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Strategy Name

Exit slips

Strategy Worksheet #12

Brief Description (in your own words):

Exit slips are quick writes that ask students to recap what they learned in class that day or
answer a prompt to a specific question from the teacher. This is helpful both for students to
comprehend what they just learned and also serve as a means for teachers to assess student
learning in the content. They are also useful to fill in time if the lesson ends with a few minutes
left, as they take almost no planning time. Students just have to take out a scratch paper and
leave it on the desk on their way out.
How you plan to use this strategy in your Practicum, Internship, Student
Teaching, or in Your own classroom
Exit slips are useful tools to get students to write about what they learned in the lesson, and
teachers can get a rough approximation for how the lesson went based on collective responses.
I have used these in my internship, both intentionally and unintentionally. I can ask nearly any
question I want, either on the spot, or have a thoughtful question planned. I already know the
objective, so I just have to ask a reasonable question that students can answer to provide proof
of learning.

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