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Definitions of leisure, play, and recreation

Leisure as time: leisure is a time free from obligations, work (paid or unpaid), and tasks required for existing
(sleeping, eating).
Leisure as activity: leisure is a set of activities that people engage in during their free time activities that are not
work oriented or that do not involve life maintenance tasks such as housecleaning, or sleeping.
Leisure as state of mind: leisure depends on the participants perception. Perceived freedom, intrinsic motivation,
perceived competence, and positive affect are critical to the determination of an experience as leisure or not leisure.
Play: play is imaginative, intrinsically motivated, nonserious, freely chosen, and actively engaging. Play is typified
by spontaneity, joyfulness, and inhibition and is done not as a means to an end but for its inherent pleasure.
Recreation: recreation is an activity that people engage in during their free time, that people enjoy and that people
recognize as having socially redeeming values. The activity performed is less important than the reason for
performing the activity, which is the outcome.
Read attentively these definitions and explain the relationship between them.
Can you state difference between them?
Is play exclusively the domain of children?
Give examples of leisure and recreation activities.
Give other words having the same meaning and define them.
What antonyms and antonymous expressions can you give?
Leisure time is important in helping people achieve a broad range of positive outcomes as follows:
social/emotional development, vocational development, physical development, cognitive development and
civic development. What other development opportunities can leisure time provide?

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