Cambridge English - First - Result Unit 1

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2iroizor4 Cambridge English: First Result | Oxford University Press _ Oe The Cycle of life Lead in 1 Name any of the people you recognize in the photos. Guess who is related andl what the relationships ae, 2 Compare your answers to 1 in pairs. Say which physical features a-g helped you to guess. skin tone ((ait/dark/tanned) b hair colour (black/fair/blond/red) € hairstyle (curly/staight) @ eye colour (blue/green/hazel/brown) eyebrows (bushy/thin) nose (large/small/hooked turned up) 8 mouth (full/hin ips) 3 Turn to page 153 to find out the answers to 1 4. Work in pars. Find out from your partner whether ‘+ they look like one or both parents. ‘+ they look like another relative in some way. ‘they have a similar personality to 4 parent or sibling (brother or sister anguage: 1 2iroizor4 ‘Camoridge English: First Result | Oxford University Pross, Reading 2 Sekt ar patil ier in deta {A have been raised by different families, BB haven't been studied before. © look and behave in very similar ways. are not alike in terms of personality. While they were growing up, twins Jim Lewis Part § Multiple choice 11 Would you like to have an identical twin? What advantages and disadvantages might there be? 2, Read the text opposite quickly. What do cases like and Jim Springer the ‘im twins’ tell scientists: a, b or & A. were in regular contac. 2 why some women give birth to identical twins knew about their twin, but had no contact. which physical features we inherit from which parent did not know they had ever had a twin, © how much of our personality we inherit from our were prevented from seeing each other by parents their adoptive families. s 4 When the two Jims met as adults, how did th how to do it tet the snes becwen em the text quick for general meaning A They had always expected them, iis quetiens fet Dorit ea the options (-D) yet BB They found them very amusing, © i ttm te They did not realize how similar i alee they were until the researchers "© [Roca the options and ook again atthe relevant part of told them, (Gross outany options that are lary won, D They were very surprise. (can't doce between tvo options, make an igent guess 5 As adults, the twins {A both had only one child how to doit box. Then read the text again B each had two wives, and for questions 1-6, choose the answer © had pets with the same name. (A,B, Cor D) which you think fits bes, according OME women who were to the text identical twins. 1 Unlike non-identical twins, identical twins 6 How do other cases of twins Aare more common among Asians than raised apart compare with the Aricans, sim wins’? B are becoming more and more common, A They ae all just as surprising. are more common among older mothers. B They are les surprising, but D are no more frequent in one geographical ‘often shout interesting, area than another coincidences © Many of them are even more surprising _ Most of them show that other pais of identical wins are nat very similae. anguage=en 22

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