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The Ebola virus causes Ebola hemorrhagic fever, a disease that is usually acquired
when a person comes into contact with the blood or bodily fluids of an infected animal
such as monkey or fruit bat.

How will the virus spread?

When infection of human occurs, it can easily spread from one person to
another. Infection may result from direct contact with blood, secretions, organs or
other bodily fluids of infected people and through indirect contact with the
environments contaminated with such fluids. Spreading of the disease can also be from
having contact with the bodies of people who died from the virus like during funeral
preparations and burial ceremonies. Ebola virus is unlikely to spread in a crowded
place or area because it requires direct contact with bodily secretions or fluids.

What are the symptoms of Ebola virus?

Symptoms of Ebola include sudden onset of fever, headache, joint and muscle aches,
intense weakness, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite, stomach pain and in
some cases bleeding. The incubatin period of the virus, from infection to onset
of symptoms, is 2 to 21 days.

What are ways to prevent the spreading of the virus?

Prevention can start by decreasing the spread from infected animals to human which
can be done by checking for infecton, and killing them and properly disposing of the
bodies if disease is discovered.
Animal products (blood and meat) should
be thoroughly cooked before consumption. Places with suspected outbreak should be
quarantined. Routine cleaning and disinfection of animal farms can be effective in
inactivating the virus. When taking care of ill patients, wear protective gloves, mask
and clothing.

What is the treatment for Ebola Virus Disease?

There is no specific treatment yet for the virus. No licensed vaccine is available, though
several vaccines are being tested.

The ill patients require intensive supportive care. They are frequently hydrated and
require oral rehydration with fluids containing electrolytes and intravenous fluids.

Other facts about Ebola Virus:

Although this virus is fatal for as much as 90 percent, those who maanged to recover
should exercise extreme caution for two months because they may still be
infectious. And men who recovered from the virus can still transmit the disease
through their semen for up to 7 weeks.

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