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Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Primary School

Term 1 – Unit 1 : Diary of a Killer Cat

Spelling / Dictation

Name: __________________________________ ( ) Date: __________________

Primary 4: _______________________________

Date : ____________________

1. The child was peevish after sitting for so long in the bus. (easily annoyed)

2. The stranger was behaving suspiciously so the pupils alerted the police.

3. The woman thanked him profusely for his kind act.

4. The dog barked ferociously at the burglar. (fiercely)

5. He wiped the beads of perspiration from his brow.

6. The nervous lady stood rooted to the ground.

7. The police arrived in the nick of time to arrest the culprit.

8. The offender was taken to the police station for interrogation. (questioning)

9. He felt ashamed of himself for his misbehaviour.

10. They heaved a sigh of relief after the incident.

Date : ____________________

Her eyes widened in surprise when the kitten climbed out of the carton box and

crept up to her. Eva picked up the trembling animal gently. She decided to take it home. Her

sister, Jane, stared at it in amazement.

“Where did you find it?” Jane squealed with delight.

Agnes Pang / Chew MK 2/1/2008

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