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Language requirements for ISE 0 ‘The candidate is expected to demonstrate the ably to use thelanguage functions ard language items listed bet. Language requirements Language functions Exchanging greetings and leave-takng Giving personal infermation Descriting people objects and laces Describing daily routinesand times Giving dates Expressing ably and inability Giving simple directions and instructions Grammar Present simple tense Present contiououstense Past simple tense of regular ard common inregular verbs | Going tofuture "Nouns (singular an¢ plural, reqular and. Jmegular courtableand uncountable) ‘Pronouns (including possessives) ‘Adjectives (including comparatives and ‘superiatves) ‘Adverbs of manner and frequency Lexis ‘Vocabulary specific tthe subjact and opic areas Cardinal and ordinal (upto 30#) aumbors ‘Adverbs and adverbial phrases of frequency, ‘eg sometimes, never, every dey, once a week Phonology (Interview only) ‘The correct pronunciation of words specific ‘othe topic and subject areas ‘The use of contractions where approprials Appropriate stress and inzonation patterns for wos, short eantencos and simp qustions Describing present events andcurrent activities ‘Askingsimple questions about everyday Ife Describing past events ‘Describing future plans and intentions ‘Expressing simple comparisons Expressing kes and dishes ‘Describing manner and frequency Frepostions of place, movement and time Inperatves Demonstratives Determiners anand cant Thoro k/aro and has/havo got/have you got? Link words and, and then, but Luke + geruna/innnnive eg. ake shopping, Ike te readbooks Formation of questionsand the use of ‘uestion words. Expressions of past time, eg. yesterday, lastnight Phrases andexpressions relating to the language functions listed above ‘Appropriate weak forms andintonation in ‘connected speech ‘Taree different ways of pronouncing ‘e¢' past tense endings, e. played, walked, wanted ‘Avoidance of spooch pattorns of rcitation ‘Subject areas for the Conversation phase of the Interview ‘One subject ares will be seectesby the examiner from thelist below. Hotiays ‘Shopping ‘School and werk Hobbies and sports Food Vieekend and seasonal activities Please note ISE 0 candidates should not select thelr topic from the list of subject areas above ‘See guidance notes on page 23). ‘Subject areas for the Portfolio and Controlled Written examination In adastionto the subject areas lsted or the Conversation phase ofthe Interview: Jobs Placesinthe local area Place of study Home ite Weathar Freetine ‘Times and dates General skills for ISE 0 (AZ CEFR) Speaking ‘vera spoken production CCanuse aseries of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms a variety of subjects within fis er herimmediat ieldof intrest ‘Overal spoken interaction ‘Can communicate in simple androutine task that involve a basic and direct exchange of information ‘on familiar topics ‘Can enterintoshortsocia exchanges, althoughis normaly unable to maintain a conversation independently. Listening ‘Overall stening compretension Can understand what is sad clearly, sowly and drecthy to him or er in simple everyday conversations. ‘Can understand enough to manage simple, routine exchanges without uncue etfort Understanding a native speaker Canshow understanding by responding appropriately to simple questions and requests, athouch will sometimes haveto ast for repettion of particular words and/or phrases. Reading ‘Overall reading comprehension Can read very short, simple texts Can find specific and precictable information in simple everyday material, Can understand short simple letters Writing ‘Overall witten procucton Can produce a series of sinple phrases ard sertences with imple connectors (e.g. and, but) ‘relafing to areas that are of immadiate need and personalrelevance. Correspondence ‘Can write very short and simple personalletters, emalls notes or messages relating to matters that are of immediate need. For ecample, expressing thanks or apologising. Factual writing Can produce a series of inked, simple phrases, sentences ora Ist of points about areas of perscnal Interest, nmeciate need and/or everyday aspects of his or her envionment aril, present ‘or most recentjob. CCrestive/descriptive writing CCanwrite short, simple, imaginary descriptions of people or places. CCanwritebasic very short descriptions ofevens, past activities and persenal experiences {SE 0 communicative skils language requirements and general skils have been mappedto A2 inthe CEFR. Language requirements for ISE | {naddition tothe items spectiad for SE 0, the candidate is expected to demonstratethe ability touse the language functons and language items listed below. Language requirements Language functions Descriting the future ~ informing and predicting Expressng preferences Descriting eventsin theindefinte and recent past Giving roasons ‘Stating the duration of events Grammar Present perfect tense including use with for, ice, ever, never, st CConneciing causes using because Wal refering to the future for informing ‘and predicting ‘Acjectives and adverbiais of quantty, .24.a/0t(oP), not very much, many Lexis ‘Vocabulary specific to the topic and subjectareas Further expressions relating tothe past, ‘2. two days ago, fa day before yerterday Phonology (Inter view only) ‘The correct pronunciation of vocabulary specticto the topic and subject areas The combination of weak forms anc contractions, eq. 'e been to.- Sentence stress to clarify meaning Quantiving Expressing and requesting opinions and Impressions Expressing intention ard purpose Expressing obligation and necessity Expressing cartainty ard uncertainty Descriting past actions over a period oftime ‘Expressions of prference,e. | prefer tdrather Zero and fist conditionals, using ifand when resent continuous tense for future use Bast continuous fanso \Modals connectes to the functions listed ‘above, eg. must, need f, might, dont have fo Infinitive of purpose Expressionsrelating to future time, eg. the day affer tomorrow, inthe future ‘Common phrasal verbs Phrases and expressions relating tothe language functions listed above [Basic intonation and features of connected speech at sentence level ‘The intonation patterns of more complex questions ‘Avoidance of speech patterns of recitation ‘Subject areas for the Conversation phase of the Interview ‘One subject ares willbe selocted by the examinar from the ist below. Travel Money Fashion ules and regulations Health and fitness ‘Learning a forelon language Please note ISE | cancidates should nat select their topic from the lis of subject areas above (Gee guidance notes on page 30) ‘Subject areas for the Portfolio and Controlled Written examination In adaitionto the subject areas listed for the Conversation phase ofthe Interview: Fesivale ‘Means o! transport ‘Special occasions, eg. br thday celebrations Entertainment eg, cinema television, clubs Music Recent personalexperiences General skills for ISE | (B1 CEFR) ‘Speaking ‘Overall spoken production ‘Can connect sentances in a simple wayin order te describe experiences and vents. ‘Overall spolen interaction ‘an erter unprepared into conversation on familar topics, press personal opinions ard exchange Information on topics that are familiar, of persona interest or pertinentto everyday life Listening ‘Overall istening comprehension ‘Can understand straightforvard factual information about cemmen everyday topic, identifying ‘oth ganeral messages and specific detail provided speech & clearly articulated. Understanding anative speaker ‘Can generally folow clearly articulated speech, although may have to ask for repetition of particular words ana porases, Reading ‘overall reacing comprehension ‘Can road straightforward factual toxts on sutjects related tohis or her fold ef intorost with 2 satisfartorylevelof compretension. Processing written text CCancollate shortpieces of information fromadifferent sources andsummarise them. ‘Can paraphrase short written passages in a simple way. Writing ‘Overall written production (Can wre straightforward connected text ona range of familar subjects within his or her fed of Interest by inking a seres of shorter dbcrete elementsinto a linger sequence. Correspondence (Can write personalletters or amas giving news and expressing his r her thoughts, ideas and opinions. ‘Canwrite personal letters oremails describing experiences and events in some detail Factual writing Can writ short smploessays on topes of intoros ‘Cansummarise report and give his or her opinion about factual information matters wehin 1S oF her field of interest. ‘creative/descriptive writing (Canwrte straightforward detaled descriptions ona range of familar subjects. ‘Gan wre accounts of experiences in a simple connected text. ‘Can write a description of an event ~real or magined, eg. a recent trip. {SEI communicative sks, language requirements and general skils have been mapped toB1 inthe CEFR. Language requirements for ISE II In ation tothe items speci for SEO andlSE the candiateisexpected to demonstrate the abiltytouse te language functions and lanquace tems listed below. Language requirements Language functions Giving advice and highlighting advantages anc disadvantages ‘Mating suagestions Describing past habits Expressing possbilty and uncertainty {licting further information and expansion of ‘Ideas and opmnions, Grammar ‘Second and third conditonals ‘Simple passive Usedto Relative clauses \Motals end pirases used to gve advice and ‘make suggestions, 2. stouldlought fo, could, yout Detter \Modals and phrases used to express possbilty ‘ane uncertainty may, might, m notsure Lexis ‘Vocabulary specificto the topic and subject areas Cohesive devices, e9. so fo continue, in other wort, or example ‘Appropriate words and expressionsto indicate Interest and show awareness ofthe speaker, ‘2g Realy? Oh dear! Dit you? ‘Simple files o give time for thought, eg.wel., um... Phonology (Interview only) ‘The correct pronunciation of vocabulary specific io the topic and subject areas Risng intonation to indicate interest and surpriseas appropriate Intonation and features of connected speech beyond sentence level Exgressing agreement ad csagrkment Expressing fedings and emotions Expressing impossibility Reporting the conversation of others ‘Specuatng Persuading and éscouraing Discourse connectors because of, due to Present perfect continucus tense Past parect tense Reported speech, Linking expressions, eg. even though, In gite of, although Reporting verbs, e. say, tell, sk, report, ‘advise, promise ‘Aporopriate words and exprestionsto ‘encourage further participation, e.9, what about you? Phrases and expressions relatng tothe language tunctons istec above Rising and fling intonation to indicate ‘iving upandofferina turns ‘Stress and intonation to indicate eration ‘Stress, intonation and pitch reevant to the language functions listecabove ‘Subject areas for the Conversation phase of the Interview ‘One subject area willbe selected by the examiner from thelist below. SSocity and living standards Personal values and ideals The world of work ‘Unexplained phenomena and ovonts ‘National environmental concerns Public figures past and present Please note ISE Il candidates should not select their toic from the Iistof subject areasabove ‘Gee guidance nctes on page 37). ‘Subject areas for the Portfolio and Controlled Written examination ‘madalton tothe subject areas listed for the Conversation phase ofthe Interview. Education [National customs Village and city fe ‘National and local produce and products Early memories olutionand recycling General skills for ISE I! (B2 CEFR) Speaking ‘Overall spoken production Can give clear, detaled descriptions and presentations on a wide range of subjects related tohis ‘orher field of interest, expanding and supporting ideas with relevant examples. ‘Overall spoken interaction ‘Caninteract with a dearee of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular intracton ard sustained ‘elationships with native speakers quite possible without imposingstrain on either party. Listening ‘Overall istening comprehension ‘Can understand standard spoken language on both familar and unfamiliar topics normally ‘encountered in personal, scial, academic or vocationallif. Only extreme background roise, Inadequate discourse structure and/or idiomatic usageinfluencesthe ably to understand. Understanding anative speaker ‘Can understand in detail whats aid tothem in standard spoken Englzh. Reading ‘Overall reacing comprehension ‘Can read witha lerge degree of independence. Has a broad activereading vocabuary but may ‘experience some difficulty with lw frequency idioms. ‘Can understand articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems, in which the witers _atopt particular stances or viewpoints. ‘Can obiain information, ideas andopinons from sources within his or her field of interest. Processing written text ‘Cansunmarice a widerange of texts commanting on and discussing centrasting points of view ‘and the man themes. Writing ‘Overall written production Can write clear, detailed texts ona variety ofsubjects related to his or her field of interest and ‘evaluate infermation and arguments from a number of sourcos, Correspondence Can write personal letters oremais conveying degrees of emtion and highlighting the personal ‘igniticanceot events and experiences and commenting on the corespondeat's news and views. Fectual writing ‘Can write an essay or report which develops an argument systematicall with appropriate highlighting of significant points and relevant supporting deta ‘Con evaluate diferent eas or solutions to aproblem. ‘Can write an essay or report which develops an argument, giving reasons for or against the support of aparticular pont of view. ‘creative/gescriptve writing (Can write clear, detailed descriptions of real or imaginary events, marking the relationship between ‘ideas inclear connected text and following established conventions of the genre concerned. |SE1I communicative skis, language requirements and general skils have been mapped to B2 inthe CEFR. Language requirements for ISE Ill {In adition tothe items listed for ISE0 to ISE Il, the candidate isexpected to demonstrate the abitty to ‘usethe language functions and language item lista below. Language requirements Language functions Expressing abstract ideas Expressing regrets, wishes and hopes Expressing assumptions Paraphrasing Evauating options Hypothessing Evauating past actions of course of events Developing an argument Dofending a point of viow Expressing betets Grammar [Expressing opinions tontativaly ‘summarising information ideas and arguments edueng ustifying an argument Inferring Expressing caution ‘Expressing empathy and sympathy CChallengingargunents and opinions Evalusting cifferent standpoints Expressing reservations ‘Aig degree of grammatical accurecy, erors are rare and dificult to identity ‘A broad range of complex structures, used flexibly and effectively in combination and coniras, including: = Mxed conditionals ~ Shauld/must/might/could + pertectinfintive ~ Correct verb patterns atter wisn and nope Lexis ‘Vocabulary spec tothetopc and subject areas ‘A good range of alomaticexpressions and caloguialsms Cohesive devices torecap and recover ea. as | wassaying anyway... Hestation filers eg mean, you know ‘Stock phases to gain tmetor thought and keep the turn, ea. wel etme think. \Moatying words, 09, basicaly, quite, certainly Phonology (Interview only) ‘The correct pronunciation of tonic and subject ‘area specific vocabulary ‘A wide range of stress, rhythm, intoration patterns, pitch and volume in order to engage ‘andmairiain the examiner's interest signal the provision of new information, indicate ‘discourse structure, emphasisemainpoints/ ‘ideas and convey subtle shifts in meaning andattitude ~ Verbs followed by gerund andor infinitive, 103. forget, stop, oon, remember ~ More compiles forms of Une passive with modals Intenstiers eg absolutely, completely, totaly Tentative expressions eg..may be wrong but... Don't you fink t might be. ‘Slgnpesting wordsandespressions 29. fist, convorsaly, 9 conclude \agueand imprecée language, eg a bit more, ‘2nundred peopte ar 30 Phrases and expressions relating tothe language functions listed above \arious features of pronunciation which ‘nly occasionally deviate fram an Internationally intlfgitte model Fising and falingintonationfor keeping, ‘vingup and offering turns General skills for ISE III (C1 CEFR) ‘Speaking ‘Overall spolen production (Can ghe clea detailed descriptions and presentations on complex subjecs, integrating subthemes, Young people's rights Lestyles—) Economic sues Pease nate ISE Il candidates should not select their topic fromthe lst of subject areas above {ea guidance notes on page 4S). ‘Subject areas for the Portfolio and Controlled Written exemination Inadgition to the subject areas listed fo the Conversation phase ofthe Interview. oles in the family Intersational events ‘Communication Equal oppertunities “The scnool curriculum Social issues ‘youth penaviour ‘he fature ot tne planet Use ofthe internet Scientific developments Designer goods Stress management General skills for ISE III (C1 CEFR) ‘Speaking ‘Overall spolen production (Can ghe clea detailed descriptions and presentations on complex subjecs, integrating subthemes,

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