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Hales 1

20 questions
Alan-Michael Hales
1. What is Duke Centennial hall named after?
Reason: What its relevance to UNCC is
2. What does Duke consist of?
Reason: Good open ended question
3. What colleges inside of UNCC use Duke?
Reason: good question to put into paper
4. How big is Duke hall?
Reason: good fact to put in paper
5. How much did it cost to build Duke hall?
Reason: good fact to put in paper
6. Is the motorsports part of Duke?
Reason: good question to use for paper
7. Was Duke worth adding to campus?
Reason: good open ending question
8. Where is duke located on campus?
Reason: good question to use for paper
9. Was Duke the only building built at the time of building or was there other buildings also added
to campus?
Reason: good question to add to paper
10. What different kind of labs are in duke?
Reason: stuff to put in paper
11. What is the difference in the EPIC building and Duke?
Reason: stuff to put in paper
12. What major uses most of the building?
Reason: good thing to put in paper
13. Have you ever been to Duke?
Reason: Survey question

Hales 2
14. How did you first hear about Duke hall?
Reason: survey question
15. Why is Duke so far from all residence halls?
Reason: interview question
16. Would you ever visit Duke?
Reason: Survey Question
17. Whats your favorite part of Duke?
Reason: Survey Question
18. Have you been to any of the labs inside Duke?
Reason: Survey Question
19. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear about Duke?
Reason: Survey Question
20. Do you know what Duke was named after?
Reason: Survey Question

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