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Exercise 4

Objective : To understand how to configure Modbus serial communication between

ML PLC and 3rd party devices

1. Configure Snet card as a Modbus slave using a SoftMaster-NM.

2. Define Modbus register area in the Modbus settings

3. Setup a Modbus simulator tool in your PC as a Modbus master and configure the
communication parameters as per the settings in your Snet card.

4. Read and write values in the Modbus simulator tool and observe the changes.

5. Run the system diagnosis functions in the Online menu. (i.e. communication
module information, frame monitoring, loop back test, status by service)

6. Repeat the steps with Snet as Modbus master.

Note that P2P settings are required to read & write to Modbus slave device.

Enable Link in the Online menu to start P2P communication.

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