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Student Teacher: Christine Henderson

Date 10-17-14

Classroom Teacher: Mrs. Johnston

Grade: 6-8

School: Wendover Middle School

Subject: Social Studies

Lesson Theme: 13 colonies

Number of Students: 9

I. The Setting
A. General description of room, seating plan, atmosphere
The atmosphere of the classroom was just like the other classrooms in the
building. The room felt now, studious, and quite serious. The desks were
arranged in columns facing the smart board.
B. Furnishings
There were not many other furnishings besides the students desks, the
computer desks, two teacher desks, and two tables.
C. Teaching Aids (equipment, displays, bulletin boards, library)
The equipment included a smart board. The students could come up and
touch the screen with their fingers to move items, highlight items with the
pen, and even write right one the pages of the smart board. The classroom
also contained a computer for every student. The classroom had a few
bulletin boards up. One board had grammar posters on it and the other was
a board that contained how much Spartan Money the students earned.
Spartan Money was a form of reward system.
Another form of aid in the classroom was the number of adults. There was
one teacher in the classroom, one Para, and two PCAs that were with their
student at all times.
II. Outline of Session
A. How the subject was introduced
When I got to the classroom the teacher introduced me to the students. The
teacher then had the class explain to me what they have been working on.
The students took turns explaining that they each picked one of the 13
colonies to learn about. They then had to research the topic and collect
their state coin for their colony.


B. Methods used
The teacher was using a project based learning style. The students were
finding the information on their own (with the help of the staff). This was
great for the students because they were making the learning their own.
The learning was meaningful to them so they were able to understand the
information better.
C. Teaching aids employed
The teacher used a microphone, just as I did in my last placement. The
teacher attaches the microphone onto her shirt and everything she says
goes directly into the students ear.
The teacher was also using close proximity to some of the students. She
would keep close quarters with one of the students who had trouble paying
attention. She would frequently ask him questions about his topic to make
sure he was still on task.
The PCAs worked independently with their particular students. The
students did their own work the aids were just there to add support for the
D. Brief description of the lesson
The students were individually researching the thirteen colonies on their
computers. The teacher gave the students each their own colony and a list of
facts that they needed to fin. The students also had to find the meaning of their
states state quarter. After the students found the information they would type the
information into their section of a Google Doc. This way all of the students could
have the information.
After the class reviewed the targets for the day the students worked
independently. I was able to walk around the classroom and observe the
students working. All of the students were eager to share about their state.
Mrs. Johnston explained to me that the students will be giving an oral
presentation on their project next Tuesday.
III. Student Participation
A. Number of students participating actively 8
B. Participation
Mostly Voluntary 8
Mostly Requested 8
C. Level of student interest (describe)

All of the students were diligently working. One student was working but
would refuse to reread the section of his colony to his Para. The teacher
and the Para educator explained that this student was having a bad
behavioral day. All of the students behaviors were charted.
D. How interest was stimulated
The students were able to pick their own colony, and their own 5 fun
facts. This made the information personal and important to the students.

E. Provisions for individual differences

Two of the students had aids with them. The aids would help the students
with their work and redirect their behavior.
One of the students was hard of hearing. The teacher would talk into a
small microphone what would go directly into the students ear.
F. Preparation for future participation: Homework, etc. (describe)
The homework was listed on the board.

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