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Countable nouns have a singular and a plural form. In plural, these nouns can be
used with a number. We use many for Countable nouns.
Uncountable nouns can only be used in singular. These nouns cannot be used
with a number. We use MUCH for Uncountable nouns.

1. We dont have _______ milk.

2. I bought _______
hamburgers for dinner.
3. ___________ Sugar do you
need for the cake?
4. ______________ Apples are
5. They have bought ________
vegetables to prepare a
6. I dont have enough
chocolate for the cookies;
we have to buy _____ more.
7. We are going to cook a soup
but we dont have _______
8. ___________ oranges do we
need to make a juice?
9. We dont have to buy ______
cookie we can prepare
______ of them.
10. I will prepare ______
cupcakes for the party.

1. They have _________ videos

in that shop.

2. He needs ______ new tshirts.

3. She tried on _________ new
shoes yesterday.
4. I want to buy ________
5. My brother is very busy. He
hasn't got _______time.
6. There is too________ noise
in the street. I can't sleep.
7. __________ does it cost to
fly to America?
8. Does your student know
________words in English?
9. Because of e-mails, people
don't receive________ letters
10. _____________people did he
invite to his birthday party?
11. My mother always put too
______salt when she cooks.
12. There haven't been_______
sunny days lately.
13. I like that dress
very_________ .
14. _________do you weigh?
15. _____________ brothers and
sisters do you have?

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