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E mail ID:
Q1. Age group:
1.) 20-25
2.) 25-30
3.) 30-35
4.) 40-45
5.) Above 45
Q2.). Gender
1.) Male
2.) Female
Q3.) Education Qualification:
1.) SSC
2.) HSC
3.) Graduate
4.) Diploma
5.) Other specify
Q4.) Occupation:
1.) Student
2.) Businessman
3.) Professional
4.) Self employed
Q5.). Marital status:
1. Married
2. Unmarried

Q6.) Do you have children?

1.) Yes
2.) No
Q7.).Monthly income:
1.) Below 3000
2.) 3000-5000
3.) 5000-7000
4.) 7000-9000
5.) Above 9000
Q8.) Are you aware of Kohinoor Basmati Rice?
1.) Yes
2.) No
Q9.) How do you come to know about Kohinoor Basmati Rice?
1.) Television
2.) Banners
3.) Newspaper
4.) Friends & Others
Q10.) How often you purchase and use Basmati Rice?
1.) Regularly
2.) Occasionally
3.) Rarely
4.) Never
Q11.) Which brand of product do you prefer more?
1.) Kohinoor
2.) India Gate
3.) Best
4.) Dawat

5.) Other specify

Q12.) How long you are using Basmati Rice?
1.) 1-2 years
2.) 2-3years
3.) 3-4years
4.) above 4years
Q13.) Are you satisfied with Kohinoor Basmati Rice?
1.) Yes
2.) No
Q14.) Do you think Kohinoor Brand is providing quality of goods to their
1.) Yes
2.) No
Q15.) Which Basmati rice brand taste you better?
1.) Kohinoor
2.) India gate
3.) Best
4.) Dawat
5.) Other specify
Q16.) Which attribute you prefer more while purchasing basmati rice?
1.) Appearance
2.) Specialty length
3.) Aroma
4.) Other specify
Q17.) Which of the following factor influences to choose the brand?
1.) Price

2.) Quality
3.) Taste & Smell
4.) Availability
Q18.) Have you ever used Kohinoor Basmati rice?
1.) Yes
2.) No
Q19.) Quality of Kohinoor Basmati rice?
1.) More satisfactory
2.) Satisfactory
3.) Average
4.) Poor
Q20. ) What is your opinion for Kohinoor brand?
1.) Very costly
2.) Costly
3.) Cheap
4.) Average
Q21.) How much you rate packaging?
1.) Good
2.) Better
3.) Average
4.) Bad
Q22.) Which size of packaging do you prefer?
1.) 1 KG
2.) 5 KG
3.) 10 KG
4.) 25 KG
Q23.) For health?

1.) Very Good

2.) Good
3.) Better
4.) Average
Q24.) How do you differentiate with other brands in terms of?
1.) Quality
2.) Price
3.) Health conscious
4.) Customer relation
5.) Other specify
Q25.) Which brand comes to your mind when you think of Basmati Rice?
1.) Kohinoor
2.) India gate
3.) Best
4.) Dawat
5.) Other specify
Q26.) What will be the reason for alternative brand?
1.) Same price
2.) Same quality
3.) Same taste
4.) Other specify
Q27.) How do you rate Kohinoor brand in comparison with other brand?
1.) Best
2.) Very good
3.) Good
4.) Average
5.) Bad

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