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=>The solutions for the forward kinematics are:

r11 = nx = ( + + )
r21 = ny = ( + + )
r31 = nz = ( + + )
r12 = ox = ( + + )
r22 = oy = ( + + )
r32 = oz = ( + + )
r13 = ax =
r23 = ay =
r33 = az = 0
r14 = dx = ( + ( + ) + ( + + ))
r24 = dy = ( + ( + ) + ( + + ))
r34 = dz = ( + + ) + ( + ) + +

Now dividing r24 by r14 =>

tan =r24/r14


1 =Atan2(r24/r14)

Also dividing r31 by r32 => tan ( + + ) = r31/r32 =>

Now, ( T4) =



2 + 3 + 4 =Atan2(r31/r32) ----2

----------- 3

Post-multiplying eqn. 3 to 0T4 gives us 0T3, ie.


( + ) ( + ) ( + ( + ))
( + ) ( + ( + ))

( + )
( + )

( + ) + +

T3=0T4*(3T4)-1 = ( + )


This is also equal to,

, which equals



Comparing elements (1,2) & (2,2) of eqns. 4 & 5 :

tan 1 = ( + )/( + )
From eqn 1 we know that tan 1= r24/r14

or, r24/r14= (tan 4*r21 + r22 )/( tan 4*r11 + r12)

which gives us,

tan 4=(r22*r14 r12*r24)/(r11*r24 r21*r14)

=> 4=Atan2((r22*r14 r12*r24)/(r11*r24 r21*r14)) ------ 6

Now since we cant get a fourth relation from this matrix, we need to post multiply eqn. 4 with
(2T3)-1 on both the side , so that we can get a fourth relation

( T 3) =



T2 = 0T3*(2T3)-1 ------- 7



cos ( 3 + 4 ) 11 sin(3 + 4 ) 12
cos ( 3 + 4 ) 21 sin(3 + 4 ) 22

cos ( 3 + 4 ) 31 sin(3 + 4 ) 32

cos ( 3 + 4 ) 12 + sin(3 + 4 ) 11
cos ( 3 + 4 ) 22 + sin(3 + 4 ) 21
cos ( 3 + 4 ) 32 + sin(3 + 4 ) 31


14 4 11 + 3 (4 12 4 11 )
24 4 21 + 3 (4 22 4 21 )

34 4 31 + 3 (4 32 4 31 )

Now , comparing elements(1,1) & (2,1) of results of 0T2 , we get:

tan 1=(r21*cos(3+ 4)-r22*sin(3+ 4))/(r11*cos(3+ 4)-r12*sin(3+ 4))=r24/r14

which gives us the relation,
=> tan(3+ 4)= (r21*r14 r24*r11)/(r22*r14 r24*r12)
=> 3+ 4=Atan2((r21*r14 r24*r11)/(r22*r14 r24*r12))

------ 8

Now from all the equations we get the inverse kinematic equations:
1 =Atan2(r24/r14)
2= Atan2(r31/r32) - Atan2((r21*r14 r24*r11)/(r22*r14 r24*r12))
3= Atan2((r21*r14 r24*r11)/(r22*r14 r24*r12)) - Atan2((r22*r14 r12*r24)/(r11*r24 r21*r14))
4= Atan2((r22*r14 r12*r24)/(r11*r24 r21*r14))

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