Unit 1 - Sports Day

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Dear Editor,

I have recently attended the sports day in Bedford High School and I really enjoy it,
despite your reporter's opinion, which is described at your latest newspaper's edition. So, I
becide to write you about, because I realise that you care, just like me,

for the

community's prosperity.
First of all, I would like point out an hypebolic inaccuracy. Of course were not all the
attenders unhappy, some of them always will be. I heard that only two or three from them
complained about the event results. Every body else were happy and expressed about it
positively. I think they enjoyed the event and this is proved from the sports activity
partitipation. There were ten different sports activities specialy for parents and their
responce was surprisily high. The swimming pool for example, was full all day.
Of course in such social events might happen unpredictable insidents, such us the
hot day or the accident which was happened during the football game. You can not blame
on the organizing cometee for that. I should underline, that only one accident occured and
there was a nurse, who was qualified to deal with such injuries. Also the organizers
delivered soft drinks and cold water due to high temprature, but unfortunately there were
not enough.
I will not forgive the organizers if that happens again in the future events. They must
prepare for all of these, specially for safety, which might be happen again and they must
extract learned lessons from that. I know from the previous year event that a lot of
improvment existed but I am confident that the next year event will be better.
Finally I believe that this year event was tremendus succesful, and that is why it
must be institiutionaly consecrated every year. I think the Bedfords High School steering
cometee must cooperate with local authorities in that direction.
opportunities for social improvment would not be developed.
Yours sinserely
Thomas Liontos
Bedford Citizen.

It is quite pity such

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