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This article is being pressed , in order to give greater insight

to a very simple Tax law issue. Inevitably someone using
this defence will face criminal charges for this, but we'll end
up in Tax Court, where [as you will see] We really cannot
lose, because Criminal Courts hate positive law, and
Tax Courts hear and rule-on this kind of defence all the time.
NAMELY: what's not directly prohibited cannot be implied [AKA]
a tax loophole a technicality in law, created when [as we have] some
body applies a positive law defence that's never been ruled-on before.
With our IC75 2R8 loophole - we have [in theory] the potential to raise more
money than all the political parties combined before the next federal election
Because it's 'political' means the other parties will insist that we
are audited, and we have no problem with that, because these
audits prove that we're legal. FRANKLY the only way we can
get away with what we are doing is with good book-keeping
practices. This EDA forming can be done across Canada
because this loophole is most effective before there's a Federal Election
Please do this loophole in your community, and invite your friends in order to
form /open thousands of EDA agencies before the next federal election.
ON THIS DEFENSE: [under our IC75-2R8 tax loophole] it's not a crime to
defend that we operate good books in order to protect our RUBRIC.
[as to the last article listed]- EDA agents [who also register
under a provincial Co-op Act] hold an express guarantee to
uphold our fiduciary trust [under Freedom of Contract].
UNDER THIS - Any EDA farmer can grow cannabis plants,
and then distribute their harvest to any affiliated EDA co-op
private members club, where it's prescribed by registered
private individuals, who are also shareholders [not just members] of this
private individual co-op club IN OTHER WORDS this is not a retail premise.
Because our IC75-2R8 tax loophole is so comprehensive
and verifiable /transparent [yet private] means; we simply
cannot lose in a Tax Court. All EDA agencies operate their
common law commerce with a standard format that they
created. It's a very user-friendly POS computer system
that can operate any EDA agency from seed to sale,
- The only way an EDA agent can be busted is if they
break our rules of only doing proper receipt transactions with shareholders.
WE ASK What more can we do to prove that we are not
just ordinary citizens trapped in their retail premise?
Read up on what we are doing. Think and act outside the box
before the CDSA destroys your existing cannabis industry

One of our better defences [that we have yet needed to table] is THAT:
Because this is all a political motivated movement means
Federal Court holds no jurisdiction to-intervene (or) rule-on
(or} rule-over how we protect our activities, as long as we
are complying to do sales with/thru this IC75-2R8 form.
FURTHERMORE: They are collecting a GST [a statutory tax]
and we are their common law competition - we are collecting
PST [a common law tax], because in BC we voted out HST.
- On the sheer preponderance of the weight of the pros v
cons in a tax court especially means we simply cannot lose.
ON THIS: the Crown actually is obligated to not prosecute
anyone who could win. Our defence is bullet-proof - regrettably we are not
BOTTOM LINE: the average citizen has no clue about Tax laws
and if you need to see and feel how bad those Federal Courts
tax rulings are before you believe us, then go ahead, change
nothing and watch the pig feast Harper is springing on your
unstructured cannabis industry in order to look tough on crime.
BACKGROUNDER to show what we are up to in chronological order
This sampling of articles is about 20 pages long and span the last 6-months
of filings with all kinds of authorities. There's at least 200 pages of more
legal articles on our website GET INFORMED
This article contains the official s-55 rules /regulation posted in the Gazette
in October last year. Harper knows you hate what he's doing. This despot
hopes to get lots of Conservative votes by destroying our cannabis industry
This article was sent because [after dozens of hours asking smart questions and
getting good answers] BC Elections and CR Charities and Elections Canada wanted
to get a detailed report on what we are doing

from this BC Elections sent a notice saying that there was nothing i was doing that
was prohibited under the Canada Elections Act. AND we got a written notice from the
AG that the Gov Gen told her to not ignore this initiative [as the syntax shows, this
article was censored shortly after posting- it opens for me, hopefully it opens for you]
This was followed-up with 2 more articles on the same subject
this lead to this Mandamus being file in BCSC and it was blocked by the registrar
As you can see- we are getting serious resistance from the AG BUT no charges
We then filed in the SCC as an EDA as interveners on Tim Felger's case
they did not move the case forward so we filed these 3 articles
FOR MORE INFO call 778-707-7461 - get involved in a real grassroots movement

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