Oswald Extracted

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Director, FBI (105-C2555)




AiSAC, Milwaukee (62-1178) (C)



Re Dallas airtel to Director 11/23/64 and Bureau airtel to
Milwaukee dated 12/8/64.
Enclosed for the Bureau are original and four copies of LHM
pertaining to EDMOND HOUSEY, aka Edmond Hou-Se c. Inro
pertaining to MOUSEY quoted herein taken from
In view of the fact HOUSEY is currently running for a political
office and is not engaged in activities which are inimical to
the national defense interests of this country, no further
investigation is being conducted by the Milwaukee Division.
A copy of enclosed LHM has been Disseminated locally to Secret
Bureau (105-82555)(Encs.
1 - Milwaukee (62-4178)



REQ. REC. U.... ....2?.....??....:"


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In Reply, Please Refer to
File Pio. 62-1178

Post Office Box 663

Milwaukee 1, Wisconsin
January 27, 1965

EDMOND MOUSEY, also known

as Edmond Hou-Sey,
Jose u-Seye
On October 30, 1964, Marina Oswald, widow of Lee
Harvey Oswald, furnished a copy of the following letter:
12:10 PM .
"Mrs. Lee Oswald
C/o Postal Delivery
Fort Worth, Texas
"Dear Mrs. Oswald:
"Enclosed you will find a small check for $2.00
as an expression of my sympathy for the ordeal
and torment of your late husband.
"I was impressed by the attitude of a hostile
society toward your husband and feel he was driven
by cruel circumstances into this act of violence,
'if indeed he is the guilty party':
"Whether or not your husband is guilty is not
nearly so important to me as those responsible for
his failure to secure suitable employment and social
"Please accept this $2.00 and use it to help your
children have a Merry Christmas.



MAR 1 21973

"I'm sorry I can't help more but we are lucky to have

a Christmas ourselves.

/s/ Jose
"Ed Hou-:;eye
3307 S. 12th St.
Sheboygan, Wis."
On April 2, 1962, the Atomic Energy Commission made
available the following letter, which is dated March 29, 19G2:
"ahile I have no knowledge of restricted information
in a sence that any of the work I am considering is of
a goverrient nature, nevertheless I don't want any of
you people eventually knocking on my door with some
sort of rbsurd accusation that since your ideas nay
cooincidc with mine, 'this might constitute a violation
"My work consists of an attempt to collapse a vector
of space surrounding the nucleus of an atom and through
a plan entirely my own, 'I expect to release the nuclear
binding force of the atomic nucleus' and bring forth
energy from common elements.
"I am corresponding with the Soviet Academy of Science
and I would appreciate your assurance that anything I
am eventually able to accomplish will not be subject to
any legal action against me. It is quite within the
realm possible that these scientific heresies I propose
will result in solutions such as I dream of. In this
event I should not like to face violence at the hands
of our government and want your assurance that it does
not matter what I think in regard to such things as the
universal phenomena of gravity, the unified field theory
and the nuclear binding force.
/s/ Ed Hou-Seye
3307 S. 12th St.
Sheboygan, Wisc."
The report of William R. Vanderklot, 113 INTC Group (I),
dated March 20, 1963, stated that Edmond Hou-Seye, also known as



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Edmond Housey, was employed at U. S. Army Weapons Command, Rock
Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois, from November 13, 1962 as
a machine parts inspector.
The Department of Army advised that Housey's employment
was terminated on June 30, 1963.
The above report contained the following item:
"Item NAL.i!: CHANGL---None.
"About 1946 I added an 'e' to my last name
because I wanted to. I also added a
separation---, cause I wanted to. All of my
dealings thereafter reflect my individual
feeling about this artistic change which I insist
upon---much in the same manner and reason that
people are not all called ADAM:
"My children have Hou-Seye on their birth
certificates. This change took place before my
21st birthday whereupon it became no mandate that
I carry any name not in agreement with my
legal rights.
"Frequently----, I write my name 'Jose,' which also
sounds e;:actly the way I want Hou-Seye pronounced.
"It does not seem you will want to insist otherwise.
"Thank you!
"Is/ Edmond Hou-Seye"
On March 18, 1963
Illinois, furnished the follows

, Rock Island,
emen :

"At approximately
basement of Shop K, Rock Island Arsenal,

- 3


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"and myself were discussing temporary employees and a
possible layoff with Edmond Hou-Seye, P. R. #7120, C. C.
5010, an inspector in Small Arms.
"Hou-Seye stated something to the effect as follows:
"'You fellows should do like I do and get in on the
ground floor. Every once in a while I write out a check
to the Communist Party and the Socialist Party. I keep
the cancelled checks. My wife asks me what I keep them for.
I tell her that they are evidence and one of the two is
going to be in power. When they do I'm going to be one
of the boys, not one of the andraids.'
"After making this statement, Hou-Seye walked away.
"He has previously given me some literature entitled,
'Common Sense.' I have turned this over to the Rock
Island Arsenal Security Office. A few creeks ago he said
he would bring me a copy of the 'Storm Trooper' but he has
not done so as yet.
"Hou-Seye circulates around the Shops of H & K about onethird of the time talking to various employees. I do not
know of any employees other than
and myself
that he has talked to about Communist or other organizations.
"I have read the above and it is true to the best of my
"Is/ 11191111111.
On April 8, 13G3, Glen V. Stoebe, Rock Island, Illinois,
furnished the folloving statement:
first met Edmond HOU-SEYE in about
December, 1952, when he came to work as a Machined Parts
Inspector, Building II and K, Small Arms, Rock Island
Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinos, and we have had almost
daily contact as co-workers until the present. During our
acquaintance, I learned that HOU-SEYE came from Shebo an
Wisconsin, was married

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He zlso states' that 'every person shoule have a

cancelled check from the Communist or Socialist Tarty because
they are goin6 to eventually take over and you will be one
of the boys -ather than one of the androids.' Hou-Seye
indicated that the United States Government was going to
turn everyone into a robot and that they were accodiplishin
this by patting chemicals into the drinking water.

On April 8, 1063,

furnished the following

first met Edmond Hou-Seye in about
Dccem cr 1 (2 when we became co-workers in Building
Small Arms, Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois, and
we have had almost daily contact as small arms inspectors
until the present. During our acquaintance, I have heard
Bou-Seye make statements such as, 'You fellows should do like

- 5


"I do and get in'on the ground floor. Every once in a

while I write out a check to the Communist Party and
Socialist Party. I keep the cancelled checks' and
religion is running the country.'
statements I believe that

On January 12, 1965, Mrs. Ruth Kroll, reporter, Retail

Credit Lureau s Sheboygan, Wisconsin, advised that Edmond Hou-Seye
has been in her files since June, 1949. She stated that his
date of birth is shown to be April 4, 1926 at Wausau, Wisconsin.
She stated Hou-Seye formerly resided at 3307 South 12th Street
but currently resides at Highway 41, approximately one mile south
of Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
Mrs. Kroll advised there have been several collections
and judgments against Hou-Seye, and he is currently self-employed
as a tool shop operator and repair man, operating out of his home.
Mrs.. Kroll stated he has been employed by numerous business firms
in the Sheboygan area.
Mrs. Kroll stated that Hou-Seye's house at 3307 South 12th
Street, Sheboygan, was repossessed and sold by the Sheriff of
Sheboygan County on January 17, 1963.
Mrs. Kroll further advised that on October 6, 1952 Hou- Seye was tried in County Court for violation of a city zoning
ordinance by placing large signs in his yard advertising lawn
mower repair service. She stated he appealed this case to the




Supreme Court of the United States without success.
Mrs. Kroll stated that, after his trial for the zoning
ordinance, Hou-Seye was unable to find employment in the Sheboygan
area and wrote numerous letters to the Governor of Wisconsin and
to the Supreme Court of the United States claiming that his rights
were being denied him.
Mrs. Kroll advised her records reflect Hou-Seye proclaimed
himself to be a democratic free thinker and ran for Mayor of Sheboygan
in 1961. She stated he finished 7th among 8 candidates in the race
an(' is currently running for Mayor again in the 1965 race.
On January 12, 1965, Captain Victor Keitel, Sheboygan,
Wisconsin Police Department, advised his records contain no arrest
record for Edmond Hou-Seye or Edmond Housey. Captain Keitel stated,
hoAever, that Hou-Seyc is well known to the department as he frequently
writes letters to the department and local newspaper.
Captain Keitel stated Hou-Seye once applied for a job
a:2 a policeman on November 21, 1955. Keitel said he conducted the
background investigation on Hou-Seye with the following results:
Hou-Seye attended Central High School, Sheboygan, Wisconsin,
but withdrew in his sophomore year. The teachers commented that his
attitude and work were poor. He returned to high school in 1947 after
serving in the Marine Corps but quit prior to graduation.
Hou-Seye was employed by various business firms throughout
the Sheboygan area but only worked a short while on any job. Captain
Keitel said he attributes this to Hou-Seye's inability to get along
with his fellow employees.
On his application for a job as a policeman, Hou-Seye stated
he served in the U. S. Marine Corps from July 15, 1943 through April
12, 1963, having serial number 50252. He showed his date of birth as

- 7-1117-7




-e -

April 5, 1926 at Wausau, Wisconsin. He was described as follows:


Captain Keitel stated all of Hou-Seye's neighbors described

him as highly intelligent but a self-centered, opinionated and hottempered individual. They stated he was a good family man.
Captain Keitel said that Hou-Seye currently operates a small
engine and household repair shop south of Sheboygan, Wisconsin on
Route 141. He stated Hou-Seye is also running for Mayor of Sheboygan
in the 1965 election and is currently wearing a beard and has his
picture painted on the side of his truck with this beard. He said
Hou-Seye calls himself Jose.
Captain Keitel stated he has never heard of Hou-Seye
espousing Communism. He said he considers Hou-Seye a man of few
friends, with a small sphere of influence. He said Hou-Seye is
well known in the Sheboygan area as an "intellectual screwball,"
but he has never observed any indication of violence on the part
of Hou-Seye. He stated Hou-Seye habitually runs for public office
and writes letters widely to public officials and newspapers.
This document contains neither recommendations nor
conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FDI and is loaned
to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside
your agency.

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