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Name: Sean Sehn

Date: November 19, 2014

Article Title: Current Event Summaries

Citation of the Article: Treisman, Daniel. "Ukraine's Strong Argument for Military
Aid." CNN. CNN, Sept.-Oct. 2014. Web. 19 Nov. 2014.

Summary (No less than 10 sentences for full credit)

[September 4, 2014]
This article is about the struggles the Ukraine is facing right now during battle
against Russians rebels. The article asks whether or not the Western World
should supply heavy arms for the Ukraine in their time of troubles. So far,
President Obama and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel have been hesitant to
supply the Ukraine with the heavy arms. Although some have been reluctant, the
NATO has already announced their plans to strengthen Eastern Europes borders
and stop an attempt by Russia to invade. Over the years the Ukrainian military has
gotten weaker and weaker. In this current age they have trouble even just barely
preventing their defeat. If they are going to attempt to win battles and defeat
their enemies they will need to have current day defensive technology such as anti
tank and aircraft weapons along with strategic information that would have to be
provided by a strong nation that is willing to help the Ukraine. If a nation decides
to provide the Ukraine with more advanced weapons then there could be some

dangerous consequences. If Kiev and the Ukraine were provided with the more
advanced firepower then they could escalate the battle they are having with Russia
to a much larger scale. The final statement of the article was expressing how if
the Ukraine built a better state and gave their people more rights then it could
bring a big change to their nation which could make them stronger in return.

Reaction (Must include evidence of point of view and/or bias and/or understanding
of article; no less than 6 sentences for full credit)

After reading this article I had mixed opinions. I think that the Ukraine does
deserve some support so that they have a chance against Russia but I do not think
that the United States should get too involved. Over the years, Russia has treated
the Ukraine very poorly so it was the correct move to fight back. However, I think
organizations should support the Ukraine instead of specific nations. If the United
States for example supported the Ukraine, they would face the risk of a Russian
attack or would be forced to participate. In conclusion, I believe that the Ukraine
does need and deserve help but not from a country that would cause the war to
grow to a more serious level.

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