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The Farm

Grade: 1st
Common Core Standards
CC.1.2.1.A: Identify the main idea and retell key details of the text.
CC.1.5.1.A: Participate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults in small and
larger groups.
Arts and Humanities Standards
9.1.3.G: Recognize the function of rehearsals and practice sessions.
9.1.3.H: Handle materials, equipment and tools safely at work and performance spaces.
Students will be able to sequence the beginning, middle, and end parts of a story.
Students will be able to identify farm animal sounds.
Students will be able to isolate vowels and consonants on given words.
Mrs. Wishy Washys Farm by Joy Cowley
Story Sequencing Worksheet
Isolating Worksheet
Construction paper
Popsicle sticks
Crayons, color pencils, markers
Animal sounds app

Circle Time/ Morning Meeting

In circle time the first thing we do is say hello to each other. I say good morning class
and they respond good morning Ms. Torres
After greeting each other we begin our calendar activities where the weather person of
the week goes over the day, month, year, and weather.

Once we have gone over the date, I will introduce our new theme. We have a new theme
that involves cows, pigs and horses. Can anyone take a guess as to what our theme might
be? I will call on students who have their hands raised, when a student responds with the
answer the farm I will exclaim Yes! The theme we will be learning about is The
I will activate prior knowledge about the topic the farm by asking the students the
following questions:
- What do you know about farms?
- Have you been on a farm before? If yes, what did you see or do?
- What kinds of animals can you find on a farm?
After a couple of minutes of conversation I will introduce the book Mrs. Wishy Washys
Farm by Joy Cowley. My students will already be familiar with Mrs. Wishy Washy so I
will explain that the book we will be reading is about Mrs. Wishy Washys farm. Since
the students are already familiar with the main character I will have them predict what
she will be doing in this farm book. We will talk about the front cover and then proceed
to read the story, pausing at certain pages to ask for predictions.
After we have read the story the students will go back to their seat and I will explain the
activities we will be doing.


I will have students work in centers for the rest of the lesson. There will be 4 centers
covering different activities.
- Table 1: Story sequencing worksheet
- Table 2: Create own puppets to go along with Mrs. Wishy Washys Farm characters.
- Table 3: Isolate vowels and consonants.
- Table 4: Free write with the Prompt If Mrs. Wishy Washy tried to wash me I
I will model each activity with the students before having them do it. I will also explain
that I will be playing animal sounds when it is time to move to the next center. For
example if they hear a moo that means they should start finishing up their work and when
they hear a quack they need to move on to the next center.

Closing/ Evaluation

To wrap up the lesson I will have students act out the story with the puppets they made
during their centers. Each group will have the opportunity to go to the front of the class
and use the puppets they made to retell the story. I will have assigned parts beforehand so
that everything runs out smoothly, but the puppets would include: Mrs. Wishy Washy,
cow, duck, pig, tub, and mud.
I will be assessing the students all throughout the lesson by walking around and asking
questions and by the work they hand in at the end of the lesson.

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