economy but with a subservient

Land reform in India

Indian agriculture at independence : Preponderant share in output, commercialization of agriculture, High tax, semi
feudal illegal exactions, rentier landlord class, Economics of rent seeking versus capitalist farming, multiple layers of
intermediaries, indebtedness to moneylenders, unequal distribution of land, poverty trap, unemployment, pressure on
land due to destruction of handicrafts, low productivity, composition of output.

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