PT 1

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Section A

(10 marks)
(Time suggested: 15 minutes)
Answer all questions in this paper.
The text below is about a students experience at an Education Fair.
Question 1
Read the text below. There are grammatical errors in the text. The errors have been
underlined for you.
Write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An example has been given.
The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentences.

Ramli is a secondary school student in Ipoh. He visited an Education

Thefriends recently. It is held in a 5-star hotel in Ipoh city. When he
Fair with his

e.g. was

and his friends arriving at the hotel, they were amazed to see so many


exhibition booths in the hall where the fair was being held. Student and parents b)_____________
were at the fair gathering information in institutions of higher learning and the


available courses. Ramli and his friends visited much of the booths. It


was enriched experience for them. They learnt a lot about the courses


avail at the institutions which participated in the fair. They also gained


first-hand information on the various programmes who are available. They


also found out about a different scholarships and student loans that were


offered. Ramli and his friends left the fair convincing that whichever course


that they eventually pursue must suit their interests. They left happy as the


fair had been really informative. They plan to visit other educational fairs in the

Section B
(30 marks)
(Time suggested: 40 minutes)
Question 2
Read the following text. Then, answer questions (a) (j).

A Hardworking Boy

Khairul is in Standard Six. He goes to school at 6.45 a.m. every morning. He takes
the bus. He has to leave very early because his home is very far away from his
school. He lives in Kampung Chempaka in Perak. His school, Sekolah Rendah
Sultan Abdul Arshad is about ten kilometres away from the nearest town.
There are five people in Khairuls family. His parents are farmers. There are
very poor. They plant paddy for a living. When the weather is bad, they are not able
to get an income. Khairul has a younger brother Ishak, and a younger sister,
Marina, who are still too young to go to school. He is the eldest child in the family.
Even though he is only twelve years old, Khairul knows that he has to work
hard at school to succeed so that he and his family can have more comfortable life
later on. He wants to become a lawyer when he grows up. He is a very hardworking
and intelligent boy and does well in his studies.
In the afternoon, khairul helps his father and mother at the farm. In the
evening, he does his homework and revision. Sometimes, he studies at night using
just an oil lamp since there is no electricity yet in Kampung Chempaka. His parents
are very proud him.

Questions (a) (j)

Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic or organiser.





Parents occupation
(e) .

(f) Afternoon:
(g) Evening:..

(10 marks)

Question 3
Read the brochure below. Then, answer questions (a) (j).
Tourist Attractions in Langkawi

Langkawi Crocodile Farm is located at

Kubang Badak, some 32km from Kuah.This
farm has more than 1000 crocodiles of
various species. Here , one can witness and
photograph crocodiles and alligators playing
and feeding in a controlled environment that
closely resembles their natural habitat. Open
daily: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission RM 7( adult)
and RM 5( child). Special discounts for senior
citizens and group exceeding 10 members.
For reservations call 049592559 or logon

Telaga Tujuh
Located in the north-western corner
of Pulau Langkawi, Telaga Tujuh (Seven
Wells) is a geological marvel. The waterfall
is named so because its cascading waters
is broken by a series of seven natural
pools. The lush green forest that surrounds
the waterfall adds a mystical touch to the
natural splendour. Legend has it that fairies
used to come down to the waterfall to bathe
and frolic.

Tanjung Rhu lies on the northern cape of Pulau

Langkawi. Aptly named for its abundance of
casuarinas, its enchanting beach affords
magnificent views of nearby islands which can be
reached at low tide on foot. An experience not to
be missed. A short journey by boat from Tanjung
Rhu brings you to the doorstepsnof Gua Cherita
(cave of Legends). As its name implies,the cave is
steeped in fabled tales of mystery and romance.
On the walls of the cave can be seen ancient
writing which has yet to be deciphered.

Craft Cultural Complex is located on the

northern coastline of Langkawi in the vicinity
of Teluk Yu, about 30 minutes drive from the
airport or 45 minutes from Kuah town. This
place offers magnificent view of hillside
overlooking the sea. This splendid complex
offers a wide range of Malaysian handicraft
such as delicate hand-drawn batik and
intricately carved silverware. Open daily: 10
a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission is free. For further
inquires, call 04-9591913 or log on to

Questions (a) (d)

Based on the brochure, state whether the following statement are TRUE or FALSE.
(a) The brochure is about places of interest in Pulau


(b) Tourist can buy Malaysian handicrafts such as handdrawn batik and carved silverware in Tanjung Rhu


(c) Telaga Tujuh offers a magnificient view of the hillside

overlooking the sea.


(d) Cave of Legends is famous for its tales of mystery and



Questions (e) (i)

Read the brochure carefully and answer the questions below.
(e) Why is the waterfall named Telaga Tujuh ( Seven Wells) ?
(f) What is the main attraction in Langkawi Crocodile Farm ?
(g) Fill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the brochure.
(h) having spiritual powers or
qualities that are difficult to
understand or to explain.
(i) very detailed in design or

____________________________ (1mark)


(h) Why do you think the phrase a geological marvel is used to describe Telaga Tujuh?
(i) What does the phrase has yet to be deciphered refer to?
_____________________________________________________________( 1mark)
( 10 marks)

(j) You plan to visit one of the places of interest in Pulau Langkawi. In about 50 words,
write a postcard to your friend. In your postcard :

encourage him / her to join you

explain the major attractions your choice
give reasons to support your choice
add other relevant information to make writing interesting

Section C
(20 marks)
(Time suggested: 20 minutes)
Question 4
Read the letter from Sarimah to Juraina.
19,Jalan Sisik,
Taman Yu,
11999 Pulau Pinang
20 July 2014
Dear Juraina,
I was very shocked to hear that you were involved in road accident. However, I was
relieved to find out that you were not seriously injured.
You should be very careful on the road. As you live near the main road, you have to
cross the road each time you go to school and return home. In fact , you should adhere to
traffic rules to avoid accidents, I am going to share road safety tips with you.
Firstly, look carefully when you are crossing the road. You should first look to see
that there are no vehicles. When crossing the road, use traffic lights as a guide. When the
traffic lights are green, you should not cross the road as the vehicles are moving. Instead,
you should cross when the light are red as the vehicles are required to stop.
Next, on most busy roads there are zebra crossings and overhead bridges. You must
use these facilities when crossing the road. No doubt, climbing an overhead bridge is a
hassle but remember safety is your priority. So, please use the overhead bridges which are
meant for the pedestrians safe crossing.
Finally, walk along the road where you can see the oncoming traffic. In this way, you
can observe the flow on the traffic and avoid unwanted incidents. There may be drunk
drivers or incompetent drivers on the road. Thus, it is your duty to ensure that you are safe.
Remember to use pavements that have been specially built for pedestrians. These
pavements are raised higher than the roads for the pedestrians safety.
I do hope that you will adhere to these simple yet effective road safety tips to ensure
your safety. Always bear in mind that safety is your primary concern. Do not be careless
when you are on the road. Instead, be alert and sensitive to whats going around you. So, do
keep your eyes and ears open.
Well, thats all for now. Do take care of yourself and do send my warmest regards to
your family.
Your friend,

Read the letter carefully and answer questions (a) (i)

(a) Who was involved in a road accident?
_____________________________________________________________( 1mark)
(b) How did Sarimah feel when she got to know Juraina was involved in an accident?
_____________________________________________________________( 1mark)
(c) What was Sarimahs advice to Juraina?
_____________________________________________________________( 1mark)
(d) List two roads safety tips that one can adhere to while crossing the road.
i) ___________________________________________________________( 1mark)
ii)___________________________________________________________( 1mark)
(e) Fill in the table with an appropriate word / phrase from the letter.
Word / Phrase
i) building ,services or
equipment that are provide __________________________________________(1mark)
for a particular purpose.
ii)to remember or consider


iii)the most important thing

_________________________________________(1 mark)

iv)a person who does not

have the skill or ability to _________________________________________( 1mark)
drive a vehicle
(f) If Juraina wants to use the traffic lights as guide while crossing the road, what
should she do?
_____________________________________________________________( 1mark)
(g) Why does Sarimah remind Juraina to keep her eyes and ears open?
_____________________________________________________________( 1mark)
(h) What facilities are there for pedestrians?
(i) Give threes suggestions on how we can educate school children about road safety.
i)____________________________________________________________( 1mark)
ii)___________________________________________________________( 1mark)
iii) __________________________________________________________( 1mark)

Question 5
Read the poem carefully. Then, answer questions (a) (d).


The Rivers a wanderer,

The Rivers a baby,

A nomad, a tramp,

He gurgles and hums,

He doesnt choose one place

And sounds like hes happily

To set up his camp.

Sucking his thumbs.

The Rivers a winder,

The Rivers a singer,

Through valley and hill

As he dances along,

He twists and he turns,

The countryside echoes

He just cannot be still.

The notes of his song.

The Rivers a hoarder,

The Rivers a monster

And he buries down deep

Hungry and vexed,

Those little treasures

Hes gobbled up trees

That he wants to keep.

And hell swallow you next

Valerie Bloom

(a) Give two characteristics of the river.

(b) How is a river destructive?
(c)The river is described as a tramp (line 2). What does this mean?
__________________________________________________________( 1mark)
(c) In your opinion, why it necessary to keep the river clean?

Section D
(40 marks)
(Time suggested: 45 minutes)
Question 6
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
The Activity Club of your school organized camping outing to a hill. On your return,
you were asked to write an account of it for the clubs newsletter.

When writing about the event, you should:

Describe about the camping outing
Explain the benefits of camping
Includes rules you should follow while you are at the campsite
Write about 120 to 150 words



Question 7
you should spend 15 minutes on this question.
The following are the novels studied in the Literature Component in English Language.

1. Black Beauty
2. The Boscombe Valley Mystery
3. Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Anne Sewell
Arthur Conan Doyle
Jules Verne

Based one of the novels above, write about the character you like most. Give reasons for
your opinion and provide evidence from the text to support your response.

in not less than 50 words

in continuous writing ( not in note form)


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