Dignity, Rights and Duties of Labour

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Dignity, Rights and Duties of


Presented By:

Samia Berjees

According to Marshall,
any exertion of mind and
body undergone partly or
wholly with a view to some
good other than the pleasure
derived directly from work, is
called labor.

Dignity of Labor:

Pivotal role.
Communism view.
Demand of Vicegerency.
Demand of Mutual-Co-operation.
Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) Personal Conduct.

He(P.B.U.H) said;
He who earns his living by work is Allahs friend.

Rights of Labor:

A laborer should be treated as a human being.

Fraternity and Equality.
Fixation and prompt payment of wages.
Health concerns.

The Almighty Allah said:

There will be three persons whose opponent I shall
become on the Resurrection Day: A man who gave in My name
and then broke trust, and a man who sold a free man and enjoyed
his price, and a man who engaged a labourer and enjoyed full
labour from him but did not pay him his wages.

Duties of Labor:

contract of service.
efficiency and honesty.
no temptation or bribe
Neither embezzle nor cause damage.
Muhammad(P.B.U.H) said:
When a slave sincerely works for his master, and
worships (his God) well there is for him double reward.

Basic Characteristics:

Capital-Labour Relation.
Determination of Wages.
Rights of the Employers.
Abiding by the contract.
Avoidance of negligence and carelessness.

Capital-Labor Relation:
All modern system i.e. capitalism and communism have failed
to provide a satisfaction solution to this problem. Capitalist system
titled towards safeguarding the interests of the capital. While
Communism failed to provide dignity status.
Islam recognizes importance of both factors. It prescribes
relationship between not only on justices and equity but also on
benevolence and cooperation.

Determination of Wages.


What are wages?

Theories of Wages.
Marginal Productivity Theory.
Subsistence Theory of wages.
Demand and supply theory.
Islamic Viewpoint(Just Wage).
Standard of wages.
Minimum Wage-Rates.

Rights of the Employers:

Fraternal Right
Settling the wage-rate.
Prompt payment of wages.
Adherence to settled terms
Kind Treatment.
Assignment of lawful work.
Distribution of workload.

Abiding by the contract:

Duty-bound by terms.
Fulfill hours of work with honesty and loyalty.
Should fear Allah(SWT).
Allah Almighty said:
Abide by your promises.

Therefore, laborers should treated with equality,
justice, brotherhood and reverence.
Muhammad(P.B.UH) said:
Those who work under you are your brothers. Allah
has subordinated them to you.

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