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Protect Yourself from the Jinn and Shaytan Written by Wahid Abd Al-Salam Bali Eulogy by Abu Bakr Jabir Al-Jaza’iri Teacher at the Islamic University and the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah Kalamullah.Com AL-FIRDOUS LTD —- LONDON Table of Contents BUlogy o.scessesssseesssessesreeseneentens Introduction to the Second Editio1 The Motives to Produce this Research. Chapter One: Jinn: a Reality, not an Illusio: Belief in the Unseen..........:..cssseeseee From what material were the Jinn created’ Types of Jinn...... Jinn’s Residence: Do Jinn eat and drink? Demons have Horns.. Jinn take different shapes and form: How are Jinn transformed?...... Are there male and female Jinn? Do Jinn have religious obligations? The Jinn’s beliefs and religions... Will Jinn believers enter Paradise? Jinn’s fear of humans.............0.04 Jinn envy humans... Do Jinn marry and reproduce? Jinn are witnesses to the Muadhin on the Day of Resurrection. ‘When do demons spread out? Some atimals can see devils. Jinn telling of the whereabouts of the Prophet % (when he left Makka)..... The devil’s shout on the day of the Pledge of Allegiance at Al-‘Agaba ......... The devils gain hearing by stealth from the heaven: Is it possible for a Qareen to embrace Islam?. The devils are chained up in Ramadan..... It is prohibited to sacrifice animals for Jinn. It is haram to seek refuge with Jinn........... It is haram to seek help from Jinn Do Jinn inhabit people’s houses?, How to chase Jinn away from a house? Jinn are less dignified than mankind. Do Jinn harm mankind?. Chapter Two: Possession (by Jinn) its fact and treatment. Definition of Sar’ (possession by Jinn. Proofs of confirmation of Sar’......... The position of doctors with regards to Sar’..... The legitimacy of the treatment of Sar’ (Exorcism). Reasons of Jinn’s possession of hUMAMNS.............:.cseseeereseeseeneets 63 ‘How does a Jinn enter the body of a human, and where does he/she SOU EC? eececceeeseesnessseessessesssesscssseeecatesnseoresnessesneeseersessnesseessnceeneeey 65 Symptoms of the Jinn’s possession of humans. 65 Types of Jinn possession of humans............. Characteristics of a healer (exorcist). The method of healing........... Unlawful methods in exorcism. Guidance for the protection from Sar’ Chapter Three: The appearance of Satan to the Prophets. Noah #’s encounter with Satan... Musa (Moses) 38’s encounter with Satan... Yahya ibn Zakariya #4’s encounter with Satan. Ayyub #i’s encounter with Satan...... “Isa (Jesus) 8s encounter with Satan. The Prophet’s 3% encounter with Sata Chapter Four: Satan’s contact with mankin Who is Satan?.. The Beginning. Immediate planning... The aspired objectives. The first attack,.........csscecssesseessteseeseceeesress The distinction between the enmity of mankind and that of Satan..... 142

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