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Application Guideline for International Master's Degree Applicants

The application period is between 1 October - 1 December 2014.

Making an Application:
All applicants must submit the online application form through the University of Bergen online
application system "Sknadsweb". Detailed information about admission and documentary
requirements will be given at the Sknadsweb online application site.
We require all documents to be scanned from original documentation.
We do not accept faxed or e-mailed applications/documents /transcripts.

Step 1: Log in
Use the link found in the section above to go to the online application system, and log in with your email address. Follow the instructions given on the Sknadsweb.

Step 2: Contact information

Please make sure that the information under personal information is correct: contact address, email, mobile phone number, preferred language, etc.
Contact address: Please use your private address, not your university address. It is important that
you enter the city code/post code and city to make your address complete even though these areas
not marked with an asterisk.
Click on "OK - save" to continue. You will then be directed to the "My application"-page.

Step 3: My application
Select the programme (s) you wish to apply for. Please read the course descriptions carefully and
make sure you satisfy all the admission requirements before applying.

Step 4: Documentation - uploading documents

You must upload the Application cover sheet together with the relevant documents.
Allowable document types are PDF, DOC, DOCX or TXT.
The maximum file size limit for an uploaded document is set to 15 MB.
We request that you upload only documents that are relevant for your application for admission.
The documents must be uploaded under the "Education" section or under "Other documents" by
clicking on Add certification/diploma.
Add certification/diploma:
Fill in information about the name of the institution, the duration of your education and a
description of your education.
Press Browse to find the document on your computer, select the document and press
Upload the document to your application by pressing OK - Save.
Repeat this process to upload additional certificates/diplomas.

Add document:
Choose what kind of document you will be uploading by selecting category (CV/work
experience), and fill in information about duration and a description of the document.
Press Browse to find the document on your computer, select the document and press
Upload the document to you application by pressing OK - Save.
Repeat this process to upload additional documents.
Required documentation:
1. University degree certificate(s)/diploma(s)
2. Transcript of records (an official statement listing courses/subjects you have completed at
your university)
3. Secondary School certificate
4. Documentation of English language proficiency
5. Motivation letter
6. Short outline of research plan (if applicable, max. 2 pages)
7. Documentation of financing (non EU/EEA applicants)*
8. Copy of your passport showing full name, date of birth, and photograph
9. CV/relevant work experience (if applicable)
10. Recommendation letter(s)/references (personal statement from academic adviser/employer
or equivalent if applicable).
The required documentation must be uploaded in the order outlined above.
*Quota Scheme applicants do not have to submit documentation of financing.
Specific requirements for the programme (s) applied for (some Master's programmes may have
additional admission requirements specific to the programme).
The final deadline to upload all relevant documentation is 1 December 2014.

You application must include original documentation of your academic qualifications.

If the original language of your documents is not English or a Scandinavian language, officially
certified/verified copies of a translation to one of these languages must accompany certified
copies of your documents in the original language.

Please note that your application will not be considered for admission if:

You have not provided complete documentation of your academic background.

The documentation you submit is not satisfactory.

Please note: If you are both a Quota Scheme applicant and a self-financing applicant, you must
register a separate online application form for each category.

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