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I found it interesting that the perspective of the Native American has changed
throughout the years. In the early years of films with the silent productions the were
represented as the stoic unwavering warriors. Then as the years progressed they
became the savage then evolved during the sixties into a symbol of freedom. I find it
interesting that these representations followed what was happening in the country at
these times in history.
This movie focused on understanding the life of current native americans as well
as how the media has portrayed native americans. It first focused on the story of the
native americans that is historical facts like the defeat of Custer and the battle of
wounded knee. It then moved into the ideas shared by the media throughout the years.
It then ended with the representation that has been created by the native population and
how they have created interpretations that have now stereotypes only what really
But, no matter what they do, keep walking, keep moving. And dont where a
watch. P. 22
And I said, Yes, I am. I am Indian. Indian, I am. P. 173
Youre just like your brother, shed yell. Drunk all the time and stupid. P. 185
The overarching theme in these stories is to remember the past as well as the
stereotypes but to still be proud of being and Native American. I believe this because of
the quotes above. The first quote is saying remember your past but dont let it trap you.
You must always remember the way of your ancestors but do not try to recreate it. The
second quote is saying that even if other people belittle you be proud of your native
heritage. The last quote shows some of the stereotypes and ways that non-natives hate
on natives.

Journal 5
Over the past week we have read a collection of short stories from Sherman
Alexie called The lone Ranger and Tonto Fist Fight in Heaven as well as essays from the
native students from dartmouth titled Fist Person First people. A common theme that is

present in all of these sources is that tradition and their history haunts all Native
In the short story Crazy Horse Dreams Sherman Alexie tells the story of two
Native Americans at a pow wow. At one point in the story the man said, Youre nothing
important, Youre just another goddamn Indian like me. (Alexie 41). In this quote you
can see the resentment that Native Americans have for one and another. Later in the
story Sherman wrote, this line after the girl kicks out the man, She thought she could
watch him fancydance, watch his calf muscles grow more and more perfect with each
step. She thought he was Crazy horse (Alexie 41). This line reveals the feelings that
current Native Americans feel towards them selves as well as there ancestors. They
believe that their current state is not true to what they should be and that they need to
become more like the ancestors. They revere their ancestors and hope to emulate them.
This is an example of how the current generation of Native Americans is trapped with in
the past and are slow dancing with their skeletons.
This is not only present in the narrative of Native American writes but also in
every day life of some of the students who have gone to one of the top schools in the
United States, Dartmouth university. in the two essay we read from the book First
Person First People: Native American college graduates tell their life stories, we get two
similar stories from two Native Americans that come from very different backgrounds.
One by Robert Bennett entitled Why Didnt You Teach Me?, Talks about his life as a
pro baseball player and Graduate of Dartmouth. He talks about how he never new about
his Native American Heritage. His Grandmother never taught him the Lakota language
or any traditional practice. She did this to protect him, in her eyes anything Native would
cause people to hate him. When Robert asked her why she did not teach them Lakota
she responded by saying I really wanted to, but I was afraid you would get made fun of
by the wasicu. (Bennett 137) Wasicu is a Lakota term for white people but it also means
greedy ones who take the fat. At Dartmouth college the coachs on Robert sports team
would always ask other white players to watch out for him at parties to make sure he did
not drink to much since it was a problem with his people. Bennett state, I acknowledge
the problems with alcohol that many - but not all - Indian people face, but I did not
appreciate being stereotyped. This is Another example of how the skeletons of the pass
have fallowed the current generation. Natives today are always stereotypes as alcoholic
and self destructive. This is a case were the skeletons are coming from an outside force
and not the Natives them selves.
The Skeletons of the past still haunt the world of the Native Americans. Tradition
and history have trapped the Native people into a cycle that they cannot escape. The
Native American them selves are creating a cage out of tradition and wanting to be like

their ancestors. Non-Natives have also created skeletons for the Native Americans
through stereotypes.

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