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Grizzly man - Essay

Name: Andrs Guamn

Date: 13/11/2013

Write an essay referring the questions

What kind of person is Timothy? Why do you think so?

Is a good example for the world? Why or Why not?

Timothy Treadwell, an enthusiastic man obsessed whit bears that followed his dream
of living in bears habitat, was a man who loved nature, especially bears, during his life
he tried to protect bears all the time, furthermore he was a persistent person and
always he tried to follow his instinct, he was not afraid about the dangers that he had
to face in that habitat. In my opinion his temper is good because he show that he was
a brave and courageous who always fight to do things that made him happy, its is
important to emphasize that his attitude might seem crazy, but on the other hand he
acted like a bears lover really.
What I can say about Timothy Treadwell actions is that I think that it has good and
negative points, for example a good point would be that Timothy Treadwell could show
people how the bears live, and he fulfilled his mission, showing us that he was
perseverant and constant when he wanted to do something, however it adventure had
negatives thing too, in that things we could punctuate that he violated the common
sense, because he was so near of the bears without protection, perhaps common
sense dictate that we need protection when we interact with wild animals but for
Timothy Treadwell it was not necessary, additionally other bad point was that when
Timothy approached the animal, he show to the bears a friendly image of the humans
but not all the humans was friendly with bears, and it could expose the bears to
suffer some damage from other people, but the worst point is that timothy invaded
bears habitat, I think that its a law that each animal has its space to live and the
humans too of course, so it was not a good idea to mix the habitats, I think that it
has to exist a distance respect wild animals and humans, its why if you invaded some
habitat you could change the way of life of animals, and this crazy mix of habitats
could be the reason of Timothys died. Finally this film teaches us that you always
have to follow your dreams and try to do with your life the best that you think,
Timothy died but he left in the earth his actions and he always will be remember as
the crazy man who reached his dreams.
Total of Words: 349

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