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Tamia Powell

Instructor: Malcolm Campbell

October 8, 2014
UWRT 1101
Literary Writing
I remember Ms.Fletchers class just like it was yesterday. But it wasnt yesterday. It was
roughly one year ago that I stepped foot into one of the toughest, roughest, and most challenging
courses Ive taken thus far in my academic career; my AP English and Literature class. I
remember sitting in that freezing classroom every day, hence the reason why we were all
wearing Uggs and North Faces during the Spring Semester of school. There were only about ten
people, including myself and the teacher, who sat in the classroom each day at fourth period.
This class was not the least bit enjoyable and it being my fourth period made it even worse. I had
to have looked at the clock to my right about every five minutes until silent sustained reading
ended because, for some strange reason, it seemed like every time we were supposed to keep
quiet, I had something interesting to tell my friends.
Ms.Fletcher, the natural headed English guru who was a proud graduate of Elon
University and never forgot to mention it nearly every class, was one of those teachers that
expected nothing but the best from her students and maybe thats why we did not like her. It
seemed as if she did not accept anything but pure perfection. She forced us to read a thousand
books! Well, maybe not exactly a thousand but it sure felt like a thousand. Our readings included
Invisible Man, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Lord of the Flies, Wuthering Heights,
Frankenstein, Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear and a few more that I cannot recall. Personally, I am

not a fan of reading so it is obvious I was not too pleased being placed into the class. However,
that was not the most difficult part of the class.
Being a senior at my high school meant there was a senior project that every student had
to complete to graduate. This is when I realized exactly how much I did not enjoy writing, more
specifically formal writing. I remember the day she introduced this ridiculous project to the class.
Okay everyone. I know we have all been hearing rumors that this year there will be no senior
project, she said. But I am here today to tell you, she paused for at least thirty seconds, that
is not true! she exclaimed as she stared at our utmost disappointed faces with joy. I believe she
enjoyed seeing us go through the pain that her class caused. She went on to explain the
particulars of the project. The senior project focuses on your specific career choice or goals for
your life. There are three main components to the project: the PowerPoint, the presentation, and
the paper. In my mind, I disregarded everything she had previously said because all I heard was
paper. Not the dreadful senior project paper. I began hearing so many horrible stories about the
senior project paper as soon as I entered high school my freshman year. The senior project
paper is a minimum of ten pages about your career choice, the education for the career choice,
the top universities of your choice, was the only other thing I heard that entire day of class. I
recall seeing past seniors walking around school resembling zombies because they had been up
all night the night before editing these papers. Neither was I excited nor prepared to start this
project. I remember asking myself, on numerous accounts, Is it too late to drop out?
As the semester progressed, the classroom got colder, the seniors looked more like
zombies, and we learned more about the type of research that was required for the project paper.
Ms.Fletcher took at least three weeks of class instruction, just on the requirements and specifics
for the paper itself. After those three weeks of development, it was our turn to take the wheel of

our own papers. I recollect many long nights of sitting in front of the computer just staring at the
screen and not having a clue of what to even begin to type. I was defeated. How could I possibly
write ten pages on my career choice when normally, on my own, I would only entail one full
page to include all the guidelines of the senior project paper? I was in for a rude awakening.
The due date for first drafts of our senior project paper seemed to creep up on me like a
predator to its prey. I was so disappointed in the work that I stayed up all night for and was about
to turn in but I had no choice but to turn it in. My friends, (Alea, Mykael, Tyrone, and Millia)
and I were dreading fourth period that day. However, we heard Ms.Fletchers voice every time
we thought about not going. Your draft is due at 2:00 p.m. on the dot. And YOU must turn in
your paper. Dont give it to anybody else to turn in for you. I will not accept it. My door closes at
2:00 and if I dont have it by then you get a zero, she would say every day until the first draft
was due. As the week went by all I thought about in each class was my senior project paper
grade. What could possibly be taking her so long to grade our papers? I would ask my friends.
Now you know she takes FOREVER grading anything Tammy. Alea would answer each time.
I know you guys remember the time she took a month to return our Othello tests, Tyrone
would follow. I just could not help but be so anxious.
The day came for the return of our first drafts. As anxious as I previously was to get the
feedback, I did not convey excitement this day. You all did very well for this to be a first draft,
Ms.Fletcher said to the class. I had never seen so much red ink in my life on a single paper. How
could she possibly think this is a very well done first draft of a senior project paper when she
marked on nearly every white section of the paper with her stupid red ink? At this point, I was
ready to give up. There was no way I could go back and revise everything that she marked. I
knew I had to stay after class and speak to her about this.

When 3:47 p.m. rolled around, all my friends were walking out and I was thinking to
myself how I should approach the situation. I walked to Ms.Fletchers desk and said, Fletch,
this is bad. Tamia, honestly, everyones paper looks just like yours. Its a first draft of a paper
you all have never written before so of course I would have a lot of pointers for you all but that
doesnt mean that you all did not have a good first attempt. A good start leads to a good finish,
she replied in a way that made me question was this really Ms.Fletcher or her nicer, easy-going
twin. Maybe she wasnt as bad as we all thought. Thanks Ms.Fletcher. You have really made
me feel better about the paper. I responded. No problem. I know youll do great, she said with
joy as I began to walk to the door. But dont forget, you have to stay after school tomorrow for
your detention, she finished with a smile. Maybe she is as bad as we think, I remember
Moreover, I learned one of the most valuable lessons that any writer can learn that day.
A good start leads to a good finish. A first draft is very important to the process of writing,
Even if your first draft contains a thousand mistakes like my senior project paper, it is an
essential milestone to the journey of your developing paper.

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