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Infinite: Son of Darkness

Author: Alfian Dany

Editor: Sabih Safwat

Begin_The Trigger that Starts Everything
The Red Purge.
Thats what the government named it.
A day where suddenly the sky turned into red and the clouds turned into black.
During that time everybody in the world lost its consciousness.
It only lasted for about 2 minutes. But those 2 minutes changed everything.
By the time the people woke up, every city were thrown into chaos, a lot of traffic
accidents, crashing planes, magical wave disruption, and many more like that.
But the worst part was, up to 30% of worlds population, went missing.
The people who went missing then found themselves woke up in the middle of
Not long after that, a voice can be heard, the source was unknown, but it was loud like
a school announcement.
Clear as if somebody was talking right in front of them...
The first word was uttered.
But then,
Find Temple of Talos. Inside it is a crystal. Those who can destroy it first will be
granted a wish. One wish. Whatever it is. I will grant it.
Silent echoed through all places.
Question filled peoples faces.
However, once you die, you stay die. Absolute death.
That was when the riot started. A lot of complains, angers, and rages filled the
atmosphere. The people of the earth demanded further explanation.
But what they got was nothing.

Those shouts just flew right into the sky.

Even God himself didnt give them any answer whatsoever.
Whats this? Survival game? Oi oi, if this were a LN, somebody would sue this because
copying S*O or maybe L*g H***zon. What a pain in the ass.
Said a boy with the age around 13. The hair was black and short and straight.
The body was just looked like another junior high school boy. But, what was interesting
was the look on his face.
The boy has a normal yet somewhat boring look on his face.
As if he didnt care what happened to him. Whether hes dead or alive didnt seem to
made any differences in his life.
It would be better if the others handle the situation as he did.
Well I guess I should look for a shelter to sleep first. Lets go Rapede.
Following him was a little puppy. Or that was what it looked like from outside.
The fact that Rapede is still here means that theres no disruption between this world
and the <<Ethereal World>>. But still, this creepy place doesnt looks like earth. Just
where the hell am I?? Tch, and just when Tsumug# was about to confess to Chis#ki. I
hope somebody recorded that or the blu-ray havent sold out yet when I come back
A huge planet with blood and violence everywhere.
Creature of the unknown rampaged all over the place.
A lot of life was destroyed every minute.
A planet that always showed its fangs wherever you looked.
Like earth but it was not earth.
The inhabitants of this world were mostly just mavericks the leftover of Zevas army
during the Great War that happened 1 millennium ago.
Mavericks all over the place. Is this some kind of experimental place??
Again, the boy asked to himself with boring looks on his face.
To be more detailed, there were abandoned cities, villages, and ruins everywhere.

Surrounding them was mostly a field with wild monsters and maverick roaming around.
Only few people could be seen at those fields since most of the people only stayed in
the city, looking for shelter and protection.
The monsters couldnt go in the city, let alone coming near it. That was because
surrounding all cities and villages is an invisible magical barrier.
Looks like those barriers were already there even before the people came to this world.
Thats pretty much described everything about this place, The Nameless Planet.

Continue_The Story Goes On
A modern city.
With all people from different races could live in harmony.
The sound of the people chatting, probably discussing their hemorrhoid problem.
The view of the blue sky with the birds flew around like it's in a fairy tale.
Not to mention this was the start of summer holiday where you can relax at home
doing whatever you want. Eating Popsicles, go to summer festival, lazing around in the
house until you find out that summer is going to over and you haven't even touch your
homework yet.
"That would be nice."
The boy smiled as he murmured those words. But as he opened his eyes, the reality he
was facing was swallowing his happy face.
"Man, I want this to over already. I want my summer holiday back."
The boy let out a heavy sigh.
"Complaining won't get you anywhere closer to your 'summer holiday'. You better take
a rest for now. We are going to continue at the dawn. So get yourself a nice rest."
Said the man that's sitting next to him. A long black hair with a rather muscular body.
Nothing special can be said from a person who's about to turn into 20 next month.
"Shut up! You're not my mom. Don't order me around!"
"You little damn brat...
"Stop, stop, don't fight right now okay. Also brother you shouldn't do that you know.
Rikkun doesn't like to be ordered around, right."
"Yeah, you hear that siscon?"
"Who's the siscon?! You damn brat!"
"Isnt that obvious you CAPTAIN SISCON??"
"Stop it you two!!"

The girl who was separating them is the man's little sister. Her age was around 13 -the same as the boy.
Slender body with short black hair.
Pretty well developed for a girl around her age.
After the two of them calmed down, the boy let out a heavy sigh again.
"I wonder what are the people in our world doing right now. Are they trying to find a
way to get us out of this mess or not. Man, this is a pain in the ass."
"Well I bet the people in our real world were also surprised like us when that day
happened. I won't be surprised if they're having difficulties in dealing with this kind of
"But still 6 months has passed by. I guess Im lucky enough to survive until today.
Not only you, were all lucky for surviving this far. Not many people can take this
situation as well as we do. We should be grateful.
Said the man who had also calmed down and laid on the field under a tree.
A lot of things happened right?
The girl smiled as she also lied down on the field.
Im surprised that you still can smile at time like this.
Hahaha, thats because I have a disgus- strong brother here.
Eh, wait a minute. Just now youre gonna stay disgusting right? Right?
Ignored, the girl continued to speak.
Also.., because youre also here Rikkun.
Upon hearing that, the boys cheeks turned into red.
He also hid his face from the siblings.
Stu-stupid what are you saying??
Eeh, youre quite tsundere right Rin-chan??

The man said as if he was teasing a little kid

Sh-Shut up!!
Hahaha, youre really cute eh Rikkun.
I-I-I said shut up.
The girl also joined her brother into teasing him.
E-Enough of it already. Now Im really getting tired. Im gonna sleep now.
Okay, Im going to sleep too, good night Rikkun, brother.
Yeah good night.
Good night too.
The boy started to close his eyelid and went to sleep.
Without thinking what could be happened in the future.
Without thinking what hes going to be in the future.
Without thinking what kind of obstacles he was going to face in the future.
He just slept. With that innocent face of him, he fell into deep slumber.

Prologue 03:
Blank_Lost In Thought
The world is a terrible place.
Cruel, merciless, sad as a bad dream.
Not a good place to live.
The rule of natural selection does apply in this world.
But, being too strong and people will fear you. Being too weak and people will laugh at
Its very hard to live according to this worlds karma.
Only in books you can find pity, comfort, and happy world your ideal world.
The world that accepts you no matter who or what you are.
Books love anyone who read them; they give you freedom and imagination.
They never ask anything.
They always bring the same content to its reader, no matter who or what you are.
Thats why Im going to create my own book my ideal world.
Even though people tell me over and over that its pointless,
Even though they are all mocking me, telling me its impossible.
Is it really impossible to create your own world? It is impossible!
But, Ill make it possible. Ill force my own ideal on it. Ill force my own way.
I wont let anyone stand in my way.
Because Ill be the hero in this book
This is the start of a story thats mine and mine alone.

Chapter 01
Welcome_The Devil Arrives.
The year was 2086
The countrys name was Neo-Japan.
And the city name was Arpeggio.
A modern and large city with a high mountain in the north of it.
Many different races lived in this town.
The city was located between Raven City in the West and Amber City in the east. While
Centurion Forest was covering Arpeggios southern part. Therefore the only possible
transportation for going in and out was land transportation and air transportation.
The city was divided into 4 districts; North, East, South, and West.
This was done so the Imperial government officers can guard the city more properly.
Though there still existed many casualties and security problem in Arpeggio city.
Thats mainly because The Red Purge incident. The incident in which 36% worlds
population went missing. And when it was over, only about 15% of the missing people
made it back to the real world.
It was already more than one year after the incident. The world was already trying to
heal. But still, many still suffering grief pain from that incident.
The Imperial was also in lost because most of their members were taken alongside the
Red Purge incident. To overcome that, the Imperial reduced the minimum age
restriction to join their forces into 15, 3 years younger than it should be.
Not only that, most of the survivors were also recruited into Imperial. Such measure
was taken in order to straighten the laws that once were shaken. Additionally, the
government also loosened the age restriction to join a guild into 15 too.
A guild was,
A place where bounty hunters gather.
Thats the simplest way to describe it.

They were consisted of many fighters ranging from young to old. Government mostly
put some bounty through the guilds network a website created by the government
to put bounty list and any other info regarding guild.
There were also few that were displayed on the building, TV commercial, or even
internet. But thats mostly limited to A or S rank bounty.
Capture or kill.
The most obvious choices.
The capture option, well its obvious that people should capture the bounty and then
hand it over to the nearest Imperial office. Then they get paid.
The kill option was also obvious. Kill the target and then bring evidence that showed
that the target has been eliminated.
The bounty itself ranged from criminal to maverick. Those that government found it
hard to dealt with.
However, only those who were affiliated to any guild that has been legalized by
government can pick the bounty. Aside from that, there were many guilds that did job
other than bounty hunting.
Some opened store, some opened service. There were also those who opened 18+
And that were the detailed explanation of a guild.

South District of Arpeggio.

It mostly consisted of markets and a lot of kind of shops.
Such as armour shop, enchantment shop, weapon shop, and something like that can
be found here. Not only that, food markets and ingredients market can also be found
Unlike North District that was filled with many tall buildings, The South District filled
with many average-sized building.
The security here can be said satisfactory. There were Imperial guards patrolling
every now and then. But still, no matter how many times they patrolled, such a thing

like robbery or theft couldnt be avoided in a place where there were a lot of foods and
people with money walking around.
Such a sound was made.
Kirihara Kagura was the name of the person who made the sound. Her beautiful legs
that just ran over a pool of water.
Her white skin was as smooth as milk.
But what really caught peoples attention wasPointy ears that below her long pony-tailed brown hair that rest on the back of her
beautiful glass-work like body. The girl wasnt a human, she was an elf.
Oh Kagura-chan, youre heading to the guild?
Greeted by an old woman who was tending her shop, the girl stopped.
Yup, I have no student council job today, so Im heading straight to the guild.
Then take these candies with you. Its not much so I dont think its enough for all
No problem. The only one who likes to eat candies is probably just Aya-chan.
I see, thats good then.
Then Ill see you again; thank you very much for the candy. Bye!
Bye Kagura-chan, be careful on the way.
Leaving, the girls continued to where she was going, her guild base, Green Gale.
Located in the West District of Arpeggio City.

To all passenger of Weiss Train, well arrive in Shinshen Station in 3 minutes. For
those who wish to depart here, make sure you dont leave anything important on the
train. Please re-check everything you have before leaving the train.
Woof woof

Woof woof
The puppys barking was so loud that everybody on the train was turning their
attention to the puppy. Or rather the boy who looks like its master.
Hmm, what is it?? Five more minutes please, Im still sleepy.
Due to the boys reaction, the puppy moved it butt to his face.
Hmm, somethings in my face.
By the time he open his eyes, the puppys already struggling to take a poop.
Wa-wait a minute Rapede. I got it, I got it. Im already awake, so dont poop on my
face okay??
Hearing that, the puppy removed its butt against the boy and the other people also
removed their attention to the boy.
Hmmmph.... Weve arrived huh??
Stretching his back, the boy alongside his dog, approached the trains door.
To all passenger of Weiss Trains, weve arrived at the Shinshen station. Please dont
rush out and approach the exit with caution. Thank you for using Weiss Train and be
careful out there.
Due to many people that were coming out from the train the boy took the puppy and
put it on his head.
Okay, lets go Rapede.
Woof woof
Is what I want to say, but I dont have any idea how am I supposed to get to the
uncles house. He said that hes going to pick me up, but I havent seen him around. I
better tell him that Ive arrived at the station.
He picked up his cell phone in his pocket called his uncle.

[watashino ohaka no mae de nakanaide kudasai]

Oi what is that sound??

Asked an old man with brown skin.
His hair was short and somewhat curly. Behind his black glasses laid his perverted eye
that reacted as fast as he smoked his cigarettes.
His body was muscular and well-shaped.
And in his chest was a name-plate with Yamashiro Takeshi written on it.
Well thats to be expected since hes one of the high ranking government officers.
Hmm you dont know this song, its Sen no Kaze ni Natte.
Answering him was the mans partner.
The only differences he had were his white skin, short straight black hair, and he didnt
wear any glasses.
No, I mean, I know that song, but that voice is terrible.
Its the Sugita Tomozakus version.
No wonder it was terrible...
Whatever. Hello this is Saejima here.
The voice of a boy could be heard.
Oh uncle Saejima. Its me Rin. Where are you? Im already at the station.
Oh Rin, youve arrived? Im sorry Rin. I suddenly got a call from the office. Theres a
case I should investigate immediately.
A case? Can I just ask for your address, Ill head there by myself.
Really? Can you head there by yourself?
Dont worry; Im not a brat anymore. If Im lost, I just can ask people around. Beside
only God knows how long the investigation is going to take, you know I hate waiting.
Okay then, Ill mail the address to your cell phone. My daughter and son are on the
house. I already told them that you will be coming so they will open the door.
Got it.

Sorry Rin, Im supposed to pick you up but-

Dont worry about it; I can manage things from here all by myself. Beside I already
told you, didnt I? Im not brat anymore. Stop treating me like a kid already...
Haha, good to hear. Okay, Ill see you at home.
Okay, okay, see you later. Bye.
The man ended the call.
Is that your nephew you were talking about?
Hmm, one of the survivors of The Red Purge. So what squadron hes going to be
Looking at Takeshis confused face, Saejima continued his sentence.
He isnt joining any squadron.
You mean he doesnt join the Imperial?
Why?? I thought everybody in your family is supposed to join the Imperial.
Hmm, how do I say it..? Let just say that were having miscommunication with him. He
has a trouble with father. Besides, hes not the type that easily follow orders.
Such a waste, not to mention that he also survived The Red Purge. He can be a great
help to government.
Well I guess hes helping the government with his own way.
Did you say something??
No, never mind, lets just wrap this up so we can go home sooner.
Yeah, nice idea.

A bell can be heard, meaning somebodys opening the GGs door.
Oh its Kagura-neechan.
Approaching Kagura was a little girl, Gokuran Aya.
Shes very young, the youngest in the building at the moment.
An elementary school student, currently at her 6th grade.
Shes the daughter of Gokuran Hanzo and Gokuran Yae.
The father took a role as a muscle-man and a cashier, while the mother took a role as a
Thats because Green Gale isnt just a guild. It also worked as a multi-functional
convenience store. Not only you can buy things in GG, but you can also create or fix
mostly any weapons and furniture. Thats the only way to keep the guilds financial
stable when the guild didnt have any job.
Good afternoon Aya-chan. Heres candy from grandma Kodoka.
Wah, candies. Thank you very much Kagura-neechan.
Yup. The next time you meet her, dont forget to say thank you to her to okay?
Huu, thats not fair Kagura! Why dont you give me some candies too?
Yelling at her from the back of the store was a girl named as Sakuragi Ao.
Cute girl with short light-green hair and blue eyes.
Unlike Kagura, Ao was a hybrid between elf and succubus. Her ears were normal like
most human. But she had a demon tail that stuck out from her pant.
She also has the ability to interact with animals like elf, though not as effective as an
elf did.
Not too short or too tall. Almost the same as Kagura, only Aos slightly taller than

Shes at the same grade as Kagura. But she didnt go to school because of some
Working in the store as a mechanic. Unlike Yae who was mostly work when there was
someone who wants a weapon or two which was very rare considering there were
many weapons shop at the city, Aos work was busier because mainly she fixed
everything that customer brought.
What are you a kid??
Saying that was a big dark brown-skinned old man with bald hair. Without a doubt,
thats Ayas father, Gokuran Hanzo.
Whats wrong with people wanting candies?? You just want the candies for your
sweet Aya-chan all alone right??
Th-thats not it. Its just youre a grown-up, isnt it shameful to ask candies from kid??
Shut up bald father. Stop treating me like Im a kid, Im also grown-up already. Thats
why Im going to share it with Ao-neechan!
B-bald. Ohohoho my sweet dear, your father isnt bald you know. Its just, its just...
Its just??
Both Aya and Ao asked the same question together.
You know, I actually have hair. Its just the hair is too thin to be seen. Yes, its an
invisible hair! Hahahaha...
He forced his laughter. No matter how you look at it, that was the lamest excuse
coming from bald person.
Liar, youre just baldie father.
A sword has pierced Hanzos chest.
See Aya-chan, dont be a picky person like your father. Or else youll also end up
Okay Ao-neechan. Of course I dont want to become like baldie father.
Double combos
Of course, right? Nobody wants a bald head like his.

Triple hits.
Yeah, no hair no life.
Critical strike!!
Finish him.
No more..., please... Yae-chan...
Ooh what is it baldie??
Fatality. Not to mention that his own wife that finish him.
Kagura-chan, home already?
Yes Yae-san.
The woman that just came out from the back of the shop was Gokuran Yae.
Following her was a boy. Older than Kagura and Ao, but younger than Hanzo and Yae.
An university boy. Albert Yujii. The name implied that hes half Japanese and half
A human, like Gokuran family.
Dark yellow eyes behind his glasses. His skin was white-yellow like most of Asians.
Delivery man was the job he was assigned at.
What a poor man.
Sighing, the boy looked Hanzo with a pity.
Adding additional damage to Hanzo.
Well at least I already have a wife and a child, unlike certain someone who has an
imaginary girlfriend.
Imaginary?! Excuse me, but Reina-chan is real! How many times should I tell you
Shes really exist??
Joining the conversation was Kagura who have changed into her everyday clothes
during the Hanzos massacre.

SHE IS!! Why nobody believe me?

Well isnt that obvious, we never speak with her. Let alone speak, meeting face to
face is also a never.
I already showed you her picture right? And I also told you guys that shes studying
abroad, thats why you guys cant meet her.
Well yeah, but shes so pretty, I mean is that really your girlfriend? All you have
showed me is a picture of her only, not two of you.
I told you shes studying abroad!! How the heck am I supposed to take picture with
someone who isnt here??
Eeh suspicious, you sure thats not just some random girl that you stalked over the
Ao also joined the conversation while eating the candies with Aya.
HELL NO!! Im not desperate enough to do that!!
So youre still desperate after all...
You two...
Listen Aya-chan, dont be a person like that too. Hes probably going nut because hes
still single for a guy around his age.
Thats right Aya-chan, if you become someone like that, youll find yourself become a
stalker, sooner or later.
Okay Ao-neechan, Kagura-neechan.
Both of you shut up!
Now, calm down everyone, lets take a break and enjoy some tea.
The one who ended the conversation was Yae.
But still, you guys have seen the news?
What news Yujii?
The latest mavericks that are lurking in the town, assaulting random people. Has the
Imperial put a bounty, Kagura?

Now that you mention it, I havent checked the website...

They already had. Earlier when youre still on school Kagura.
Hanzo picked up the tablet in which he used it to access the guild network. He then
showed the tablet to the others.
The tablet showed 2 different monsters. Both were D class.
Not really dangerous, unless youre an old lady with only a stick in your hand.
So have you got any info regarding those two mavericks?
Asked by Ao, Hanzo started to explain.
Aside from his job as a muscle-man, Hanzo was also an expert at collecting information.
The first one is, a flying type mons-
That one has been taken care. Yae-san and I came across the scene while delivering.
Looks like Imperials have got their hands on that one.
Eeh what a waste, 2000 neo-yen is not a bad amount.
Yes it was neo-yen. Not yen. That was about 70 years ago.
Hearing Aos complaint, Hanzo continued onto the next one.
Then the next one. Its a beast-type maverick. Its body is not too big. Report said that
it mostly appeared at daytime. The place where he appeared is random, but my
informant said that hes like any other maverick, always seeking a place full of people.
Your informant sure knows a lot of things...
Hey papa, whats maverick actually?
Hmm, its, uhh...
Confused in how to answer Ayas question, Yae stepped in.
Honey, you know in those fairy tales I used to read it for you before you go to the bed,
where there were always bad guys and the hero who saved the princess??
But in this world we are living now, if human and devil and angel can live together,
whos the bad guy then??

The maverick??
Yup, thats my smart kid.
While patting Ayas head, Aya asked again.
Then why do they keep attacking people?? Have people done something bad to their
Truth to be told, Yae didnt have any idea how to answer the second question.
The others were also looking for an answer that a kid could understand.
Silence remained for a few seconds.
Until Ao decided to answer Ayas question.
A sudden bell interrupted their conversation..
Saved by the bell, Ao let out a heavy sigh. But at the same time surprised.
Walking through the door was a boy with a puppy next to him.
Welcome to the Green Gale.
Kagura greeted the boy with a smile. The other has also returned to their post.
The boy walked toward the cashier.
Excuse me, but can I ask how can I get to here??
The boy gave Hanzo a piece of paper with an address written on it.
An address located at the North District.
North district was famous for the location of the central government office the
Imperial base and the Imperial academy school for those who wanted to be an
The residential area was mostly filled with government officers, though not all of it.
Are you an Imperial??
No, Im not. But my family is one, and I want to go to his house.

Oh I see...
Hanzo decided to stop asking as it was rude to ask a stranger more about his private
And so he began to explain to the boy how to get there.
Whos that Yae-san?? He doesnt look like hes from this town? asked Yujii.
I dont know, maybe one of my husbands acquaintances or informants. Ive never
seen him before.
But hes still a boy. Same age as Ao and Kagura from the looks of his. Then how about
you Kagura??
No, but...
But looks like Ive seen him before somewhere...
Ooh your childhood friend maybe??
Hmm, maybe, but I dont think so.
Kagura tried to remember the boy. She browsed through her memory.
Then she recalled something that made her felt she knew the boy. It was during the
days where she was trapped in the Nameless Planet.
But what remained on her memory was just a vague image of a boy with a gun in his
right hand. That, and also when he smiled and saying something while holding the gun.
No doubt about it, Ive met him before.
Lost in thought, a sudden light flashed out from Kaguras right hand.
From the light came out a spirit, flying toward the boy at a fast speed.
Surprised, Kagura tried to stop it.
But, it was too late. The spirit hit the boy head.
Thats what the other saw. But the boy felt different except that he was also surprised.
It didnt feel hurt. In fact, it was more like hugging.

The spirit also flew around him, as if its playing around.

Most people would be annoyed of course.
Therefore before anger came out from the boys mouth, Kagura decided to apologize.
I-Im very sorry, Liz is usuall-
Its very cute. The boy said with a smile and innocent looks on his face
Surprised to what the boy said, Kagura stopped bowing her head and looked at the boy.
The boy petted Kaguras contracted spirit.
Its your spirit? The boy let the spirit go.
Yeah its my contracted spirit, Est.
The spirit was a Cheagle Wood. Native of Arcas Forest.
A battle-type spirit with wind elemental attribute.
It has a mouse-like body with huge long ears which for some reasons can be used to fly.
Im very sorry to what happened to you. Liz is usually not aggressive. But I dont know
why she-
Its okay. Shes just playing around, I get it. Look even shes getting along with my
Kagura looked behind the boy and find both Liz and the puppy and also Aya playing
Its your pet??
Joining conversation was Yujii.
Well Rapede is not actually a pet. Hes also a contracted spirit...
A contracted spirit? Then are you an Imperial?
No, Im not.
A guild member?
Not too.
Th-Then youre here to join our guild??

Showing happy expression, Kagura asked the boy the question.

Not only that, her eyes became so Im curious like from a certain anime.
Im very sorry, but not that too. Im just here asking for direction.
Oh I see...
With a downed voice Kagura stepped back.
But, I dont know though if this place is also a guild. I thought its just a convenience
Ah yeah we got that a lot from stranger.
Our guild also built a convenience store in order to balance our financial.
With this we still can keep our money in check despite having no job at all. Replied
You guys dont get many jobs often?
Well not really.
I thought this place was quite popular. When I asked local people earlier about
convenience store, they pointed my way here.
Like Hanzo said earlier, right now we dont have many requests. Due too many guilds
in this city, the competition .
Well were not the only guild here in the city, it cant be helped.
A depressed look can be seen in Hanzos face.
What about the high class?
We take that too, but not very often.
As you can see our guild is just a small guild. I and the girl earlier are still studying, so
we cant go hunting outside the city very often. In short, we lack manpower. Man, if
only we have <<Dark Slayer>> with us, we can hunt more B or A or even S class
mavericks with an ease
Yuujis words made the boy a little bit shocked.
..... The boy gave them a plain look.

Whats with that look? You dont know <<Dark Slayer>>??

U-um, n-no, whos that?
The boy was kind of surprised when asked by that question.
Hanzo, explain it to him.
Hanzo showed the boy an image of a man using the tablet.
<<Dark Slayer>>. Thats the name that Imperial and Guild gave him. A stray bounty
hunter, meaning that hes not affiliated to any guild or government. From the looks, he
is said to be a boy with an age from 15 to 18. Silver-colored hair with red eyes. Mostly
seen wearing black coat with a black katana and a gun as his main weapons. Aside
from the appearance, little is known about his identity. He has proven to be a
dangerous hunter, mostly hunting high class maverick alone. Because of that he has
gained fame in the underworld. But because of that too that hes hated by guild in
wherever he is.
Huh, why? The boy asked.
He hunts maverick like bounty hunter, but he himself is a stray - meaning that no
matter how many or how powerful the bounty is, those who doesnt have permission
from the government arent allowed to hunt maverick, therefore, if they insist on
doing it, they wont get paid.
In short, by keep hunting as a stray he just wastes his energy and makes money fly
away from guild. No guild is awarded from the bounty he killed.
Even so, the government seems to detest him too.
The government too?
Yeah. As you can see, government doesnt approve of stray bounty. He also caused
quite damages to his surrounding area wherever he fights. Not only that, the <<Dark
Slayer>> also makes the government looked useless.
Despite all of that, it would be nice if Mr. <<Dark Slayer>> would join our guild. Right
Yeah. By the way, have we ever met before?
Recovered from her sulking, Kagura asked the boy.
I dont know. Sorry, but Im not good at remembering peoples face. Whats wrong?

Oh I see, nothing then. Oh yeah, my names Ka-

She tried to shake the boys hand, hoping to know his name.
The sound of the cat didnt come from a real cat; it was from the boys pocket.
Hold on a minute.
The boy paused Kagura and he looked at his new text from his phone.
It was from Saejima. Asking whether he has reached the house or not.
Im very sorry, but I have to go now. My family is waiting.
Oh dont worry; I should be the one whos apologizing. I kind of disturbed you earlier
and keeping you here.
Yeah, were very sorry. We also have made you stay in this long conversation.
No, I dont mind it. It was a nice conversation. Thanks for the direction umm...
Gokuran Hanzo. Just call me Hanzo.
Okay, thanks Hanzo-san. Then, Ill take my leave. Lets go Rapede.
Bye bye puppy.
Aya gave both of them a parting as both of them left the building.
Whats wrong Kagura? Youve been staring at him since were talking. Youre also
going to introduce yourself huh? Is he maybe your type?
Yujii teased Kagura right after the boy left the building.
Th-thats not it. Im just curious about who he is and whether if we ever met before or
something like that.
Now that you mention it, we havent asked him his name yet have we?
By the way, wheres Ao? I havent seen her since he came here.
Kagura looked for her, but couldnt find her in the guilds store.
Shes at her workshop.

Is that so Yae-san??
Well it cant be helped, she hate men.
Shes the first succubus I see that hate men. What a weirdo.
Sorry, sorry, Kagura-chan. Its just a joke you know.
Yeah I know it, but please dont make a joke about her being succubus and such, she
hates it.
Okay, okay I got it. I also dont want to be punched and kicked and even shot by laser
beam like how I used to.
At least its a good thing that she doesnt hate you and Hanzo-san as much as she
used to. But still, I hope we can help her somehow...
Just leave her be for a while, Im sure one day she will eventually overcome it and
open up.
Youre right Yae-san. Okay then lets get back to work!
What work? We dont have any request or customer at the moment.
Just keep doing what youre doing!!

Its so hot...
The boy wiped out his sweat and continued to walk.
Ah taxi!!
Crap, taken again?? Man I forgot to brought some strawberry milk at that store
earlier. What a pain in the ass.
As he thought that, the boy remembered again about the girl who has a cheagle wood
spirit with her and asked him a question about have they met somewhere before

That girl, asking a question like that, it makes me feel like a main character from an
anime who has been separated with his childhood friend and then reunited again.
Looking at Rapede, the boy also remembered about the cheagle wood earlier.
That spirit too. Most cheagle wood isnt aggressive like the girl said. But they also
dont interact really much with human, but yet that spirit is very friendly toward
stranger like me. Rapede and she also seem friendly. Rapede do you know them?
Woof, woof, woof
As expected from you. I hope I can understand you.
(What about you, Death?)
The boy asked in his mind, which sounded stupid.
But still, he heard a voice. A voice that was very clear in his mind.
Thats the name of the voice.
The voice that can only be heard by him.
(No. But if you really think youve met her before, it must be before you undo the seal.
Therefore I dont know her.)
Hmm is that so. Hehehe... The boy laughed a bit.
(Whats funny?)
(Nothing, I just remembered the conversation earlier with those guys at the guild.)
(Whats wrong with it??)
(I just dont know that <<Dark Slayer>> is also famous in here. But still, despite trying
to help the world, both government and the guild hate him. The world never really
ceases to amaze me.)
(Each people have different perspective about the world. That guild for example, you
heard about what the young man said right? That guild seems to think highly of <<Dark
Slayer>>, unlike the other guilds that despise him.)
(Well not that I really care about that matter though, I just wonder what <<Dark
Slayer>> should do next.)

(He should just do what he wants to do, I guess?)

(Youre right. Lets just get to uncles house and have a nice rest there...)
Cheerfully speaking, the boy continued his journey toward Saejimas house.

It was in the middle of broad day.

Yet, the street was covered in blood.
This was the street in the East District. The district in which border between Arpeggio
and Raven City existed.
The district was also famous for its shopping centre. Many malls, bars, cafes were built
in this part of the town.
Thats why it attracted many people, from children to elder.
But, today it was not those that attracted peoples attention.
The sight of slain maverick was.
Near it, was a girl, a pony-tailed girl. She had a pair of sharp eyes and dignified look on
her face.
Her body feature was just beautiful. She wore a silver breastplate as her armour which
made her looked like a knight.
A pair of blazing dagger in both of her hands.
Upon de-materializing her equipment, the sight of Imperial uniform could be seen.
Indicating that she was one of the government officers.
Call me Captain while were still working!
The boy that was shouted without a doubt was the girl subordinate.
Hazama Jin, the name that was written on his uniform.
A tall body with a good looking face that was covered by the hood of his uniform.
His eyes were shaped like those of wolves.

Thats because hes a <<Night Tangle>>.

One of the demon races that mostly seen working in the night.
Despite of that, he still there, in the broad daylight, doing his job as the girl
Sorry, sorry, my bad Ellis-chan.
Call me Captain already!
Okay, okay, Captain-chan!
Tch, blockhead. So have you called HQ??
Yes, theyre sending Commander Akazaki and Commander Yamashiro to investigate
and begin the [Ascension].
Good, the sight of dead maverick isnt a good sight in this kind of place.
Well they are here to have fun, not watching a bloody corpse in the middle of the day.
Is that sarcasm, Officer Hazama??
Of course no Captain-chan, beside you dont have to put formality when speaking to
me. Just call me Jin is fine, like how you used to be.
First, were still on the working hour. Formality is a must while we are still in the
working hour.
Theres no getting through that dignity inside of yours right? So whats the second?
The second is, past is past, and present is present. I dont care if we used to work
together as a team on equal footing. Youre my subordinate now, you must follow my
Ellis gave Jin a cold and sharp gaze. She really looked like a scary captain at this
Youre so cold Captain-chan. Can you at least show your kindness toward a man who
is out in the broad daylight despite being a night creature??
If you dont like it, then change squad already!
Come on Captain-chan, you used to be cuter than this, especially when he is-

I told you I dont care about the past! Shut up already!

The girl named Ellis that just shouted made people avert their gaze toward them.
So-sorry, sorry, looks like I teased you too much. Then to cheer you up, how about I
give you, nice information??
If it is not related to work, then Im not interested.
Hmm, It is not entirely not related to work, but Im sure youre willing to hear it.
Ellis just stood there silently while giving Jin a cold gaze.
He has arrived in this city. Well, I said that assuming that the train he is boarding isnt
exploding or something like that.
He? You mean...
Yup, Rin is here, thats good isnt it? Its been 1 and a half year since we saw him.
Again, Ellis just stood there silently.
But instead of cold gaze, she has surprised look on her face.
Hm, whats wrong Ellis-chan? Should I say it with more impact?
Those who oppose the laws shall be punished, even if it was him. And one more thing.
Ellis said that with a low-toned voice.
Call me captain.
Another cold but more violent gaze shot Jins eyes. Sweat ran through his body. Jin
thought that at least the news was going to make Ellis happy.
But she wasnt. In fact, it looked like she was in pain.
(That stupid girl, she still wont forgive Rin. What a troublesome favour you asked me,
Rin. )
Silence echoing between those two for a couple of minutes.
Until a sound of a car with siren break through the echoes.

Squad 2 Leader. Reiner Ellis. Report immediately!

Its the <<Garuda>> and the <<Night Tangle>> huh?
The men that were coming out from the car were Saejima and Takeshi.
As soon as Ellis received order, she began to explain what happened.
Okay, head back to HQ and do the writing report and take a rest. Youve done a good
job. You too officer!
Yes, thank you very much.
Both of them left the scene and headed toward their HQ in North District.
Takeshi, what do you think?
What do you mean by what do you think?? As you can see it was dead already. That
<<Garuda>> girl has done well. Not only she could strike straight to the core, she also
had put a seal in case if it is resurrected faster than it should be, like the standard
imperial protocol. She also kept damage minimum to the surrounding.
Thats not what I mean. What I mean is about the girl.
The <<Garuda>>?? Well she looked fine, at least from the outside, if thats what
youre asking. I dont know the inside, Im not a damn psychiatrist.
She is still young and she just survived the Red Purge Incident. And yet, she fights
maverick like its the purpose of her life. I kind of worried about her mental state.
So what Saejima? Her mental state showed a good condition when she enrolled into
the Imperial, better than most of the other survivors. Her ability and fighting skill is
better than any other recruits we had, which made her a captain at such age. Beside
its not like we forced her to join the Imperial. Its true that we tried to recruit every
survivor from the Red Purge, but we didnt force them. If they refuse, so be it.
I know that, but still.
Saejima kept mumbled with worries.
In fact, should we be more grateful? By joining the Imperial, that girl, at least has
something to live for. Unlike the other survivor whos mostly suicide or become batshit crazy because they couldnt overcome their experience.

You have a point there. I guess I worried too much. Alright, thats enough chatting;
lets just begin the [Ascension].
I know it; youre the one who made me talking.
Takeshi walked next to the defeated maverick.
He rolled up his sleeve and began enchanting a spell.
O mighty God, I beseech Thou to forgive this soul as I send it to Thou home.
The name of the spell that Takeshi casted. A holy element type.
Without performing ascension, a maverick could rose again after certain times of its
The time required for maverick to stand again was indefinite.
The low class could take weeks or months before resurrected. The higher class
however only needed couple of hours or minutes to rise up again.
To made things worse, maverick could absorb surrounding negative emotions to fasten
its resurrection.
And to prevent that, a spell called [Ascension] was made during The Great War that
happened 1 millennium ago.
As soon as Takeshi finished his enchanting, a light magic circle was created around the
maverick body.
The maverick body then disappeared into light particle and flew through air.
And that finished todays clean-up.
Faster than I thought.
Our job isnt finished yet. We also should report to the HQ. We also should tell <<The
Defense Enforcer>> to strengthen the censor, many maverick managed to snuck in to
the city lately.
Youre right, better get going then.

It was 3 p.m. already.

After a long walk because the boy couldnt get a taxi or bus or something like that, he
finally arrived at what he thought as Saejimas house.
As a high-ranked officer, his house was just plain. It didnt look any different from his
neighbours house.
It was two-floored house from the outside. Behind it, there was a small garden with a
small pond on it.
The boy walked toward the door and rang the bell.
*Ding dong*
Yes, wait a minute. A faint voice along with foot step could be heard from the other
side of the door.
The door opened and a little girl was standing right in front of the boy. Upon opening
the door, the girl looked a bit surprised when she saw an image of a tall man with a
dog on his head standing in front of her.
The little girl has a petite body. She was wearing a simple t-shirt that matched with her
Woof woof
U-u-um, who are you? The girl asked the boy. She stuttered and blushed a lot for
some unknown reasons.
Is this uncle Saejima? The boy replied.
U-uncle Saejima? Yes. A-are you perhaps the one thats going to live with us?
Yup, my name is Akazaki Rin. And this dog here is Rapede. Well be starting to live
with here from now. Its a pleasure to see you.
Woof woof woof
Rin said with smile and cheerful face
Y-y-y-y-yes, same here. The girl bowed as she replied Rins greeting.
Are you perhaps uncles daughter?
Rin asked the question that has been lingering in his mind ever since she saw the girl.

Y-yes! Im Akazaki Eri. P-p-pleasure to meet you. She bowed again.

Uh yeah, same here. That makes you my cousin then.
Rin also replied Eris greeting as she did with his greeting, without the stuttering stuff
and blush, of course.
Both of them just stood there for a couple of seconds. None of them said a word.
There was not even a gush of wind or cricket sound.
(Crap, this is getting awkward. Shouldnt she let me come in now? I want to come in,
but if I just come in without her letting me in, it would give me a bad impression. Shes
just clumsy right? Right? Somebody please do something to stop this awkwardness
Rin mumbled in his own mind, confused in how to break the awkward moment.
(Just ask her. She has been blushed and stuttered from the beginning of conversation.
Maybe shes just a shy girl, or a clumsy one like you thought.)
Death replied to Rins thought. Rin also decided it was also the best option to stop the
U-um, excuse me, but, may I come in now??
Rin asked with hesitation.
U-u-uh, Im very sorry. Please come in.
Eris face became red. Its obvious that she was very embarrassed.
Rin stepped inside the house and Eri closed the door behind him.
Nee-san who is it?
A boy just came out from one of the room in the house.
The boy dried his hair with towel and you can clearly see that he just took a bath.
The boy was also petite. He also wore a t-shirt and short pants. The only differences
he had with Eri was, instead of short straight hair, the boy had short spiky hair.
If somebody could change Eris and the boys hairstyle, no one could differentiate
between which was Eri and which was the boy.

Well that was expected from twin.

This one here is Akazaki Rin and the dog on his head is Rapede. They are the one that
father talked about.
Surprisingly enough, Eri talked normally when she was talking to his twin brother.
Oh, so you are the one? My name is Akazaki Nara. Pleasure to meet you Nii-san!
Y-yeah nice to meet you too.
Woof woof woof.
Surprisingly enough again, Rin was slightly blushed when he heard Naras greeting.
Death, who was also watching from inside of Rin, also smiled a bit.
Nara was totally the opposite of his big sister. He was one of those cheerful types,
contrary to the shy Eri.
Nee-san, Ill show him the room. You can take the bath now.
Okay, Ill also prepare the bath for N-n-ni-ni- Rin-san bath, after Im done.
Okay, thank you.
Eri left to the bathroom immediately after Rin said his gratitude.
Now come this way Nii-san.
Rin followed Nara to the upstairs. Nara led him until they reached the front door of a
This one here is your room. Across you is Eris room. And beside her is my room. Umm,
thats pretty much everything. If there is something you need, you can ask me or Neesan, or Father.
I see, thanks.
Oh one more thing.
Its about Nee-san. You may have figured it out, but shes really clumsy and become
very shy when talking to the opposite gender. Shes fine though when shes talking

with another family member. But since it was the first time we met you, well you know
how it is. So please forgive her if she caused you any trouble.
Its okay, its okay, I dont mind it. Its also the first time I visit here ever since uncle
Saejima moved out from the main house, even when your mother passed away. I
thought that you guys would be colder, but I guess I was wrong. I kind of relieved.
Its fine, you dont have to worry about that. We dont hate you or anything like that.
Ill be in downstairs and watch TV. Eri or I will call you when the bath is ready.
Okay, thanks again.
Nara left Rin in the upstairs and head down stair.
(Hes really mature, for a boy of his age. He might be more mature than his sister.)
Death said that in Rins mind.
(Well he lost his mother. Maybe he tried to be mature because of that. Well, now I
kinda feel bad for brought that topic when talking to him.)
Rin replied to Deaths opinion about Nara. Both Nara and Eri lost their mother when
they were still very young. Their mother got into a traffic accident, leaving only Saejima
to raise them both.
Rin entered his room. Inside he found that his luggage which consisted of his clothes
and his other things had been delivered safely to his room.
He also found the new school uniform in which he was going to use it tomorrow.
There was also a basket with some kind of cushion on it, probably for Rapede.
Rapede jumped to it and laid his body on it. Definitely for him.
Rin put his bag beside a desk and stretched his back.
(You want to go hunting tonight??)
(Nope, not tonight. Im still having a jet lag you know. Beside I want to observe this
town a little bit.)
(Well okay then, its your call Rin.)
The conversation ended there. Rin headed to the window in his room and looked

Now, I wonder what kind of entertainment that lays ahead??

Rin smiled and mumbled that to himself as he was looking outside the window.

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